2500 points?
Not a little too much, way too much.
Nope. Got it in a few days. Rather low if you ask me. 5,000 would have been more appropriate.
You can get 500 points in an hour (or a small, casual session) if you’re BAD at survival.
I have roughly 40 points a game. That means 62 games…
Each game is at least 5 minutes. 310 minutes.
5 hours at least.
its not hard. just takes some time.
if you can get at least 50 points per game. that will be like 50 games.
Average is 50 points unless you afk to try and win and end up dying with 12 points at the end.
If you die early, you have the easiest access to points by following someone, picking up Revenge Motes and spamming 1 in front of them.
5 hours ain’t bad compared to other titles. Put those tickets to good use.
Vote Gnashblade.
2500 is a bit much for an achievement that is timegated to 2 weeks. Even if it is well and obtainable within 1-2 whole day of playing, in retrospec, it is a lot more time consuming than other similar ones. All in all, if I had to judge the content dished out by evon or kiel, kiel won by a lot. I’m near the point I wish the loser which I hope will be evon gets hung on a stake and thrown eggs, shot arrows repeatedly and left out to dry to starvation.
I think it’s a fair amount of points, if it was meant to be a prestige achievement. I was thinking maybe more AP should be awarded or maybe a title. Aspect Arena could get equal treatment of course. The points aren’t hard to get, but it is time consuming.
Considering the achievements for Aspect Arena, it’s rather absurd.
If you’re a completionist, then it’s not that bad. If you’re not a completionist, you don’t need it for the meta-achievement, so don’t complain.
I aim to earn 30 Points per game. That means it would only take about 84 games to complete the achievement. If you divide that number of wins by 12 days (lets say you don’t play on the first or last day ) that come out to only 7 games per day and if you give each game 10min then that is only about 1 hour per day..
Right now I am sitting at just over 2,000 Points… This is coming from someone who started out only getting 12 points per game.. to getting 40+ per game…
People just give up too early.. they don’t want to TRY HARDER .. Even if all you did was collect Revenge Motes and Drop #1 on a player that is like 45 points RIGHT THERE There is no reason to get less than 30 points per game…
Edit: I admit, when I first saw that achievement, and after my first game, I thought it was never going to happen..
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server
(edited by Rizalee.4593)
The key is to get as many kills as possible and then die right where the grace period ends. This way you will have first dibs and the blue orbs. I normally average around 70 points. Going for last survivor is just too risky to be worth it since you could just finish the match with 12 points if you lose.
I averaged 85-110 points a game when I was working for the achievement. It’s not difficult at all. Just kill as many people as you can in the beginning. Also, try to die first to get all the revenge motes. If you don’t die within the first 30 sec of the end of the grace period, just run and try to survive cuz all the revenge motes would be taken already and its better to go for the 50 points for being the last survivor.
If a game about surviving rewards you with less points for playing smart and more for being reckless and dying early and often, isn’t that kind of askew?
If a game about surviving rewards you with less points for playing smart and more for being reckless and dying early and often, isn’t that kind of askew?
It’s a gamble. If you play it safe, you have a higher chance of winning and getting 50 bonus points, but if you make a mistake, you die and lose that chance.
I aim to earn 30 Points per game. That means it would only take about 84 games to complete the achievement. If you divide that number of wins by 12 days (lets say you don’t play on the first or last day ) that come out to only 7 games per day and if you give each game 10min then that is only about 1 hour per day..
Right now I am sitting at just over 2,000 Points… This is coming from someone who started out only getting 12 points per game.. to getting 40+ per game…
People just give up too early.. they don’t want to TRY HARDER .. Even if all you did was collect Revenge Motes and Drop #1 on a player that is like 45 points RIGHT THERE There is no reason to get less than 30 points per game…
Edit: I admit, when I first saw that achievement, and after my first game, I thought it was never going to happen..
i can agree with what you said. i used to get less than 15 points from matches, but i really like this game mode. it’s like the hunger games and maybe that is why i keep playing it. after many matches i can now be at the top 2 at points and also even be the last survivor. i get lots of points but to be honest i just play it because i like it. i have to say the 2500 it’s a low goal >.<
i get 40+ by collecting things around. the thrill of the game mode it’s when you are let’s say 2 mins past the grace period and you only got 1 ration and an arrow and you see an enemy with 5 rations and 9 arrow, now those moments are fun. they are tough choices to survive, fight him head on, sneaky like, or run away like a coward and look for supplies. I just have to say it feel like you are inside the hunger games with a more forgiving nature to not die in real life =)
I play like a deranged sociopath. I kill everything in sight with no regard for my own safety.
It is stupid for those who think achievement is for EVERYONE. Some achievement is easy but some of them should be challenging or time consuming. If achievements are easy and everyone can get them all within a few hours, those achievement points and titles are no longer worth to have. 2500 points are easy because it does not require any difficult skill and only require a few hour playing the mini game. I have no idea why people keep complaining on everything.
It is stupid for those who think achievement is for EVERYONE. Some achievement is easy but some of them should be challenging or time consuming. If achievements are easy and everyone can get them all within a few hours, those achievement points and titles are no longer worth to have. 2500 points are easy because it does not require any difficult skill and only require a few hour playing the mini game. I have no idea why people keep complaining on everything.
People expect symmetry. Keil’s achievements were not nearly as time consuming.
I’m not good at this game; so I don’t understand how to make 50 pts per game. I am not good at killing anyone because I usually end up with no arrows/weapon, so no points there. Even when I pick up motes and try to set traps, I still only get about 10 pts per game. Very slow ….. what should I be doing? Any help would be appreciated. It’s ok if I don’t get this achievement since there are others I can finish. I just wish I knew how to get better. =(
You can get 500 points in an hour (or a small, casual session) if you’re BAD at survival.
I got all of the Sanctum Arena achievements within a couple of hours, with Crystal Breaker being the longest.
If you’re looking at one achievement as taking multiple hours on its own compared to that, there’s something askew.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I’m not good at this game; so I don’t understand how to make 50 pts per game. I am not good at killing anyone because I usually end up with no arrows/weapon, so no points there. Even when I pick up motes and try to set traps, I still only get about 10 pts per game. Very slow ….. what should I be doing? Any help would be appreciated. It’s ok if I don’t get this achievement since there are others I can finish. I just wish I knew how to get better. =(
Kill people in the beginning of the game during the grace period. Don’t worry about surviving because you will res anyways. if they have low health, just use the 1 skill. If not, then hide in a corner or something and use the headshot skill. Most people salvage in the camps, so some people like to stand on top of the tent or inside the watchtower thing to snipe.
If you want points, die immediately after the grace period ends in the camp and pick up all the revenge motes. That is like an easy 30 points. Also, if you spawn a karka there, you can probably get a couple of kills to, netting you another 5-20 points.
You don’t set off traps randomly. You need to find a person that actually moves around and stuff. To get points, its easiest to just dash in front of the person with the 5 skill and then use the 1 trap. Then rinse and repeat.
It is stupid for those who think achievement is for EVERYONE. Some achievement is easy but some of them should be challenging or time consuming. If achievements are easy and everyone can get them all within a few hours, those achievement points and titles are no longer worth to have. 2500 points are easy because it does not require any difficult skill and only require a few hour playing the mini game. I have no idea why people keep complaining on everything.
I’m expecting balance. If an achievement is not for everyone, because it’s very challenging, or because it requires skills out of the ordinary… well.. then it should rewards whith more achievement points (now that they count in some way). AP should be calculated in base of the difficulty, of the time request, and of the lore importance (those unmissable “talk to X npc” which offers 10, 15 ap)..
Thanks Xiao Haishou for your suggestions. I’ll try to use those in the next game.
You can get 500 points in an hour (or a small, casual session) if you’re BAD at survival.
I got all of the Sanctum Arena achievements within a couple of hours, with Crystal Breaker being the longest.
If you’re looking at one achievement as taking multiple hours on its own compared to that, there’s something askew.
Except everything in Southsun Survival except akitteng counts towards that achievement.
… I have not even started with the achievement (neither the aspect arena), being very afraid not to succeed at all in these killing, hurting, blocking and hiding games. 8-] … Very bad at these kind of PvP like achievements. But no problem, I will just skip the Cutthroat achievement. There is no obligation to do them, so why bother? ;-)
Tank Girl: Booga, that was very smart.
Gath Gealaich | Rémi Heltzer [GN] – Elona [D]
(edited by AuroraW.7149)
Scoring system in SS is a steaming pile of kittens, if you got points ticking in the same way as hunger does, then the game would be more entertaining. Though games would be longer as people wouldn’t then deliberately die so they could farm points.
Piken Square
(edited by binidj.5734)
If a game about surviving rewards you with less points for playing smart and more for being reckless and dying early and often, isn’t that kind of askew?
I agree you should get bonus points based on how many others were alive when you died. That would reward both cautious and aggressive players in a fair way.
Zerg kill as many people as you can during the grace period, don’t bother healing. Stay near/in one of the camps. As soon as the grace period ends, die and do not kill anyone before you do. You want and must be the first one dead. You can shoot at people to lower their health, but make sure you will die first. As soon as you die, quickly pickup as many motes as you can. If you’re the first to die, you can easily score +30 points from a camp. If anyone is near you, place an alarm trap (only because you should be at the mote cap) and continue picking up motes.
At this point, you can either rush to the next camp to continue grabbing motes, or you can select a player to stalk. You want to run in front of them and use the first trap skill. If you can guarantee a kill, for example, they’re at half health and no rations, kill them with an alarm trap, it’s worth an extra 2 points in comparison to 4 #1 traps.
Using this method, a score of 100 or more is pretty common.
Also note that it’s sometimes better to let players live. For example, the camp at Onyx Field contains many pickups, so letting someone live here will yield more points, since you get a mote for every item they pickup.
(edited by Healix.5819)