2500 for Southsun Survival...

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Healix.5819


Games are roughly 10 minutes long. Occasionally people drag it on for an extra few minutes or die early, making it a few minutes shorter.

2500 points takes around 25 to 50 games, 4 to 8 hours. Doing it in only 25 games would be by using the ghost trick to gather motes first, scoring on average 100 points per game.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Conner.4702


Games are roughly 10 minutes long. Occasionally people drag it on for an extra few minutes or die early, making it a few minutes shorter.

2500 points takes around 25 to 50 games, 4 to 8 hours. Doing it in only 25 games would be by using the ghost trick to gather motes first, scoring on average 100 points per game.

People keep throwing the 100 points per game thing around. That is in fact quite rare to get. In all the games I played I’ve only seen it happen once.

40 to 70 is more realistic as there is a luck factor involved as well. Getting ported to a crap location will also screw up your scoring chances.

As for the 2500 points needed. It is a ridiculous amount when compared to Aspect Arena. 1500 or 1000 would have been a lot more in line when comparing the two.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: mrperea.9580


I did the survival 2500 points achievement, but not the aspect arena ones.

Getting 2500 points in Survival was fun, but the aspect arena ones are kinda.. ugh. Anyone else feel that way?

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Healix.5819


People keep throwing the 100 points per game thing around.

I say 100 because that is my average. Doing the ghost thing, ~89 was my lowest score, while 129 was my top score. I only did it for maybe 15 games however, since I usually played as a hunter, scoring around 60 on average. My score before the grace period ends is usually 20-30, and rarely up to 60 (~10 kills), though that all depends on what you pickup (I once picked up 10 rations in a row and didn’t get a single arrow the entire game).

I usually stick around the first camps, since they’re the most active. Just from picking up 15 motes at the start, that’s 15 points + 15 traps for another 30 points. There’s around 30 motes in those camps. I usually get 2 kills with the alarm trap also (I only do it when I can guarantee a kill), since I only need 1 guy alive to spam traps on. Altogether, that’s ~20 points from the grace period, ~30 points from picking up motes, 44 points from using #1 trap, 4 points for using the alarm traps and 10 points from getting alarm trap kills, for a total of 108 points.

Since I don’t need the achievement, now when I play it, I usually die early, collect 14 motes and kill the guy hiding in a bush (the guy who usually has 7 rations and a score of ~15 before winning) using a trip + karka combo. On a side note, the game is very easy to AFK with no consequences.

(edited by Healix.5819)

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


I did the survival 2500 points achievement, but not the aspect arena ones.

Getting 2500 points in Survival was fun, but the aspect arena ones are kinda.. ugh. Anyone else feel that way?

I felt the opposite actually. I loved doing the Aspect Arena. I was able to get my 6 Gnashblade achievements without this so I just skipped even trying. Think I ended up only getting 500 pts..

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: EightyEs.5873


Way too much, imo!

[TBR] Team Bierrat | Elona Reach [DE]

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Shiren.9532


They really missed the mark with this one. One of the things about these achievements is the harder/grindier ones are really sucking the fun and enjoyment out of mini-games. Repeating them should be its own rewarding. Herding players into repeat them over and over just to grind out a poorly balanced achievement is going to get them to resent the achievement.

The worst part about it is it encourages players to play the arena badly. Stacking rations then swimming to the opposite end of the island is one of the best ways to guarantee an easy 50+ points. Unfortunately this is boring as kitten and it wastes everyone else’s time because they can’t get motes out there (nor do they even know you are there). Matches drag out and players don’t really play.

Even worse is the way that motes work. Players are farming the achievement so instead of trying to kill enemy players, they are dropping the two mote trap to max out their score. A single achievement is managing to seriously degrade the experience in this arena, both in reinforcing grind and getting players to do unnatural things for score.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


I get a feeling ArenaNet really wants me to quit and take my money elsewhere. Every single patch, they manage to do something that infuriates me. Southsun Survival is this something, this time around.

I too, find 2500 Points Earned to be way too much for this mini-game, especially when I absolutely hate it. Now I’m sure some people would come along and say “But you don’t need it for the meta, you’re not required to do it, etc.”, which is on the surface true, but as I am a completionist, a player that hates missing achievements, if I don’t complete a limited time achievement, I quit the game, simple as that. I know the achievement was there, it doesn’t matter if it gets hidden if it weren’t completed. I’ll finish this achievement (77%), it’s not that, but I am frustrated, bored and annoyed as I am “forced” to do the game mode over and over. 1000 Points Earned would have been more than enough, when the average you’ll overall see is 30-40 Points per match.

The game mode on paper, is a great idea, but at least in my eyes, it was executed rather poorly. I absolutely hate the ghosts mechanic. Both as a survivor and when being a ghost. As a survivor, it’s just frustrating to be hunted by 6-7 ghosts, invisible enemies. The fact that the announcer randomly pinpoints where you are located doesn’t help either. You can have scavenged up a load of items to keep yourself alive, only to be kitten’d over by the announcer telling everyone where you are.

As a ghost, especially if you are lucky/good enough to be amongst the last 3 survivors, you are stuck with not being able to do anything. All the motes has been chugged up by everyone else that died before you, making this an annoying “punishment” to the player that was otherwise doing pretty good. You are basically stuck with floating around in your ghost form, unable to do anything to survivors if you happen to find one of them, on the otherwise too big map. At that point, they don’t pick up anything, so you don’t get any motes to power your abilities or get your score up a bit.

If at least they would spawn motes from eating and placing traps, it wouldn’t perhaps be as bad, from the ghots perspective. But on the flipside, I hate the mechanic as a survivor, and this would just make them more annoying. It would have been so much better if when you die after the grace period, you are loaded into a new game instead, leaving the remaining survivors to finish their game.

Perhaps someone enjoys the ghost mechanic, I’m happy for you. I hate it.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: village idiot.1436

village idiot.1436

I really enjoyed southsun survival particularly the combat part. Where it falls short is the amount of waiting around for rations to run out. The game would be improved imo if there were fewer rations, could carry less and strong incentive for the last few survivors to try to kill each other rather than wait out time.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Serenity.6149


Whether the 2500 point requirement is too high or not, one thing is for certain: the fact that it is usually better to die sooner than later, then follow a survivor with a string of #1 traps, suggests bad game design. The achievement only reinforces this conclusion.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: tencoderiot.6430


As the event ends next week, I’m just getting started on this event tonight. Any tips going in for the best way to get 2500 points and the headshots? I’m up for any method and have all weekend to play so hit me with some ideas.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Headshots are easy.

1. Right when the event starts, dive for an arrow by the fire. If you get one, pres #4. It’ll aim automatically. There’s enough targets there. You will probably get credit for 1 kill and won’t even know who you were aiming at.

2. Right after that, head to the nearest camp, salvage salvage salvage, and as soon as you pick up an arrow, #4 in the general direction of people. If they’re busy salvaging themselves, they won’t even notice.

But there’s no reason to rush headshots; if you’re going for 2500 points, you’ll get plenty of easy head shots in.

As for points per game, salvage as much as possible in a busy spot, and try to be the first player to die (from weapons, traps, hunger…) right after the end of the grace period (“Now let’s see some bodies drop!”). Collect all blue gloy things. Place traps with #1 skill in front of (not on top of) alive players for 2 points per successful trap.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Grace Lancelot.3698

Grace Lancelot.3698

They’re called achievements for a reason. I cannot believe how many people make posts about achievements not being easy enough for them. It is really getting out of hand. C’mon people. Please.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

As the event ends next week, I’m just getting started on this event tonight. Any tips going in for the best way to get 2500 points and the headshots? I’m up for any method and have all weekend to play so hit me with some ideas.

The best way to get points is to attack as many players as possible, using arrows and traps, before the grace period is up. Then, once you can no longer respawn, get someone to kill you. As the first ghost, you’ll have access to a lot of Revenge Motes on the ground. Each one is worth 1 point. Make sure you trap players whenever you can, as each success racks up the points too. I’ve been first place in point totals a lot, and that’s mainly due to me being dead first.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

They’re called achievements for a reason. I cannot believe how many people make posts about achievements not being easy enough for them. It is really getting out of hand. C’mon people. Please.

This achievement is easy. It also, however, is tedious, and encourages poor play that makes the mini-game less enjoyable for everyone involved.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Acidicore.3264


Not going to lie, it feels a bit daunting when you start out, getting 25, maybe 30 points the first few games if you don’t sit on the beach scarfing down rations. After you figure it out, you’ll start bringing in anywhere from 75 to 120 points easy. Screenshot of one of the last few games I did, personal best.

Just set traps, kill anyone unaware, scavenge everything, and if you know you’re about to die, jump in the water to get rid of the supplies. Be the first to die, suck up all the revenge motes and if there’s 3 or more in an area, drop a karka and chase down the survivors with alarm traps. Once it’s down to the last two, ignore it and collect reoccurring motes, even after the winner is announced, you’ll still accumulate points even though it doesn’t show it on the screen. It’ll be tracked by the achievement panel regardless.

It’s another example of playing the game wrong (well, the wrong way from the wrong way in this mini-game) to get ahead.


2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: KorKor.9452


I can agree with you on this. Even though I enjoyed the mini-game and hope it gets a few tweeks such as other starting points. The achievement when compared to the Aspect one is much harder to get and takes far more time. It is just silly and should be lowered. (I got it in the first couple days though as I find the game great. xD )