how much gold does it to take level tailoring
Quotes on prices are hard because the mats needed change in value at a very high rate. Generally speaking, around 30 gold to take Tailoring from 0-400 if you buy everyting, assume another 80 or so to go from 400 to 500. I use this site instead for my crafting needs:
It pulls prices from the trading post fairly consistently and breaks down prices for each tier of mats. Even gives you choices on deciding between speed versus cost.
I can’t answer the armor question. I know light armor is the most expensive of the armors to make due to ascended cloth but that’s about it, sorry.
Place Buy Orders to save Gold.
according to my calculations, to get to 500 tailoring it should take about all the gold. Maybe a little less, but probably a little more.
for 300-400 I’d use Arzo’s link ( because the investment isn’t too considerable.
For 400-500 I prefer pulling out gw2spidey -> go to Crafting -> Tailor -> fill the Rating fields 400-400 -> check “hide recipies that require unlock” -> Pick 12-20 (12 if you refine materials needed for the armor to get 450-475, 20 if you don’t) recipe’s from the top of the list (higher in the list, the more profit, avoid big starter investments such as Sentinels if preferred) -> Check their pages for materials -> place buy-orders -> pick up your materials and start crafting -> wait a few days/weeks for the items to sell to make all your gold back.
Just made yourself a tiny profit getting your craft from 400 to 500 instead of a ~50g loss it’s currently at on (ps: I find it an amazing website, but I prefer doing the 10-30 minutes of research and highly recommend it unless you can make 50g+ in the time it costs you to do the research.) After leveling all crafts it cost me ~20g total, which isn’t too bad at all (the armorcrafts are capable of making a profit, weaponcrafts usually make a little loss.)
If you search the exact item on gw2spidey (e.g. Zojja’s Doublet) you can see the accurate price. Currently the chest and leggings are ~100g, where-as the other pieces are 60-70g. This does not include Karma, Skillpoints, Bloodstone, Dragonite and Emphereal Fragments as they don’t carry a Trading Post Price.
Attachment is an example of the spidey-page that should pop-up. It changes often since gw2spidey is connected to the ingame tradingpost.
for 300-400 I’d use Arzo’s link ( because the investment isn’t too considerable.
For 400-500 I prefer pulling out gw2spidey -> go to Crafting -> Tailor -> fill the Rating fields 400-400 -> check “hide recipies that require unlock” -> Pick 12-20 (12 if you refine materials needed for the armor to get 450-475, 20 if you don’t) recipe’s from the top of the list (higher in the list, the more profit, avoid big starter investments such as Sentinels if preferred) -> Check their pages for materials -> place buy-orders -> pick up your materials and start crafting -> wait a few days/weeks for the items to sell to make all your gold back.
Just made yourself a tiny profit getting your craft from 400 to 500 instead of a ~50g loss it’s currently at on (ps: I find it an amazing website, but I prefer doing the 10-30 minutes of research and highly recommend it unless you can make 50g+ in the time it costs you to do the research.) After leveling all crafts it cost me ~20g total, which isn’t too bad at all (the armorcrafts are capable of making a profit, weaponcrafts usually make a little loss.)
If you search the exact item on gw2spidey (e.g. Zojja’s Doublet) you can see the accurate price. Currently the chest and leggings are ~100g, where-as the other pieces are 60-70g. This does not include Karma, Skillpoints, Bloodstone, Dragonite and Emphereal Fragments as they don’t carry a Trading Post Price.
Attachment is an example of the spidey-page that should pop-up. It changes often since gw2spidey is connected to the ingame tradingpost.
thank you and everyone else who replied! i find this method to be really interesting, most of the profit-making crafts requires fairly big investment. maybe itll be a good idea for me to stick with the crafts that generate the least loss instead of a 1gold plus profit, as i dont see the reasoning behind the demand for those most profitable crafts, they just seem like your ordinary PTV armor at best
i dont see the reasoning behind the demand for those most profitable crafts, they just seem like your ordinary PTV armor at best
PTV isn’t ordinary. It can’t be crafted from scratch like zerk, but you have to get your hands on an insignia by salvaging a piece of soldier’s armour which hasn’t been crafted (obtained either through a dungeon vendor or a named drop). PTV is also highly thought of by many WvW players.
If you have dungeon tokens for a dungeon that has soldier’s armour I would recommend salvaging those with a black lion salvage kit because as well as the chance of the insignia you will also get dark matter, which you will need at 500 also.
I c. but the cheapest soldiers shoulder armor is at 89 silver which looks identical to the sentinel armor, except sentinel has about 10 extra vit instead of power, which brings it to almost 13 gold. kinda interesting if you think about it.
I really hope mine sells.