wooden sword- weaponsmith 0 ?
It makes no sense to sell the recipe for karma if it has no use
I don’t know what the wooden sword does, but why not?
I’d burn karma for novelty items if I had no other use for them.
Sounds like a Minecraft reference
Heroes of the Horn [HotH] – Yak’s Bend
new legendary: Epic wooden sword. It shoots splinters… i guess.
It’s a very cute looking play sword. The skin is funny and epic. I plan on transmuting it onto a level 80 exotic for several of my characters.
@ Drunken MadKing- hahahaha! yes, I crafted it and it is rather cute- it would be hilarious to to that!
Stat wise in case you were wondering it is just a standard beginner sword so you could use it as a weapon if you wanted.
Thanks for the replies.
Gunnar’s Hold