Legendary requires only one thing: time. as with everything else with this game or even life. so, how much time do you need to get a legendary? well, allot. which is good. legendary should be rare, incredibly rare. and maybe they should require as much time as they require now. I’m not the one deciding how much time a legendary require, that’s was Anet does. I want the legendary to be HARD to get. as in very very time consuming.
However this time can be split up in different parts: the time it takes to get all the Gold,karma,badges,tokens etc etc that is required. and if you make and estimate how much time each part takes to complete u clearly see that gold takes probably … 25-75% of all that time. but sure, you make gold in this game no matter what you do right? sure, but the gold/h in wvwvw isn’t very high or when u make 100% map exploration and so on. so even if you do ALL the things in a legendary except for the gold part you would still have to spend another 0 – 100% (of the time already spent) more time on pure goldfarming. and when i mean gold i mean everything that can be bought for gold ( ecto , lodestones , runic stones, T6 vials of blood etc) because if you are building a legendary from everything that drops for you, you lose the gold that you could have had if you sold it.
Basically what i am saying is that the gold part in the legendarys is overproportional why not push more of the time into karma? why does the gold have to play such a huge role in some legendarys ( some legendarys have the right proportion.) but most of the good ones like sword , greatswords , axe , hammer, staff, knife, bow , short bow , (shield?). the gold part is huge. the cost to make the sunrise ( one of the most expensive) you will need almost 1000g or maybe even more ( i did some fast math 450 for the prec , 350 for the lodestones, 100 for runicstones, and then some for ecto and other T6 mats). 1000g ? wait what? 1000? in the most efficient gold farming that’s at least 350 – 500h … sure u might get 200-300g from things u find yourself and gold u get from just playing the game. that’s still 700 or 800g to go … wow. compare this with the time it takes to get the tokens of dungeon:
easy math: u need 500, u can do each run in about 45min u can do 3 (4) runs per day. thing is done after a few days and only a few hours of gameplay. why dosent the legendary require more tokens? u might say well then it turns into grind. and sure i can agree with that but that can be fixed with having multiple dungeons gifts required. like 3 or 4. then it would require some time. or why not all 8 ? …then it would be an accomplishment. like they said it would be ?
basically what do Anet need to do to balance the price on legendarys?
quadruple the drop rates of predececors or whatever to bring down the prices on predecesors. yes it a huuuge change and it would make allot of ppl angry.but just temporarily, they can decrease the drop rates once they have the scavenger hunt out ( witch i pray to god it comes soon, and that its good/hard)
bring down charged lodestones to where all the other lodestones are. or decrease the amount of lodestones required on all or some legendarys.
if you want the legendary to costs ALOT of gold. please do that with the runic stones there entire purpose is to modify the price on legendarys. increasing their price would also make more legendarily costs more equally.
increase the karma requirement or/and the requirement of playing the fractals. becaus they both lead to the same obsidian stone.
more dungeon requirements. 500 tokens from one dungeon? is that your definition of epic? dungeons is the most challenging pve content in the game and u have that have the smallest impact of legendary ?? it should be 300-500 tokens from 3-8 dungeon
or even more basically what anet need to do: increase the required time playing the game and decrease the required time playing the TP or having very much luck ( getting a predececor droped). because almost all legendarys have some form of playing with the TP. (speculation) and if there is anyone out there that have gathered all parts yourself and not bought anything from the tp, you are lucky as hell but you. are. awsome.
thats it. now up to the forum and the players of GW2 to decide if they are happy with the way it is now or if they would like to something similar or something completly diffrent. maybe you want legendarys to be removed. please express yourself Id like to know. after all ultimately its the gamers that makes the game and id like to now what people im playing with.
ty for your time and sorry for all errors.
to much of the time spent to make a legendary is spent on acquire the amount of gold required. and something should be done. also comment if you are happy with the way legendarys are or something that could be improved.