Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Villious.8530


Nice tinfoil hat you have there!

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: A Massive Headache.1879

A Massive Headache.1879

Nice tinfoil hat you have there!

No, I think he fully upgraded to lead.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It all makes sense now! The Arenanet conspiracy to make all players who play their game complacent sheep who beckon to their will and get illusions of choice!

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


I honestly think this wasn’t rigged, but as I said other times, they always presented Evon as a shaddy character from the beginning while Kiel was a known ally.

There was a lot of misinformation inside the game (most of us that knew how everything worked knew it because of the internet). I saw a HUGE LOT of people that didn’t know what was happening on my server and we did the best we could to explain them what was happening and what to do, or they didn’t know what each candidate would offer (the first mail from each one didn’t specify it, and many players didn’t even know how to find them in person in the first place).

So misinformation+cutscenes showing Evon as a shaddy kitten… and you have a significative percentage of voters going for Kiel. I’m not saying this was done on pourpose, but I would’ve liked a more balaned presentation for both and some more direct aproach to ingameinformation (like the candidates listing all their promises in the mail they send you so everything is clear from point one). Given how this is something that affects the future of all of us (the informed and the not so well informed), it could have been nice.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Olba.5376


’Nuff said.

Think of it like your personal story – you make choices but ultimately you end up at the same destination. Your choice never mattered, there was no election, steak only tastes real because the matrix tells your brain so.

Then what does chicken taste like?

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Grounder.7381


so this is what happened to the losing end of the candidate follower.. wonder if this applies to Rl elections aswell..

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


Kiel was around for the dragon festival too, so there was no real choice. They want to push her storyline and the “election” was just a vehicle to try and get people to buy support tokens, hence creating more demand for gold, hence creating more demand for gems, hence PROFIT.

connect the dots, people.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: hplee.2839


Orisis Stonehart
Blackgate Militia

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Villious.8530


Kiel was around for the dragon festival too, so there was no real choice. They want to push her storyline and the “election” was just a vehicle to try and get people to buy support tokens, hence creating more demand for gold, hence creating more demand for gems, hence PROFIT.

connect the dots, people.

Lol, I would have thought if the election was rigged, that it would have been for Evon. Keys would have been cheaper, and more people would have purchased them.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: synk.6907


’Nuff said.

Think of it like your personal story – you make choices but ultimately you end up at the same destination. Your choice never mattered, there was no election, steak only tastes real because the matrix tells your brain so.

Then what does chicken taste like?

They don’t know — that’s why everything seems to taste like it.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: RedStar.4218


That’s not a case solved…Anet perfectly knows that there are some people who search the dat file.
Finding a mail of Evon means absolutely nothing.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


People were crying about the election being rigged for Evon before the polls were ever shown. It’s just that now Kiel supporters have no ground to claim that anymore, so now Evon supporters can spout it as much as they wish.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Banquetto.9521


A good conspiracy theory needs a reason why.

I can think of a reason why they would want Evon to win: it would trigger a sale on the most impulsive of all the impulse-buy items in the gem store, the Black Lion Keys.

I can’t think of any reason for a conspiracy to make Kiel win regardless of the actual vote.

Can you?

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: hplee.2839


Evon Supporter/ abbandon fractual Fanatics in meltdown mode

Orisis Stonehart
Blackgate Militia

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


I don’t believe there was any sort of conspiracy, but I am also not surprised at all that Kiel won. If anything, I’m surprised that the votes were as close as they were. Kiel was definitely presented as both the “stronger” candidate and, really, the known candidate. Had Evon been presented as a true alternative, as well as one who didn’t just pop up out of nowhere acting ready to tie a damsel to the train tracks, I think the election itself would have been a better one.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


I thought the Abaddon fractal was going to be the surefire winner for the election. A lot of people equate gods with being epic and/or deep.

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


I don’t believe there was any sort of conspiracy, but I am also not surprised at all that Kiel won. If anything, I’m surprised that the votes were as close as they were. Kiel was definitely presented as both the “stronger” candidate and, really, the known candidate. Had Evon been presented as a true alternative, as well as one who didn’t just pop up out of nowhere acting ready to tie a damsel to the train tracks, I think the election itself would have been a better one.

and we have a winner.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that sees this.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SiegHawk.7981


in my opinion it should of been Evon that won, ive seen more evon supporter then kiel so how the hell did kiel even won? out of every 10 players i saw its like 3-2 of them supported kiel. this totally smells fishy and Evon wasnt what many peopl think he was. The guy really supported Lions arch, Read his background story. He risk his life to protect Lions Arch from Ash legions assault. Kiel never did anything except just pop up in story and do nothing.

Dragonbrand [EAT]
All I want is pure destruction!

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: hplee.2839


in my opinion it should of been Evon that won, ive seen more evon supporter then kiel so how the hell did kiel even won? out of every 10 players i saw its like 3-2 of them supported kiel. this totally smells fishy and Evon wasnt what many peopl think he was. The guy really supported Lions arch, Read his background story. He risk his life to protect Lions Arch from Ash legions assault. Kiel never did anything except just pop up in story and do nothing.

nah, it’s just that Evon supporter yells louder…like a bunch of fanatics

Orisis Stonehart
Blackgate Militia

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SiegHawk.7981


in my opinion it should of been Evon that won, ive seen more evon supporter then kiel so how the hell did kiel even won? out of every 10 players i saw its like 3-2 of them supported kiel. this totally smells fishy and Evon wasnt what many peopl think he was. The guy really supported Lions arch, Read his background story. He risk his life to protect Lions Arch from Ash legions assault. Kiel never did anything except just pop up in story and do nothing.

nah, it’s just that Evon supporter yells louder…like a bunch of fanatics

cuz we really wanted something good and new. Kiel is getting Assassinated tonight. =)

Dragonbrand [EAT]
All I want is pure destruction!

Anet wanted Kiel to win - so she did.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: hplee.2839


in my opinion it should of been Evon that won, ive seen more evon supporter then kiel so how the hell did kiel even won? out of every 10 players i saw its like 3-2 of them supported kiel. this totally smells fishy and Evon wasnt what many peopl think he was. The guy really supported Lions arch, Read his background story. He risk his life to protect Lions Arch from Ash legions assault. Kiel never did anything except just pop up in story and do nothing.

nah, it’s just that Evon supporter yells louder…like a bunch of fanatics

cuz we really wanted something good and new. Kiel is getting Assassinated tonight. =)

atm i am really worry about the safety of the anet employees, should we increase the security measure around the area of anet headquarter?

it looks like these Abbandon fractual fanatics and Evon supporters are serious..

Orisis Stonehart
Blackgate Militia