(suggestion) Damask bolts
I agree. Bolts of damask are just way to expensive, making light armor dreadful for anyone to make. I’ve been putting it off, seemingly forever, hoping they’d fix this. Please ANet, help a brother out.
They have to see the imbalance. There’s been so many threads about it, and even just looking at the metrics they have to be able to see it for themselves. They aren’t clueless.
Unfortunately, they almost never revert changes like this. Whether it be for fear of the backlash of people who already made theirs at the higher prices (I made mine when the price was high and now other people get it cheaper? RAGE!!!!!!) or what, once something is set at a higher requirement its almost never cut down.
That’s not light armor exclusive. I’m crafting a heavy ascended armor set right now, and having to get 300 silk scraps with current prices every single day is just not fun.
It cant be a mistake since the playerbase is too stupid to know anything about the economy, I mean we cant even figure out how to level up so how can we expect to know anything about prices without a masters degree in economics.
But dont worry i’m sure the devs have it all under control and this is how the economy is meant to run.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Fix the problem at its core: Add some silk nodes to the game, as others have suggested in the past. Or if that’s too difficult, up the drop rate of cloth scraps from bags. Oh and change silk scraps to 2 for a bolt, instead of 3 – I mean, seriously, what’s up with that?
It seems it’s like this in every game with cloth; no one implements a way to get cloth other than drops or salvaging, so it ends up disproportionately expensive. Kind of silly.
I understand the move from 50 to 100 was meant to compensate for an overabundance of silk on the market. Reverting the change is not really an option since it would recreate the problem that it was meant to fix.
I feel however the objective was not successfully met because the measures were too strong and need an adjustment. I proposed a solution, there might be others but i feel something needs to be done.
As for people raging about completing their set on high prices i’m sure they feel too a change is needed.
I understand the move from 50 to 100 was meant to compensate for an overabundance of silk on the market. Reverting the change is not really an option since it would recreate the problem that it was meant to fix.
I feel however the objective was not successfully met because the measures were too strong and need an adjustment. I proposed a solution, there might be others but i feel something needs to be done.
As for people raging about completing their set on high prices i’m sure they feel too a change is needed.
I gotta be honest, I don’t understand why an overabundance of silk would ever be an issue? Were people complaining about it at some point?
I mean, aside from overabundance meaning it has no real sale value, how would that make it any different from the other level 80 mats. Orichalcum is perhaps the only other one that sells for anything past a silver.
I agree with Labjax. I mean ya, I remember deleted stacks of silk because they weren’t even worth vendoring. Now it’s crazy expensive. But look at leathers. That stuff is worthless, as is mithril and now hard/elder logs. Lower silk prices are NOT going to break the economy. That idea is just laughable.
It seems it’s like this in every game with cloth; no one implements a way to get cloth other than drops or salvaging, so it ends up disproportionately expensive. Kind of silly.
Just as a historical note, you could weave your own cloth in Ultima Online, after harvesting cotton from the wild.
We design in some volatility and some stability (silk wasn’t an accident
If the number of silk scraps is reduced, the amount of people attempting to craft the damask bolts increases which then increases the demand for silk scraps. Prices could easily increase as a result making you no better off than you were before. This is also neglecting the impact this would have on wool, cotton, and linen scraps.
Making it so that damask bolts cost the same as the other items is the wrong way to go. The reason why they’re so much more expensive is because of the incredible demand as they’re used for all three crafts. For the longest time, silk armor was the cheapest of the three to craft. I don’t remember seeing an uproar about that disparity. Now that it’s flipped some people are all like “oh **llz nah!”
It seems it’s like this in every game with cloth; no one implements a way to get cloth other than drops or salvaging, so it ends up disproportionately expensive. Kind of silly.
Just as a historical note, you could weave your own cloth in Ultima Online, after harvesting cotton from the wild.
Cool to know. Strange that other games have not done the same?
Ascended armor is supposed to be expensive. If silk was dirt cheap again then that would defeat the entire purpose of adding ascended armor in the first place,
Also silk prices have been very stable the last few months, it seems it is in a good place.
The best solution would be to make leather wood and ore have some sort of value instead of devaluing the only common mat that is worth anything.
I mean, aside from overabundance meaning it has no real sale value, how would that make it any different from the other level 80 mats. Orichalcum is perhaps the only other one that sells for anything past a silver.
You may want to check the prices again for cloth scraps and ore.
I understand the move from 50 to 100 was meant to compensate for an overabundance of silk on the market. Reverting the change is not really an option since it would recreate the problem that it was meant to fix.
Reducing the number of silk to make Damask would not reintroduce the problem (at least nowhere near as severe as it originally was). The reason Silk was ever “useless” in the past was because there was just no demand for it. Or very little demand, anyway. You used moderate amounts of Silk to get from 300 to 400 in the armor crafts, and that’s it. Once you hit 400 it was Gossamer all the way for anything you need were crafting for actual use. So the amount of silk in the economy built and built with no real “outlet”.
Silk will never be out of demand now, though. People will always need it for ascended crafting (even at 50 silk a pop for Damask you’ll still need huge amounts for any ascended set), and the excess supply is all but drained.
If the number of silk scraps is reduced, the amount of people attempting to craft the damask bolts increases which then increases the demand for silk scraps. Prices could easily increase as a result making you no better off than you were before. This is also neglecting the impact this would have on wool, cotton, and linen scraps.
Making it so that damask bolts cost the same as the other items is the wrong way to go. The reason why they’re so much more expensive is because of the incredible demand as they’re used for all three crafts. For the longest time, silk armor was the cheapest of the three to craft. I don’t remember seeing an uproar about that disparity. Now that it’s flipped some people are all like “oh **llz nah!”
So how about you post a solution.
For every topic you talked about things expensive, you just push all the problem to demand.
So how about a solution there?
If the number of silk scraps is reduced, the amount of people attempting to craft the damask bolts increases which then increases the demand for silk scraps. Prices could easily increase as a result making you no better off than you were before. This is also neglecting the impact this would have on wool, cotton, and linen scraps.
Making it so that damask bolts cost the same as the other items is the wrong way to go. The reason why they’re so much more expensive is because of the incredible demand as they’re used for all three crafts. For the longest time, silk armor was the cheapest of the three to craft. I don’t remember seeing an uproar about that disparity. Now that it’s flipped some people are all like “oh **llz nah!”
So how about you post a solution.
For every topic you talked about things expensive, you just push all the problem to demand.
So how about a solution there?
I don’t see a problem so why would i need to post a solution?
John Smith has commented in ways that suggest it is no accident that Damask is pricier.
If the number of silk scraps is reduced, the amount of people attempting to craft the damask bolts increases which then increases the demand for silk scraps. Prices could easily increase as a result making you no better off than you were before. This is also neglecting the impact this would have on wool, cotton, and linen scraps.
Making it so that damask bolts cost the same as the other items is the wrong way to go. The reason why they’re so much more expensive is because of the incredible demand as they’re used for all three crafts. For the longest time, silk armor was the cheapest of the three to craft. I don’t remember seeing an uproar about that disparity. Now that it’s flipped some people are all like “oh **llz nah!”
So how about you post a solution.
For every topic you talked about things expensive, you just push all the problem to demand.
So how about a solution there?
I don’t see a problem so why would i need to post a solution?
Since there is no problem. Why do you say other people’s solution is wrong. You could just tell them silk price isn’t too expensive.
I don’t see a problem. But it would be fine with me if heavy armor crafting used leather instead of cloth, across the board, not just ascended level. This change might level out the prices of leather and cloth.
If the number of silk scraps is reduced, the amount of people attempting to craft the damask bolts increases which then increases the demand for silk scraps. Prices could easily increase as a result making you no better off than you were before. This is also neglecting the impact this would have on wool, cotton, and linen scraps.
Making it so that damask bolts cost the same as the other items is the wrong way to go. The reason why they’re so much more expensive is because of the incredible demand as they’re used for all three crafts. For the longest time, silk armor was the cheapest of the three to craft. I don’t remember seeing an uproar about that disparity. Now that it’s flipped some people are all like “oh **llz nah!”
So how about you post a solution.
For every topic you talked about things expensive, you just push all the problem to demand.
So how about a solution there?
I don’t see a problem so why would i need to post a solution?
Since there is no problem. Why do you say other people’s solution is wrong. You could just tell them silk price isn’t too expensive.
I have and also explained why.
If there was to ever be a change, I would choose Cake’s suggestion above over trying to manipulate the needed materials and their supply.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
John Smith has commented in ways that suggest it is no accident that Damask is pricier.
I could say the opposite and it would not make it less truthful. John Smith can say a lot of things but if he doesn’t come with a solid argumentation to back that statement I’m gonna go ahead and say that the current Bolt of Damask prices aren’t where they should be.
I think it is time to admit that was a mistake. I even think it has been a while since it became apparent. I’m not saying to roll it back, they probably feel it needs some adjustments but there are other possibilities.
I don’t think it is a mistake.
Ascended armor is intended to be a long term goal. And the gold sink is probably there to drain people out of money.
My solution for you is farm more, spend real money, or play the trading post. Or just try to be happy with exotic. If those don’t help, you can play another game. Because honestly, I doubt it is going to change.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
I mean, aside from overabundance meaning it has no real sale value, how would that make it any different from the other level 80 mats. Orichalcum is perhaps the only other one that sells for anything past a silver.
You may want to check the prices again for cloth scraps and ore.
You know, you could just save time and try to tell me what specifically you think is incorrect about what I said with examples, instead of the cryptic, superiority nonsense.
I’m currently working on an ascended set of leather. Getting all the mats right now so if i change my mind last minute about the mod i can still do that.
There is no way i gather 300 silk daily. I gather about 80ish salvaging all the greens and blues and buy the rest for about 6,5g daily. Then there’s the lesser cloths more maybe 3 more gold.
To spend that daily i have to devote all the gold i make from world bosses and dungeons daily.
Right now it balances but it’s a huge effort. I made a list of the mats i’ll need:
24 damask (18 for inscriptions)
18 elonian leather
20 Bloodstone brick
20 Dragonite ingot
20 Empyreal star
30 dark matter
The reason i posted the list was to point out that the “huge effort” part is somewhat covered in the 6k group event mats and the 30 exotic scrapping mats. There are people scrapping those mats but those people are probably not trying or not trying anymore to craft ascended gear.
To me crafting ascended gear is endgame in itself, i feel it should get all the attention it deserves.
I mean, aside from overabundance meaning it has no real sale value, how would that make it any different from the other level 80 mats. Orichalcum is perhaps the only other one that sells for anything past a silver.
You may want to check the prices again for cloth scraps and ore.
You know, you could just save time and try to tell me what specifically you think is incorrect about what I said with examples, instead of the cryptic, superiority nonsense.
Most cloth scraps sell for over a silver. Most wood logs sell for over a silver. Iron and Platinum ore sell for over a silver.
I mean, aside from overabundance meaning it has no real sale value, how would that make it any different from the other level 80 mats. Orichalcum is perhaps the only other one that sells for anything past a silver.
You may want to check the prices again for cloth scraps and ore.
You know, you could just save time and try to tell me what specifically you think is incorrect about what I said with examples, instead of the cryptic, superiority nonsense.
Most cloth scraps sell for over a silver. Most wood logs sell for over a silver. Iron and Platinum ore sell for over a silver.
he said lvl80 materials. I presume he mean the highest tier. You guys probably just have some misunderstanding.
and dont’ bother telling me iron and wood are lvl80 material too because ascended material need them. I understand.
I mean, aside from overabundance meaning it has no real sale value, how would that make it any different from the other level 80 mats. Orichalcum is perhaps the only other one that sells for anything past a silver.
You may want to check the prices again for cloth scraps and ore.
You know, you could just save time and try to tell me what specifically you think is incorrect about what I said with examples, instead of the cryptic, superiority nonsense.
Most cloth scraps sell for over a silver. Most wood logs sell for over a silver. Iron and Platinum ore sell for over a silver.
he said lvl80 materials. I presume he mean the highest tier. You guys probably just have some misunderstanding.
and dont’ bother telling me iron and wood are lvl80 material too because ascended material need them. I understand.
I know what he said but assumed he meant all since this thread is not about tier 6 materials. He did compare silk to the other level 80 mats.
Most cloth scraps sell for over a silver. Most wood logs sell for over a silver. Iron and Platinum ore sell for over a silver.
That still doesn’t help. You aren’t actually naming items or numbers. How much over a silver? What items? I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make.
It seems you just want a reason to contradict me.
Most cloth scraps sell for over a silver. Most wood logs sell for over a silver. Iron and Platinum ore sell for over a silver.
That still doesn’t help. You aren’t actually naming items or numbers. How much over a silver? What items? I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make.
It seems you just want a reason to contradict me.
I assumed that everyone was aware or capable of looking on the TP if they questioned it. You’re arguing that I wasn’t specific or detailed in my post but it was not really necessary as I had provided enough information. Just about all materials used for ascended other than leather and a couple others are well over a silver.
Edit: Bleh. I’ll go ahead and list them out from memory
Iron – 1s
Platinum – 1.5s
Orichalcum – 5s
Soft Log – 1s
Seasoned Log – 1s
Hardened Log – 1.5s
Ancient Log – 4.5 silver (why was this filtered?)
Wool – 3s
Cotton – 4s
Linen – 5s
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Most cloth scraps sell for over a silver. Most wood logs sell for over a silver. Iron and Platinum ore sell for over a silver.
That still doesn’t help. You aren’t actually naming items or numbers. How much over a silver? What items? I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make.
It seems you just want a reason to contradict me.
I assumed that everyone was aware or capable of looking on the TP if they questioned it. You’re arguing that I wasn’t specific or detailed in my post but it was not really necessary as I had provided enough information. Just about all materials used for ascended other than leather and a couple others are well over a silver.
Edit: Bleh. I’ll go ahead and list them out from memory
Iron – 1s
Platinum – 1.5s
Orichalcum – 5s
Soft Log – 1s
Seasoned Log – 1s
Hardened Log – 1.5s
Ancient Log – 4.5 silver (why was this filtered?)
Wool – 3s
Cotton – 4s
Linen – 5s
Well I somewhat understand what you’re trying to say now, though it’s irrelevant. I said level 80 mats, not “all materials used for ascended.”
Let’s see:
Thick Leather Section – 9 copper
Mithril Ore – 36 copper
Elder Wood Log – 14 copper
Silk Scrap – 3 silver, 21 copper
I was mistaken to include Orichalcum in my post, as that’s not part of the core component for Spiritwood, Deldrimor, Elonian, or Damask. Those are what’s being discussed in the OP and thus, is what I was referring to.
Those are not level 80 mats though.
So Mr economist. Please tell me why silk price rise in the past week.
Increased demand for ascended armor because of the collections.
Those are not level 80 mats though.
They drop from level 80 items. Seriously, you are just cementing the fact that you want to contradict at this point.
So Mr economist. Please tell me why silk price rise in the past week.
Increased demand for ascended armor because of the collections.
so mr economist, decreasing demand wouldn’t cause a change in price. So reducing the amount of silk needed won’t cause a change in the demand of silk.
Anyway I’m done.
Those are not level 80 mats though.
They drop from level 80 items. Seriously, you are just cementing the fact that you want to contradict at this point.
Correction: they drop from level 58+ items.
Those are not level 80 mats though.
They drop from level 80 items. Seriously, you are just cementing the fact that you want to contradict at this point.
Correction: they drop from level 58+ items.
I think I’m being trolled at this point. Please stop derailing the thread.
Yes, they drop from level 80 items, as well as some earlier levels. This has zero relevancy to the topic at hand.
No please. I have too much silks. In fact I would like them to make it requires 1 stack of silk bolt = 1 silk weaving threads.
Waiting to sell those 3 stacks of damask when this happen.
As someone who will never craft ascended armor I am loving the inflated silk price.
I’ve got more gold than I have ever had!
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
So Mr economist. Please tell me why silk price rise in the past week.
Increased demand for ascended armor because of the collections.
so mr economist, decreasing demand wouldn’t cause a change in price. So reducing the amount of silk needed won’t cause a change in the demand of silk.
Anyway I’m done.
You may want to double-check that.
Those are not level 80 mats though.
They drop from level 80 items. Seriously, you are just cementing the fact that you want to contradict at this point.
Correction: they drop from level 58+ items.
I think I’m being trolled at this point. Please stop derailing the thread.
Yes, they drop from level 80 items, as well as some earlier levels. This has zero relevancy to the topic at hand.
You brought it up originally and I’m arguing against it.
So Mr economist. Please tell me why silk price rise in the past week.
Increased demand for ascended armor because of the collections.
so mr economist, decreasing demand wouldn’t cause a change in price. So reducing the amount of silk needed won’t cause a change in the demand of silk.
Anyway I’m done.
You may want to double-check that.
We do not know the effect demand of silk in reducing the amount of silk need. If we assume the same amount of ascended armor is demanded, then yes, it will cause a decrease in the demand of silk.
However, this change might increase the demand for ascended armor, which cancel out the other effect and won’t decrease the demand of silk anyway.
So Mr economist. Please tell me why silk price rise in the past week.
Increased demand for ascended armor because of the collections.
so mr economist, decreasing demand wouldn’t cause a change in price. So reducing the amount of silk needed won’t cause a change in the demand of silk.
Anyway I’m done.
You may want to double-check that.
let’s say ascended armor now cause 80 gold. Your assumption is people would still spend 80 gold to craft ascended armor if amount of silk needed is reduced.
That is the most **** argument I have ever heard. You would be right if the whole GW2 economy revolve around ascended armor. But it don’t.
So Mr economist. Please tell me why silk price rise in the past week.
Increased demand for ascended armor because of the collections.
so mr economist, decreasing demand wouldn’t cause a change in price. So reducing the amount of silk needed won’t cause a change in the demand of silk.
Anyway I’m done.
You may want to double-check that.
We do not know the effect demand of silk in reducing the amount of silk need. If we assume the same amount of ascended armor is demanded, then yes, it will cause a decrease in the demand of silk.
However, this change might increase the demand for ascended armor, which cancel out the other effect and won’t decrease the demand of silk anyway.
let’s say we decrease the amount of silk needed by half. This person says ascended armor will still cost the same money because silk price will double?
That is kind of pushing it. That’s what this person is basically saying.
ya and dont’ tell me that will cause the lower tier cloth to increase, you can decrease the amount needed for that too.
Or just give us a way to farm cloth directly.
and I’m not really complaining about silk. I’m just discussing people’s logic… Either I’m really stupid, or some people’s logic just dont’ make sense.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
Those are not level 80 mats though.
They drop from level 80 items. Seriously, you are just cementing the fact that you want to contradict at this point.
Correction: they drop from level 58+ items.
I think I’m being trolled at this point. Please stop derailing the thread.
Yes, they drop from level 80 items, as well as some earlier levels. This has zero relevancy to the topic at hand.
You brought it up originally and I’m arguing against it.
I already explained in detail what I was talking about and you’ve yet to actually argue against it. You are just contradicting things that have nothing to do with my meaning.
Thick Leather Section – 9 copper
Mithril Ore – 36 copper
Elder Wood Log – 14 copper
Silk Scrap – 3 silver, 21 copperI was mistaken to include Orichalcum in my post, as that’s not part of the core component for Spiritwood, Deldrimor, Elonian, or Damask. Those are what’s being discussed in the OP and thus, is what I was referring to.
That is the disparity I was referring to.
First off, please refresh your memory on supply and demand. It’s an incredibly basic concept and can be learned in under 5 min. The same goes for those that pretty much have no idea what it is.
We do not know the effect demand of silk in reducing the amount of silk need. If we assume the same amount of ascended armor is demanded, then yes, it will cause a decrease in the demand of silk.
However, this change might increase the demand for ascended armor, which cancel out the other effect and won’t decrease the demand of silk anyway.
No. We do not know the exact numbers but based on previous changes in supply and demand of other items, you can make a good estimate on what the changes may look like.
You’re not considering the increase in demand for a lot of the other components such as wool, linen, and cotton. We also saw the price of silk increase by 50% due to the increase demand by everyone wanting to complete that collection.
let’s say ascended armor now cause 80 gold. Your assumption is people would still spend 80 gold to craft ascended armor if amount of silk needed is reduced.
That is the most **** argument I have ever heard. You would be right if the whole GW2 economy revolve around ascended armor. But it don’t.
First off, please refrain from insults which offer nothing constructive to the discussion. Thanks.
You’re being short-sighted in your analysis of what you believe would happen. You’re completely ignoring the fact that there are people who have chosen not to go for ascended because of the costs. There are people that have none and there are being who may want another set whether it has the same stats or different stats.
A decrease in the quantity in the quantity of silk needed would decrease the overall price at first. However, this is where you stop and you don’t look further like so many people. The people that held off on getting their ascended will now be enticed to start going for their ascended now. This pushes the demand for silk even higher without supply changing. This will cause prices to go back up. We saw a 50% increase in silk prices when the collections came out so it’s not far out of the realm of possibility that the same could happen in materials needed were cut.
Another aspect that you’re also missing is the impact that this would have on the other materials such as linen, cotton, and wool. Those would also increase as well driving up the complete cost of the ascended set.
let’s say we decrease the amount of silk needed by half. This person says ascended armor will still cost the same money because silk price will double?
That is kind of pushing it. That’s what this person is basically saying.
ya and dont’ tell me that will cause the lower tier cloth to increase, you can decrease the amount needed for that too.
Or just give us a way to farm cloth directly.
and I’m not really complaining about silk. I’m just discussing people’s logic… Either I’m really stupid, or some people’s logic just dont’ make sense.
I never said that silk prices would double although it is a possibility. I was referring to the total cost having the possibility to increase the costs back up to where they are now if not more. Again, this is all dependent on how much the increase of demand would be which we, as players, do not have access to that information. We can only base our assumptions on previous events.
So essentially you want the needed amount to craft all the lower tiered components to decrease as well to compensate? You do realize that the others only require 2 scraps? You’re pretty much asking for a total revamp of the crafting system just so you can get your ascended, a long term goal by the way, cheaper.
John Smith has commented in ways that suggest it is no accident that Damask is pricier.
I could say the opposite and it would not make it less truthful. John Smith can say a lot of things but if he doesn’t come with a solid argumentation to back that statement I’m gonna go ahead and say that the current Bolt of Damask prices aren’t where they should be.
John doesn’t need to justify Anet’s reasons to you or to any of us. If you want to advocate for change, it’s your job to come up with a valid argument that Damask prices are too high. And saying “because I want them cheaper” is not a valid argument.
As it stands, there’s no problem with prices. It’s driven by player demand, much like Precursors.
Ayrilana, read what you wrote first.
Unless I’m mistaken, or you just wrote it too quickly without thinking…
Prices could easily increase as a result making you no better off than you were before. This is also neglecting the impact this would have on wool, cotton, and linen scraps.
You also wrote prices “could”. I probably missed that. So you aren’t so sure yourself.
Not saying it won’t have an effect. I think you are pushing the idea too far.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
Those are not level 80 mats though.
They drop from level 80 items. Seriously, you are just cementing the fact that you want to contradict at this point.
Correction: they drop from level 58+ items.
I think I’m being trolled at this point. Please stop derailing the thread.
Yes, they drop from level 80 items, as well as some earlier levels. This has zero relevancy to the topic at hand.
You brought it up originally and I’m arguing against it.
I already explained in detail what I was talking about and you’ve yet to actually argue against it. You are just contradicting things that have nothing to do with my meaning.
Thick Leather Section – 9 copper
Mithril Ore – 36 copper
Elder Wood Log – 14 copper
Silk Scrap – 3 silver, 21 copperI was mistaken to include Orichalcum in my post, as that’s not part of the core component for Spiritwood, Deldrimor, Elonian, or Damask. Those are what’s being discussed in the OP and thus, is what I was referring to.
That is the disparity I was referring to.
Sorry. I got distracted by the others but thank you for clarifying your intent of that post.
Anet stated that they wanted to give silk value. It had pretty much no use in the came. I believe they kept silk prices high because they felt that ascended armor was to be a long term goal.
I opinion on this is that the price of one material compared to another doesn’t matter.