finding recipe sheets after patch september
Sadly they appear to be removed completely. It’s one of the many gripes I have with the NPE.
Thanks for the response .
That’s too bad they are gone. No need to do some events then, if there is no reward anymore. Oh well.
Thanks for the response
That’s too bad they are gone. No need to do some events then, if there is no reward anymore. Oh well.
Well, the XP is good if you’re still leveling.
Just an update that I DID find the Mushroom Soup recipe! It’s actually been moved to the Heart NPC in Wychmire Swamp (the one next to where the Jungle Wurm world boss spawns).
However, I saw no sign of Eda’s Apple Pie or the Poached Eggs from Drottot Lashtail.
Just an update that I DID find the Mushroom Soup recipe! It’s actually been moved to the Heart NPC in Wychmire Swamp (the one next to where the Jungle Wurm world boss spawns).
However, I saw no sign of Eda’s Apple Pie or the Poached Eggs from Drottot Lashtail.
OK. So there are some recipes left. (Or scarmbled around somewhere.) Looks like were going to look for them from zero again (=_=). A hide-and-seek recipe adventure.
I can’t find the Mushroom Soup recipe. Laewyn there only sells the Warden Rations recipe.
Oh. Maybe it’s another NPC then. (I’m 100% certain I did see another NPC selling it, and it was definitely a Sylvari NPC.)