easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: MaxTheWrecker.5832


Just a heads up for when the precursor scavenger actually lands: its not going to be cheap and it will be time consuming. Anet is definetly not planning for the scavenger hunt to be some easy alternative for getting your precursor. It seems like a lot of people think that. sorry to burst your bubble, but thats just not going to happen. scavenger hunt will just be another way to get your precursor, and might be a lot more expensive / time consuming than the way it is now. i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but dont get your hopes up of scavenger hunt being some easy alternative.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: MyCondolences.8172


think peoples main concern with obtaining precursors now wasnt the cost or time involved but rather the fact it came down to dumb luck, and that people wanted a way to work towards precursors rather then blow large sums of money down the mystic toilet hoping for some return.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: Scizzor.8137


think peoples main concern with obtaining precursors now wasnt the cost or time involved but rather the fact it came down to dumb luck, and that people wanted a way to work towards precursors rather then blow large sums of money down the mystic toilet hoping for some return.

Pretty much this. I’ll pass on the RNG toilet.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

I’d always figured that the whole point of the precursor scavenger hunt was that it’s a sure way to get it. I definitely wouldn’t mind putting the money and time in if I know I’ll get the precursor at the end of it.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: cranked.3812


Not sure what the point of this thread is?

As was said, people just want to be able to know they can eventually get it if they work toward it, be it through a hunt or crafting.

You started this thread as if anyone ever said it was going to be easy. Not sure where you got that idea from?? Sounds pretty troll to me.

easy precursor hunt? i dont think so.

in Crafting

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

I don’t mind if it requires work and time. Least this way it feels like I’m making head way instead of having to pray to the RNG gods that it will only cost a few hundred gold to be blessed with a precursor. If I’ve learned anything in my time here. RNG hates my guts.
So if I’m given a second option I’m more then happy to decide for myself what path is more appealing to me.
