anyone preparing for...
Enough mats for myself and then some to sell to people who didnt.
For a premium of course.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Enough mats for myself and then some to sell to people who didnt.
For a premium of course.
Pretty much this.
Terribad Ranger
Stormbluff Isle
It also comes down to how expensive these things are gonna be (and if they add something to discover at 425 and 475 besides exotics).
Will each item cost as much as a weapon?
Will we just craft a box of armor for as much as a weapon?
Are any new time gated mats going to be introduced?
And if jewelry comes out with armor, will they be able to craft infusions and will ascended trinkets cost less than the laurel merchant?
I think I have enough for myself lying around. I also wonder if they’ll change the cost or if the speculators will make out big when the patch drops.
I will be levelling Leatherworking so stacked enough of mats for this already. OFC all depends what exact mats will be needed and if current ascended leather squares will be used in final recipie. If so, I prolly have enough to make a full set already.
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
Tailoring here, and yeah I’m pretty sure I’ve got enough mats set aside.
Ideally, people will be buying refined mats of the lower levels, and unrefined mats in T5-T6 to level up crafting.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the price is stable for the first week or two, because everyone is stockpiling mats.
T6 gun be crazy expensive…
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
My poor progress towards my legendary (gifts that require 250 refined mats, t6 mats being eaten up leveling to 500, etc.), unless you can eventually turn an ascended weapon into a precursor ascended crafting does (at least temporarily) eat up a good amount of mats you would use in a legendary.
as something of a crafting fanatic (I’ve already gotten Weaponsmith/Huntsman/Artificer to 500) I plan on preparing to hit 500 in Armorsmith/Leatherworker/Tailor within a day or two of the Ascended Armor update. Based on the numbers from getting the weapons crafts to 500, I expect to need 115-120 ectos per craft, 15 of 5 different types of T6 mats (blood, poison sacs, etc) and 20 of 2 others, as well as 2 stacks of T6 ore/leather/silk (actually 2 stacks of unrefined + 1 stack of refined).
If you plan on crafting ascended armor once you reach 500, expect to set aside 1-3 stacks of the lower tier (T2-4) crafting materials (ore/leather) as well and 3-4 stacks of T5 ore/leather. If the recipes are at all similar to the makeup of exotic armor, expect to save at least twice as much T2-5 silk as you would ore/leather.
Dog Biscuits [DOG] – Stormbluff Isle
Self-Proclaimed King of Orr – “It’s MY Island”
Not preparing for it at all.
I still have one character who isn’t even in exotic armor yet. Only one character (out of 5) has full Exotic jewelry, the rest are in Greens. Weapons are mostly a mix of rare and exotic on all characters (not a single ascended among them, haven’t leveled a single weapon craft past 410). Partially because I don’t have a whole lot of money, and partially because I’m not really that concerned with maxing all my gear ASAP since I don’t do WvW and don’t really do dungeons either (I want to, but with the constant barrage of LS stuff I just can’t find the time to learn them).
Every time I think I can start saving up some materials / gold for something like better gear / ascended crafting, they introduce some new item that I need to buy ASAP and I end up selling all my mats to buy said item. First it was the Zodiac weapons (bought 2), then the Halloween weapons (bought 2), now the Dreamthistle weapons (which I ideally want to buy at least 5 of, love ‘em so much). Gotta buy ’em when they get released or else the price jumps way out of my budget, so it becomes a sellabananza where I need to sell everything I’ve got to try and make money in addition to farming.
And of course, now they nerfed champ farming at the one point when I really need to start making some serious money right now, so that isn’t going to help my money situation. I was making good money on farming the Clock Tower for ToT bags during the first couple weeks when bags were selling for 3.5 – 4s a pop, but that dried up pretty quick as the prices plummeted once people had their achieves.
So far I’ve managed to at least keep my stock of T5 / T6 fine and basic crafting materials and ectos, but unless I get some good drops in the very near future I might end up liquidating those as well to afford the Dreamthistle weapons I want.
Frankly, the only reason I’d “stock up” on mats for ascended crafting at this point would be to resell later. I could probably make some decent profit off doing that, but I need the money for Dreamthistle so that’s out too. Can’t do both, and Dreamthistle weapons require that I buy them now.
I have plenty of cloth and leather saved up, but I wish I had more T6 fine mats. I have just about enough for my legendary weapon, but I guess I’ll have to spend a good chunk of those to get ascended armor.
I should however be able to sell my excess stock for about 300g, which will be a nice boost.
I already have all the components that I need for all three. I’m just stockpiling cloth (all tiers), T6 fine components (blood, claws, etc), orichalcum ore, and T7 mats (mainly deldimor ingots).
I should have enough of kittens for my needs, my main goal when they come out is to get to 450 asap, and then bide my time for the other crafting to get me most of the way to 475 (I think for weapons I did the daily refinement for a month until I was satisfied to craft from 473 to 500).
Bleh, as much as ascended gear were suppose to be a bridge. They eat up too much t6 mats/ectos(/dust) to max crafting.
Also, I did some calcs last week on the supposed stats of ascended armor. If the numbers I used were correct the gain is pitiful (like +20-30 for the main stat, and even only +~1% DR max from the extra armor) compared to the amount of ectos and t6 mats needed to get there, not to mention the lesser mats/time gated stuff.
I’m both happy (that it isn’t necessary) and depressed (that it’s such a waste to even bother). Assuming the values I saw were correct.
You’re correct about what you saw with armor. The bulk of the stat upgrades come from accessories.
I’ve got full basic t6 mats (general and refined) plus spare stacks of same, half a stack or better of each t6 fine mat, several full or near full stacks of lodestones (dunno if I’ll need them, but paranoia never hurts), 6 stacks of loot bags saved for a rainy day, plus most of a stack of guilded coffers, and 600g spare (another 200g on the TP in a price correction effort that I can instantly recall if needed, and easily 100g more in pending purchase/sale.)
I’m not rich, but it’ll do for how fast I plan to make armor. I want a dark matter stockpile, but thus far have been unfortunate with my salvage kits.
//Portable Corpse
I’m ready to make a profit by selling mats once they skyrocket in price! Because for every person saving up mats to make their own armors, there’s 100 more who didn’t plan ahead.
have 30-100k per t2-t5 material (cloth leather ore) stored in TP to higher prices than i buyd them now for months with win range 30%-150%. Some Stacks per t6 fine material + tons other t6 stuff like 50 stacks bolt of gossamer …
the day the patch hits i make big profit but most profit i made already on ppl stocking for the patch
and best is i made all my investments allready back and work on the patches after^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
I started preparing for it but then I decided that bank and inventory spaces are much more important. We don’t know if we get it by the end of the year and knowing Anet they probably meant end of the next year. I rather buy the stuff or just start over when I took a look at the actual recipe. We never know what Anet has up their sleeves.
Are any new time gated mats going to be introduced?
There are already slots for those in the ascended materials collection.