legendary stat change recipe change?
It is very doubtable that they will change such an intricate recipe, but in your case, considering how very close you are, I’d just go for the finish before the update hits.
I have a similar problem, i got almost everything for my legendary. But i need few tokens from dungeon for finish. And i got only 3 hours and i go for vacation.
i’m very curious if they change sth in craft or not. I hope no.
Of course they won’t
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
They would have announced something like that… They would not change something like that anyways. No reason to do so and the backlash would be rather large… It would be unfair to everyone working on them.
Talk about paranoid…
As others have said, it’s highly unlikely they will change the components.
ya I don’t think they will change it.
but they mention they will introduce new legendaries
those might have new recipes.