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Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: kiba.2768


i have to get to work, but before i leave, i’m logging on and dumping every token i have for kiel.

aside from the 3 i used for the evon ap, i’ve been supporting kiel the whole way. it is purely my opinion that kiel may not be a savvy businessman, but she actually cares(lore wise) about the citizens of lion’s arch and southsun cove. evon cares about lining his pocketbook and the players of gw2, in a breaking the 4th way sort of fashion- but not the actual denizens of lion’s arch.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lucky.9421


For all you know Abaddon’s fall could be an underwater fractal where you fight loads of Margonites, with nary a god in sight.

Margonites would still be something new compared to Golems, Aatxes and Shadow fiends which are 90% likely to be what we would get with the Reactor.

How do you like your Golems? Spinny or punchy? How about some tiny ones(which look exactly like the spinny ones) that explode? xD

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Inquest messed up and caused an explosion that teleports animals all over the place.

You’re more interested in this than in the fall of a god?
You would really rather run through another asuran dungeon, than watch THE FALL OF A GOD?

I can see why people are voting for Kiel….cause they’re morons….

Silly stupid god was stupid enough to give dirty smelly humans magic.
His buddies kicked him out of their super cool clubhouse.

Because of this idiocy I had to watch some blind fool jump into the Speed Force and become the goddess of No-one-really-Loves-you.

So yeah I voted for the reactor. It will be interesting to see a GW2 Black Mesa.

Go pray in your temple.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I am not voting Evon due to he uses cheap tactic to win the vote (bribery). In addition of that Evon does not think for the good of LA people, but for himself (you can see it in cutscene and candidate trials). While Kiel, she thinks for the good of LA people.

Bring this to real world condition: supporting Evon = supporting a corrupt politician for your president; supporting Kiel = supporting a good politician for your president. Which one will I choose ? Of course Kiel.

So your not voting for a pirate and business man for a position on a PIRATE council based on a TRADE agreement, because he’s bribing you? What is he bribing you with? More importantly how is Kiel not bribing you in the exact same way?

You feel that a Pirate and head of the largest company in Tyria will not support the people of a PIRATE city while a member of a PIRATE council? Why? Because he didn’t give the loot another pirate group stole back to the people they stole it from? He’s a PIRATE! Kiel is supposed to be a pirate, but she doesn’t have what it takes, plain and simple. She is far to pure and by the books to actually accomplish anything in the cut throat position she’s trying to get in. She does want to protect the people, but do you know where she can do that best? In the Lionguard where she already resides, not in negotiations with real pirates.

In Real World conditions all Politicians are corrupt. Supporting Evon is supporting an honest politician who doesn’t hide what he is, but who has the background and support base to do the job the way it should be done. Supporting Kiel is supporting someone who has no basis for being in the job and who will just be a puppet for the leader of LA, just like she already and always has been.

Which one would any reasonable voter vote for, and who I will be voting for? Evon Gnashblade, the only candidate who matters.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Thanks I will enjoy it.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: hedix.1986


Hm, rich dude or a lady who stood by us during the every disaster that hit LA? A promise of a cheaper keys (SRSLY?! people buy those?) or the promise of cheaper wp that actually everyone in the game uses at least every once in a while? Dragon corruption story (DSD finally maybe) or Abbadon? Here, both would be interesting, but I’d like Anet to turn their attention to something that finally gets us to the much neglected dragons storyline.

Anyhow, the choice seems pretty clear to me. But this is why CP is an election, we’ll see what the majority wants. It may not always be right, but it’s what makes most people happy.

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Nak.8315


If what you are saying is true about Abbadon, then in a month or two when its out, you’ll cry again because the fractal didn’t do its justice because it deserved a larger map/more time.

I voted for Kiel because I’m a racist. All the Char should all be set on fire.

Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Tower Guard.5263

Tower Guard.5263

From now on, whenever I see COF, I’ll think of Charr On Fire.

Just saying, can’t unsee. I personally have nothing against Charr, the iron legions is pretty cool.

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

Oh look, another thread where someone has already convinced themselves that the thaumanova reactor fractal will suck and the fall of abaddon fractal will be amazing. I’ve never seen this thread before.

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Eliandal.8735


You need to start looking at it from the fractal standpoint.

You need to realize that not everyone shares your opinion on the wonders of fractals

Kiel has my vote as well!

Cuthache | Ranger
Yak’s Bend!

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Villious.8530


It’s not that I don’t like Char, it’s just that all the fleas they spread are a pain to kill!

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Yojimaru.4980


Let’s get right down to it; the fractal format isn’t good enough to do either of the scenario’s proper justice to begin with, so they might as well be a non-issue along with cheaper waypoints or cheaper keys.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


OP and his posts is the reason I vote for Kiel.

So once again a typical casual has no reason but to screw over others. Maybe they should have done IQ tests before they allowed people to vote for either of the candidates. Can you imagine if real elections in the states took place like this where anybody can just make an uneducated vote just for giggles? Oh wait…

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lucky.9421


Let’s get right down to it; the fractal format isn’t good enough to do either of the scenario’s proper justice to begin with, so they might as well be a non-issue along with cheaper waypoints or cheaper keys.

I think if you are expecting better production quality than fractals out of Anet for the next year at minimum, you are gonna be pretty sad.

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Ellen Kiel is the people’s princess.

Yep., Typical casual response from people who vote because she’s a human female and not because of facts.

Sorry, but that’s not why I voted for Kiel. I voted for Kiel for other reasons. I liked Kiel and how for candidate trials she wanted the stolen loot returned to the original owners. And, because I would prefer to have a fractal based on actual Guild Wars 2 lore, the Thurmanova reactor. I love game lore, and if I wanted to have more lore based on the human gods, I would go play Guild Wars 1, which last I checked, was stuffed full of human gods lore.
We know so little about the Thurmanova reactor. Its a mystery awaiting to be solved!

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

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in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


And all of the people RPing is pretty lame too. “Oh Gnashblade is corrupt.” What?? I’m sure nobody gives a crap who actually takes the seat in the LA council because let’s face it – we have no reason to care.

You all voted for Trahearne 2.0 – another incompetent fool who does nothing for months and then takes credit for the work we did. This thing was rigged from the start. Ellen and the Norn are talking and Ellen seems all noble while Gnashblade hides in the stairwell overhearing the conversation and scheming. Yeah that’s a fair way to have votes take place.

Not to mention Ellen has been with us for months now via living story and so people who actually like her would vote for her over some random NPC who just shows up out of the blue and is apparently playing “the bad guy.”

Either way all the replies in here where people voted out of spite, voted because Ellen is a human female, or voted because they want to see Asura blow something up again, are the reason why Anet should have never put the voting in player’s hands.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I would prefer to have a fractal based on actual Guild Wars 2 lore, the Thurmanova reactor. I love game lore, and if I wanted to have more lore based on the human gods, I would go play Guild Wars 1, which last I checked, was stuffed full of human gods lore.
We know so little about the Thurmanova reactor. Its a mystery awaiting to be solved!

Let me tell you what happened. Again:
Asura (inquest) thought they were super smart – way smarter than they actually are. They blew stuff up, and now animals are being teleported there. Wow that is so interesting and engaging. Much better story than human Gods fighting each other and casting one out of Godhood.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lucky.9421


Gnashblade has a way better voice-over for his minigame.

We’ll always have Southsun. Q__Q

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


You’re more interested in this than in the fall of a god?
You would really rather run through another asuran dungeon, than watch THE FALL OF A GOD?

I’m not very interested in gods in any videogame. To me, labelling any character in a videogame a god is mainly an excuse to overpower them. To either put them out of the players’ reach (an NPC god is beyond questioning, you can never argue with them, they are A GOD) or to make their fall feel more epic (in case of an antagonist).

But the whole suspension of disbelief by making things BIGGER and STRONGER only works so many times. And it does not make up for bad writing. My impression is always the same: “How do we make this… BIGGER? I know. We’ll make it THE BIGGEST. We’ll make it A GOD.”

I prefer a well-written story that allows me to feel involed, to a story about an overpowered being that makes me feel detached, any day.

(See also Doctor Who series finales, which since 2005 have become more and more “epic” each year, but have had less of an emitional impact on me because they felt less and less personal.)

TL;DR: I find gods themselves very, very boring in literature, movies and games.

I can see why people are voting for Kiel….cause they’re morons….

And just like that, you’ve discredited yourself.

The Gods aren’t overpowered, out of reach NPCs in a game. In GW1 they each had their own realm of the mists that we were able to visit. These were the elite dungeons in GW1. They contributed a TON to the GW1 lore.

In GW2 the Gods have already abandoned Tyria. I’d like to know why they did that and what could possibly bring them back rather than see stupid little snobby Asura blow something up again.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


You are very ignorant for many reasons OP…first as has been stated a billion times thermuva wasn’t just a “whoops bad Asura lab experiment that blew up” it caused a rip in space and time that’s kind of important…not going into more details since it takes too long to explain…the big thing though is who the hell are you to tell people to stop RPing? I personally don’t do It much myself but many people love doing it and they are basing their vote off who their character would like and trust
Stop being a sore loser and a kitten about it and grow up a little and accept you may not get what you want

Grow up? You know nothing about me I assure you I accept that I won’t, and don’t get anything or everything I want. I’m not an entitled child so maybe take it down a notch since you know nothing about me.

On topic, I’m not mad that Gnashblade lost I’m mad that people only voted for Kiel because “OMG SHES HAWT” or “She’s a noble military leader and Evon is a greedy criminal!” Really? I’ve yet to see anyone sensibly say why they voted for Kiel. When I do, I’ll accept it for that individual but until then, everyone I’ve seen in this and other threads and in game have all voted for Kiel because “too many people like Evon so I’m voting for her” or “I’m voting for the hot human female” or “blah blah blah RP blah blah blah”.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Pwner your views are so dilluded and one sided that no amount of logic or persuasion could change your thoughts(not saying we should) bc you want gnash blade? Cool good for you! But stop being such a kitten sore loser bc your guy lost and you calling everyone who voted for Kiel an idiot, uneducated, or stupid is completely ignorant

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Pwner your views are so dilluded and one sided that no amount of logic or persuasion could change your thoughts(not saying we should) bc you want gnash blade? Cool good for you! But stop being such a kitten sore loser bc your guy lost and you calling everyone who voted for Kiel an idiot, uneducated, or stupid is completely ignorant

So again you have no reason for why she would be better or why you voted for her. Great thanks for proving my point.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Now you are assuming things to, I never said who I voted for(though yea I supported Kiel) and I don’t feel the need to as many others have already said my views which you have chosen to blatantly ignore because of your ignorance and anger of losing

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Now you are assuming things to, I never said who I voted for(though yea I supported Kiel) and I don’t feel the need to as many others have already said my views which you have chosen to blatantly ignore because of your ignorance and anger of losing

Well yeah you didn’t need to say anything I knew you voted for Kiel based on your reply. Blatantly ignore? I can’t ignore something that isn’t said. So if you’re not going to explain why then I can’t really do anything about that.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Because as I said in that post…other people have ALREADY posted what I like about Kiel and why I voted for her so go read any of their comments

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


Well, I voted for Kiel because I prefer her as a character. I also feel that neither of the fractal options are going to be properly served in the fractal format, so I went with the one that would provide a little more lore info regardless of how well it was actually brought to life. Oh and, yes, the WP cost reduction will be nice for however long it lasts and however large it is since I do use WPs and I never buy BL Keys.

In the long run, I don’t see the vote mattering all that much given that any storyline that does involve the LA council can be easily written for either character.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467



Remember the disappointment you felt when you first fought Zhaitan. Apply to Abaddon.

You wouldn’t have been happy either way.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: locoman.1974


to tItle: Thanks, I will for sure..

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Asudementio.8526



Remember the disappointment you felt when you first fought Zhaitan. Apply to Abaddon.

You wouldn’t have been happy either way.

The OP will be so much happier fighting in another inquest fractal.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Enjoy your 20s saved on WPs

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


Reason to do fotm is cause fotm wepons will be first to be ascendable in which they will most likely get cooler skins. but that is a little speculation.