vision of the mist-> staff

vision of the mist-> staff

in Crafting

Posted by: stoelaas.7923


A friend of me was gonne craft the ‘’Vision of the Mist’’ Greatsword but he choosed wrong items and he crafted a focus I’v never seen before.

( here’s the sword )

The focus he made had the same purple/pink glow and was ironchain.
and I cant find the recip for that focus on the internett, same as I cant find the recipe
for the staff on the internett.

So it should be possible to craft a staff like that shouldn it:p

Iv gather 100coins/250globs of eltoplasm and the eldritch scroll (50 SP). but dunno what to put for last item to make it a staff.. tryed ancient staff head and shaft.

Anyone got any suggestion for materialls?

vision of the mist-> staff

in Crafting

Posted by: ShadowSong.2316

ShadowSong.2316 This is the focus. Your friend clearly didn’t put the wrong items in, or he didn’t know the recipe for vision in the first place.

vision of the mist-> staff

in Crafting

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


these weapons are the weapons mesmer phantasms have. there are no staff phantasms. and the staff one does not exist. and the only way to put wrong greatsword component for focus is to put in 250 ancient focus core….

vision of the mist-> staff

in Crafting

Posted by: stoelaas.7923


aw okey, thx for answer

vision of the mist-> staff

in Crafting

Posted by: The Wild One.4760

The Wild One.4760

I’ve crafted and own: Vision of the Mist, Lyss, Whisperblade and the focus linked aswell. In my endovours to be the most stylish Mesmer I have seen no such staff. And I’ve tried many a recepies.

Founder of “The Shatter Legion” Sea of Sorrows largest guild.

Second Commander in Sea of Sorrows.

vision of the mist-> staff

in Crafting

Posted by: Vick.6805


I wish there was a staff in this set of skins. I’d actually put the effort into getting it. Most of the staff skins are so lackluster…