lidless eye, wall of the mists

lidless eye, wall of the mists

in Crafting

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Can we get a dev response as to which is exactly the correct recipe for which and which is the bug? I want to get a nice looking shield but im afraid to try my luck out. It would be ok if it was one or the othrr, just dont want any confusion abt this.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

lidless eye, wall of the mists

in Crafting

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


the recipe for wall of mists sometimes gives lidless eye. the recipe does not even make sense 250 blood, 1 giant eye?!? eldrich scroll and mystic coin. id assume prob try a glob and a shield component and see if it fits. anywho the eye is weird lookin:
