Kiel Replacement Movement
gw2 precursor recipe/scavanger hunt news?
Kiel Replacement Movement
It was expected in 2013. Man these guys got no words and no shame…
The feature patch will be such a joke.
The feature patch will be such a joke.
I don’t know that it will be a joke, but I firmly believe that this feature patch is going to either make or break Arenanet.
There will always be players on both sides of the fence. Those that love it, and those that hate it, with a smattering of those who don’t care/don’t notice, but with so many issues that have come up over the last year or so that people have been wanting resolved, fixed, changed, and the hype that Arenanet has put into this features patch, it would seem, in my opinion, like it’s going to be a very polarizing event. In the long run, the success of it depends on where the majority of players fall in the like/dislike area. If the majority of players are happy with the patch, the game will start to grow again, but if the majority of them dislike it Arenanet will have a very long road to recovery, and there may be serious financial consequences (lack of players using gem store, etc.).
Well this is the company that waited 8 years between GW1 and GW2. I feel like a lot of people apparently, that this is more political jargon, devised to keep people from jumping ship from their game. I mean there is no expansion coming, there is no precursor crafting coming. So no new races, professions, world maps, cities, skills, weapon types (I’m talking about dagger, sword, staff etc.) Just more grind, more mending fences quests, gem store, living story bs. What’s to keep people playing? GVG? LOL!
they do these updates to try to keep the game fresh and interesting every 2 weeks (not atm due to being the end of the arc) all without subscription fees, im pretty sure world of warcraft, with their subscription fees and initial buy, waits an entire year before bringing something out that you have to buy to play
thanks anet for this extra FREE content
Kiel Replacement Movement
Hehe, wow… I love how people try to side with Anet and take the approach that every cloud has a silver lining.
Face it people, in every cloud there’s a chance at rain, and it’s not RNG. Anet devs seem to be very accurate in choosing which ones will pour the most on us.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
So we were told one thing then offered the “things have changed” line as an excuse?
Nice. PR is really not working for you at the moment.
Here’s the thing from the perspective of an ordinary player, and of course is purely my opinion, I do not claim to speak on behalf of anyone else. You tell us pretty much nothing. You keep us in the dark and make blanket statements about things that will come in X amount of days/weeks/months. In fact, you make these statements regularly in the form of big announcements. So we wait, and get nothing. I understand fundamentally we don’t work for you therefore we don’t need know the inner workings of your company or the decision processes that go on. We are however your customers. Your customer complaints are dealt with by moderators who give infractions and delete posts that are “unflattering”. If you don’t allow for criticism how will you know what we think? Sure, I get it – the internet is full of people that like to complain. But Arena Net, we have a legitimate complaint here.
You told us this game wouldn’t be about grind, that people don’t want to grind, or in the words of one of your employees “hey I swung a sword”. Guess what the game is? Grind, and a whole lot of “oh hey I swung a sword again, that’s great”. Then we get an “announcement” to look ahead – I believe the same person made this announcement too, that new features like precursor crafting would be in by the end of 2013. Then we were told well no, sorry we didn’t have time. Now we’re told the game has changed and we can’t have certain things any time soon.
What changed? Why didn’t you have time? From our perspective, all we see is small updates every 2 weeks. The last 3 LS updates were tiny – the same map with “events” that rotated every hour. That’s not a lot of programming there -if it was it certainly didn’t seem like it. We had the introduction of a wurm, a marionette and had a background LS component previously, but the last few – one map, two events that rotate every hour. So what is taking up all the time? Along that line – what has changed? The game went from being one where no grind was on offer to being a hugely grindy game. Precursors – buying them off the trading post is NOT legendary. It’s grind. New armor – grind for it. Nothing has changed. You added a few cosmetic changes, new armors, a new looking way of showing your achievements, a wallet, you added a few maps to PvP ………….. why the delay? You give out information on stuff that is meaningless and keep everything else hidden like it’s going to be mind shatteringly awesome when you reveal it. The problem is, we’ve now been conditioned to not believe you. You make grand statements constantly – eg. “no grind”, “this will rock Tyria to its core” (if you think the way Scarlet was dealt with after a year of her was equal to “rocking Tyria to its core” we clearly have different ideas of what that means. If you think the showing of a dragon mouth opening is that rocking to the core … it was a cut scene not an actual dragon), and you never, follow through. Instead you offer platitudes and excuses and add more junk to the gem store in the hope we’ll see past the misdirection by being distracted by the new “shinies”.
You took how many weeks off over Xmas? Yep, you’re allowed a break. Did the whole company have time off at the same time? You have how many teams working on LS content? You have claimed you have more “working behind the scenes” on something else. Is any of this true? Is it a case you are feeding us fluff hoping we won’t notice you consistently fail to follow through on things you claim will happen? The last few months seem like you have given up. Small updates only and nothing that would classify as huge. The same LA map with two different events that rotated every hour. That’s an hour of game play. It took you 3 months to make one map and 2 x one hour game play. Then you say you don’t have time to include things you mentioned last year.
To say I’m disappointed is an understatement. Before people come in and tell me I’m QQing. I’m a customer and player of this game just like everyone else. I’m allowed to express frustration and disappointment. Am I being too harsh? I don’t think so. Am I surprised that something we were told would happen isn’t? Sadly, not anymore. What would surprise me would be if they said “hey we’re going to introduce X” then they actually did it.
You showed a dragon mouth opening and mention it at the bar scene … I’ll believe it when I see it. For now, I’m taking the view that it won’t happen because you wont have time or the game has changed too much.
(edited by poziix.7285)
neural calm down – its STILL early 2014
I don’t know how to tell you this but… 2014 is 25% over already…
Hehe, wow… I love how people try to side with Anet and take the approach that every cloud has a silver lining.
Face it people, in every cloud there’s a chance at rain, and it’s not RNG. Anet devs seem to be very accurate in choosing which ones will pour the most on us.
If you start putting it that way, nothing is RNG.
@Ema: It seems you live behind a giant rock if you haven’t noticed the tons of new stuff we get since release… the feature patch seems to have some significant changes as well. And all of your frustration because of a feature which got delayed…?! LOL.
This combined is much more than a expansion would have released in one go in the same time. It’s not all permanent, that’s true, but when you play the game regularly it’s huge – and because of the living world focus you’ll always be around people instead of having wastelands after the first few weeks.
@Ema: It seems you live behind a giant rock if you haven’t noticed the tons of buggy, crap, temporary stuff we got since release…
See what I did there?
I fixed your post …
You are welcome …
@Ema: It seems you live behind a giant rock if you haven’t noticed the tons of buggy, crap, temporary stuff we got since release…
See what I did there?
I fixed your post …
You are welcome …
If you don’t like the game just stop playing it man.
Some of it was temporary, some of it was permanent. Some of it was freaking awesome, other were just ordinary and a part was just strait bad. Guess what, its the same thing with EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. If you find that everything Anet did in the past year is crap, then no hard feeling. Maybe the game is not good for you. Pls complain against something specific, don’t just say : everything is crap period.
Casual players like myself will have no chance to craft one anyway. I can’t even level my crafting from 400-500 with the INSANE amounts of items needed just to craft 1 kitten insignia and then I need another 4 of them plus other mats.
BALLS to that. Grind Wars2
I’m just going to leave this here.
Personally, I’m disappointed because making a legendary was a goal that kept me playing. I have everything but the precursor and some dungeon tokens, but now it seems buying the precursor will be the only option for a while longer. Grinding that much gold doesn’t really motivate me to play.
It’s the same with ascended armour (at least light armour). I’ve made one piece, but the next is so far out of reach that it’s just not motivating. And I had many, many silk scrap stacks waiting for that crafting change. Basically, there’s not much in the way of personal goals for me in this game right now. I still play and enjoy the fantastic game world, just not with the same excitement and dedication as before.
I am at the same place as you Mercypsy.
The feature patch will be such a joke.
I don’t know that it will be a joke, but I firmly believe that this feature patch is going to either make or break Arenanet.
There will always be players on both sides of the fence. Those that love it, and those that hate it, with a smattering of those who don’t care/don’t notice, but with so many issues that have come up over the last year or so that people have been wanting resolved, fixed, changed, and the hype that Arenanet has put into this features patch, it would seem, in my opinion, like it’s going to be a very polarizing event. In the long run, the success of it depends on where the majority of players fall in the like/dislike area. If the majority of players are happy with the patch, the game will start to grow again, but if the majority of them dislike it Arenanet will have a very long road to recovery, and there may be serious financial consequences (lack of players using gem store, etc.).
Financially I doubt there would be much problem. Since it seems the majority of money is spent by a tiny minority of players anyway. As long as those people are happy there is no financial problem. It should be easy to figure out who those people are as well.
Sounds like people put all their eggs into this precursor crafting and spent their gold elsewhere, when they could of saved up and gotten it long ago. I too had been putting my precursor off for my second legendary, doing all the other gifts first. Maybe they’ll have it out before I wrap up my third.
My problem with the way long-term goals are designed: it feels too dependant on the tradingpost. I doubt that most people accumulate all the needed mats through collecting them themselves. All those hundrets of t6 mats means a LOT of time doing Orr/Frostgorge sound and/or Champion-box farming. Not that fun.
If I would design long term goals, I’d make them muss less dependant on the TP.
Well here is an idea I came up with recently. What if player get special currency item after completing the personal story end in reward box or even mail to further purchase precursor from Npc and also this precursors can be soul bound to prevent market inflation… If done so players will be willing to do their story even more so and they be satisfied by results and as for company they won’t lose customers.
This won’t happen, but it should have been in the game since launch!
It would make so much sense to introduce legendary crafting at the end of the personal story.
Personally I wish someone could chronicle all the dev post starting with Lindsey Murdocks post 3 months after launch talking about the concern of precursor prices and continue on until this post here. I would be very interested to see the how stories change and false statements remain in the history.
Hell I wish people could do that with most major issues. Condi damage, Fractal level reset, incomplete patch notes(stealth changes), and dungeon issues since launch. All of these blanket statements were made but nothing came out of them.
So they aren’t implementing crafting a legendary. Big deal. You all act like this is something new and shocking in an MMO company. If you ever played an MMO before, you know to take whatever devs or the company say with a grain of salt and believe it when it actually happens. I knew they weren’t gonna implement or if they did, it was something that was on the back burner.
As for crying about it, ok so most of the people crying have everything except the precursor from back in mid 2013. That means you have had almost a year to save gold. If you haven’t saved 700-800g in almost a year, then you all fail. Even playing casual, its easy to save that much. If you try and say “well I bought other stuff”, well that’s you fault and it means you really didn’t want a precursor bad enough.
My advice is quit sitting on your thumbs waiting for the crafting and just save the cash and buy a precursor and be done with it. Make it happen for yourself. Play, save, grind or go home.
Am I legendary yet!?
Wow. I love how you think ‘buying one’ is the answer to everything. It’s like saying “I’m giving up”. Such a defeatist way of doing things. Sure people can and do buy them, but does that make it right?
The moral compass in some people (right vs wrong attitude) appears to be missing.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I’m assuming you are referring to me and if that is the case, I’m not quite sure how buying a precursor with gold you earn in game is morally wrong. It’s not like legendaries are anything other than a time sink in a game which doesn’t represent anything IRL. Now sure if you buy gold and then buy pixels with real cash, I think that’s kind of stupid but to each their own there.
As it stands now, you got 2 ways to get a precursor, grind gold and buy it off the TP or grind gold and buy/craft rares or exos and throw them in the MF. Either way, you are having to grind gold. One way is guaranteed and the other is a crapshoot whether you get one. So are you saying if you buy rares/exos and throw them in the MF, that too is a morally wrong decision on getting a precursor? I mean even if they add a crafting way for precursors, you really think it won’t involve grinding gold to some extent? I at the least you need to grind 100g to buy the runestones.
Your analogy about buying a precursor being wrong is like saying its wrong to buy T6 mats, the sigil, the recipe needed to make the gift or anything else that requires gold to make the legendary. Not the defeatist way, the surest feasible way atm.
Am I legendary yet!?
Besides buying the necessary icy runestones and the recipes for the respective gifts, I’ve not dropped another gold into my legendary thus far. Period. The only gold I’ve invested so far is the mat’s (T5’s) to make rare weapons to try for a chance in the forge. As it stands, flushing 1000 rares is about half the price of buying a pre off the TP.
In other words, I’ve earned my legendary up to this point, and felt good about it. I’ve not had the guilt associated with buying one from another person who put one up on the TP for a quick buck. Yes it’s a grind to get everything including the precursor, but that’s the way Anet intended it. If you wanna shortcut your way there, good for you. Personally I won’t cheap myself out for the sake of progress, as I want to be able to say I’ve earned what I carry.
Anet basically have told us there’s no other way of getting one at this point in time, aside these two options. I’ve been waiting long enough (beyond 18 months) for something to be done about this and my patience has stretched thin, along with several others here. I want to get this goal achieved and then move onto something else, but buying my way there feels wrong. Sure they’re pixels to you, but what else does having a legendary mean to you? Quite obviously not a lot.
You do what you do, I’ll do the right thing according to what I believe I should be doing.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I was in teamspeak when this happened >.>
@Valandil Dragonhart.2371 so RNG is skill? How does one “earn” RNG??? Getting a pre cursor is based on something outside of anyones control. So a person who plays 1-2 hours a weeks gets lucky and gets a pre to drop. Another person plays 10 times that amount a week and never gets one to drop. If that is your definition of “earning” by all means. Go for it.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Daniel, what I mean is I’ve earned everything up to this point. I know it’s hard to ‘earn’ a pre just from a drop or getting lucky in the forge, but since there’s no other way then it’s kind of tough to define how else to earn one without dumping mountainous amounts of gold into getting one assuredly and easily from the TP, and cheapening the feel of that legendary.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Daniel, what I mean is I’ve earned everything up to this point. I know it’s hard to ‘earn’ a pre just from a drop or getting lucky in the forge, but since there’s no other way then it’s kind of tough to define how else to earn one without dumping mountainous amounts of gold into getting one assuredly and easily from the TP, and cheapening the feel of that legendary.
I can’t tell you that the way you feel is wrong, but I am currently working towards my second legendary. My first legendary I decided what I was after, started collecting materials and occasionally threw the right type of rares into the mystic forge. In the mean time I kept an eye on the precursor in the TP, and getting an idea of the value I should expect to pay for it. After a couple months of saving, I put an offer in at the TP I thought would be accepted and despite being overbid shortly after my bid was filled within a week.
The second precursor I got from a camp running around with a Zerg in WvW. I can tell you which one I think I earned.
Valandil, My apologizes, I misunderstood your post. I have made one. Earned every item, only because I got lucky and got the legend from forge. Took me about 9 months. Never really got in a hurry figured it would happen when it happened. I bought one from tp as well. Where as I have different feeling about the acquisition of them, I feel I earned them both. As I spent a great deal of time just to make the money to buy the second one.
I can’t expect anyone to understand the way I feel about it; there are others here who agree with me and flat-out refuse to pay for someone else’s good luck. Like you said Daniel, if it happens it happens. I took my lowly mesmer outlast weekend into some WvW battles as support only, but in a group we were running with, someone nailed the Chaos Gun from killing either another player or a guard. Yes, random is random, but how long would you wait without shelling out that cash before you got to the point of frustration because RNG hates you so much?
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
I don’t know. I raised about 120 gold in a week, and I’m not even hardcore in the least. I feel like precursors are hard to get, but not that hard. The luck factor is the thing that I take issue with. My friend has gotten three precurser drops and he plays even less than me…
To be honest honest, I’m glad they’re changing the way they were working things. I’d be willing to bet that the old system they had was going to be grindy as heck. Maybe this one will be a little more than, “it’s still easiest to farm gold so go farm gold and buy mats.”
I think they should just work with what they’ve got, honestly. Perhaps obtain items like the gift from each dungeon, completion of x-amount of world bosses, x-amount of skill points, etc. I like it when you just play the game naturally and slowly achieve what your goal is. That’s a little more like what this game was all about at launch.
Quoting Mark Katzbach:
“The way progression and rewards work in Guild Wars 2 have changed quite a bit since we initially talked about that feature, and our main horizontal progression systems are about to get some additional updates in the upcoming feature pack. Because of that, we are looking into several ways to integrate building your precursor into our new updated reward and progression systems we’re working on, which is requiring additional development time and iteration."
Because of this, I wouldn’t expect precursor crafting to be any less of a grind than it was intended to be… but we can’t be sure yet because we’ve seen nothing physical come from this besides some datamined code. The rest is all words from devs.
Also, don’t expect it before 2015.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
£85 =8000 gems, 8000 gems = roughly 520 gold.
So curently £85 x 2 = a pre-cursor + some.
Its sad but im pretty sure this is how they really want you to get your precursors, with real money.
The demand for these items is extremely high. If they were just looking for people to buy gems, they could just as easily increase the drop frequency. This would increase supply and lower the price…but more players would probably be willing to buy $50 in gems than $100, so it would even out.
So, I don’t think that’s the case. Instead, I think that they’re keeping a close limit on the number of Legendary Items in the game. That’s really it.
£85 =8000 gems, 8000 gems = roughly 520 gold.
So curently £85 x 2 = a pre-cursor + some.
Its sad but im pretty sure this is how they really want you to get your precursors, with real money.
True, as long as you can buy them with real money, they won’t change it or at least artificially delay it. It’s that simple.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
As the The Great Mighty Meak once said…. “All is vain.”
As the The Great Mighty Meak once said…. “All is vain.”
Except the feeling of Felankor.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Quoting Mark Katzbach:
“The way progression and rewards work in Guild Wars 2 have changed quite a bit since we initially talked about that feature, and our main horizontal progression systems are about to get some additional updates in the upcoming feature pack. Because of that, we are looking into several ways to integrate building your precursor into our new updated reward and progression systems we’re working on, which is requiring additional development time and iteration."
Because of this, I wouldn’t expect precursor crafting to be any less of a grind than it was intended to be… but we can’t be sure yet because we’ve seen nothing physical come from this besides some datamined code. The rest is all words from devs.
Also, don’t expect it before 2015.
That is probably the next time any devs makes any mention of precursor crafting.
“It has been pushed to 2015”.
I am currently working on The Bifrost, I have all the gifts ready all i need is The Legend. I have tried my luck at mystic forge, i do temples on regular basis and have 2500hrs on my account and i didn’t had a single drop of any kind for precursor yet. Well I don’t really mind trying each day everyday but what really BREAKS MY HEART is my friends and guild members getting a precursor but just spending 40g in mystic forge or simply through a drop from trash mob in orr.
I mean i feel the game is not fair to me or my account is jinxed.
I know its RNG but what the hell is wrong with my RNG :\
We want to let you know that the ability to build your precursor will not be in our upcoming Feature Pack. The way progression and rewards work in Guild Wars 2 have changed quite a bit since we initially talked about that feature, and our main horizontal progression systems are about to get some additional updates in the upcoming feature pack. Because of that, we are looking into several ways to integrate building your precursor into our new updated reward and progression systems we’re working on, which is requiring additional development time and iteration. As always, we’ll share details on this system once it’s far enough along in production we’re ready to discuss it.
This is bad news.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
I am currently working on The Bifrost, I have all the gifts ready all i need is The Legend. I have tried my luck at mystic forge, i do temples on regular basis and have 2500hrs on my account and i didn’t had a single drop of any kind for precursor yet. Well I don’t really mind trying each day everyday but what really BREAKS MY HEART is my friends and guild members getting a precursor but just spending 40g in mystic forge or simply through a drop from trash mob in orr.
I mean i feel the game is not fair to me or my account is jinxed.
I know its RNG but what the hell is wrong with my RNG :\
The more I hear stuff like this, the less it’s anecdotal. Why? Because it happens to me too, in almost identical circumstances. I see the same mentioned people throwing in relatively little gold for the best possible outcome. It seems the more we throw in the less we’re rewarded for it.
Again, I ask… why?
I’ve played double the amount of time that you have and I have precisely zero precursors to show for it. I have 6 level 80’s ( working on #7 & 8 ) all fully geared and in the midst of the world in their personal stories somewhere. I’m trying my hardest to make the most of the game by being out in the world and doing exactly what Anet intended for us to do, while also trying to get one particular drop, so I can be a lucker for once. Obviously it’s too much to ask to be lucky just once.
Of course you never hear complaining from the people who got a drop or two from whatever source, because they believe the game is working as intended. As for the rest of us, we’re starting to harbour a deep resentment towards the Anet devs and their coding of RNG because the last part of putting together that legendary seems all too hard. Prices are going up too fast, so if you’re ‘easy mode’ and want to buy one, good luck with that credit card. It’s a market controlled by speculators and elitists. These appear to be Anet’s friends.
Why do you keep people who legitimately try hard in this game out in the cold?
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
When Anet’s dev dropped this statement I stopped believing they will ever release it. So, as I have all the other gifts done, I started to farm gold through dungeons. When I started, I needed ~820g for Dusk.Two or so weeks later I have 110g and Dusk costs 920g.
GG, anet. This really encourages me to play.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Well, we’re halfway through 2014. Precursor crafting at 2015? I remember back when they were cooking up ideas for the scavenger hunt during the lost shores.
Yeah kinda bad, that i started grind for the pre, but u cant have enough gold for it, because as u reach a big amount they (the flippers) increase the prise with 200 gold, because of the ultry rich flippers have fun, while our job gone.And its not fun at all it feels like u waste ur time playin this game.We need something 100% sure way to get our precursor, a way where the rich no lifers wont troll u all the time.
Yeah kinda bad, that i started grind for the pre, but u cant have enough gold for it, because as u reach a big amount they (the flippers) increase the prise with 200 gold, because of the ultry rich flippers have fun, while our job gone.And its not fun at all it feels like u waste ur time playin this game.We need something 100% sure way to get our precursor, a way where the rich no lifers wont troll u all the time.
All is Vain.
My girlfriend also left me because i cant afford a precursor.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Yeah kinda bad, that i started grind for the pre, but u cant have enough gold for it, because as u reach a big amount they (the flippers) increase the prise with 200 gold, because of the ultry rich flippers have fun, while our job gone.And its not fun at all it feels like u waste ur time playin this game.We need something 100% sure way to get our precursor, a way where the rich no lifers wont troll u all the time.
You’re welcome.
Usually John Smith refuse to provide data.
When he does can be read in more than one way and that is why he is NEVER clear.
He would be a better politician than an economy dev.
He said many times that monopolize precursor market is impossible.
Reality: “monopolize” is impossible, controlling most supply to push prices is instead quite usual.
For how you can read that data, you could have a TP guild invest in Dusks for example.
Unfortunately the data gives is Always interpretable and lacks details and He will never gives statements also.
Notice how he Didn t say nobody attempted and managed to push precursor prices.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.