crafting = not fun at all
Crafting isn’t fun here because it’s not rewarding financially. That’s one of the drawbacks of a very well-run economy.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Is this how crafting is like in other MMO’s?
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Honestly, how fun can crafting be? You put things together to get another thing. Eve does do it right but that whole game is based on crafting.
But in EVE you can actually lose what you crafted: can be stolen, destroyed… here everything is permanent (OK. excluding foods )
I very much enjoy the crafting aspect of games, especially ones with a deep intricate system. I played an artisan/architect in star wars galaxies (pre cu) and that was really like having a job but I spent far more time on that character than I did with my combat character.
This games system is pretty fun but I really didnt enjoy it until I figured it out and could actually afford the time and in game money to really do anything with it. that seems to be the problem with most new players as well as the plethora of resources you’ll need to even get above 75. it really seems like an after thought or just something to do when you hit 80 but it can benefit your character(s) personally if you choose to invest time into it. there are many tutorial guides on this forum and on youtube that helped me tremendously so definitely check those out. good luck
Ferguson’s Crossing [MAIN]
I hate to say but the crafting is the main reason I go to other games instead. GW2 has the potential for a decent crafting system, but it’s not there. The biggest problem with GW2 as opposed to games that have good crafting is item drops are just handed to you constantly, so prices are so deflated. There’s a few recips worth something, but by far most just aren’t. They really need to take a page from FFXIV with regards to crafting.
Crafting is a grindy moneysink and mainly superfluous to boot, so I agree that it is not fun at all. It would help if there were more skins available to crafters, including cultural armor skins (of which there are not nearly enough, especially from a sylvari and charr POV — those species look weird or downright bad in “human” gear).
It also doesn’t help that it’s impossible to make anything fun as a crafter. What few fun/gimmicky elements exist in GW2 are from the gem store, and even those are not exactly exiting.
The most fun I’ve had with crafting in a MMO was as an Engineer in WoW. Parachute cloaks, teleportation devices, fireworks and firework launchers, jumper cables, mechanical chickens etc. etc. — the fact that many of these items didn’t always work or could even backfire was just a quirky bonus. Granted, the profession was quite underpowered and painful to level in vanilla, but I still enjoyed it because it was unique and offered something beyond the kill-loot-repeat boredom.
I actually really enjoyed crafting, especially discovering cooking recipes.
Only the cooking craft could ever actually be considered to be “fun”.
Also, the myriad of crafting guides out there that most people follow stomp any potential fun out of crafting in general.
I’m not sure the crafting system was ever designed to be “fun” anyway. The ability to obtain and craft a variety of skins, would extend it’s usefulness a bit, but I’m not sure it would make it “fun”.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Crafting would be considered more useful if it wasn’t a huge money drain for little return.
Crafting is a resource hog and a pain in the kitten . Discovery CAN be fun but it’s mostly the same crap of most MMOs except it gives XP, if rushing to 80 is your thing.
So far I regret immensely spending so much time and resources on being a master weapon and armorsmith hoping it would pay off in fun/gold after I’d mastered them. Moreover, you’re not able to make stuff for yourself at a reasonable rate and it’s stupid to do that anyway since there’s gear essentially for free all the way up to 80 in the tp.
Now i’m looking into this quartz thing but apparently I have to play this stupid race and complete event checklist to have access to a quartz node, instead of, you know, crafting-related stuff.
(edited by Harbard.5738)
I have played MMO’s for nearly a decade and they are all the same. Gather, collect and store till needed. I would however like to see a few more rare recipe drops.