will Azurite be available post-F&F?
Molten Facility is the only place that has those things. Similar to Snowflakes they seem a a limited resource.
Molten Facility is the only place that has those things. Similar to Snowflakes they seem a a limited resource.
As someone whose mild OCD compels him to have 250 of every common, fine, cooking, and jewel crafting material that’s going to be quite irksome.
Molten Facility is the only place that has those things. Similar to Snowflakes they seem a a limited resource.
As someone whose mild OCD compels him to have 250 of every common, fine, cooking, and jewel crafting material that’s going to be quite irksome.
Get professional help lol :p
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I certainly hope they’ll add it. I’m making a tanky ranger at the moment, and P+T+V gear would be simply amazing. Heck, it’s basically the ultimate tanky gear. Unfortunately, there’s only 90 or so gossamer insignias left, so I don’t think I’ll be able to get them :c
Well the insignia’s and inscriptions can be replaced by alternatives. Rare armor and weapon drops also grant the PVT-combination and exotic gear can be bought with dungeon tokens.
The Azurite itself can also be replaced more or less by using certain runes. Although I can see the price of Azurite and the crafting items rising due to their limited nature, I think their prices will be capped by those of their alternatives.