I am happy with the results - Evon voter.

I am happy with the results - Evon voter.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Blumiere.1489


As the title says, I am actually happy that Kiel won. Even though I was voting for Evon, I can imagine, that if winning results were different, people would be accusing Anet for promoting Evon just to make us buy BLTK. There would be threads like anet is greedy and playerbase is promoting RNG etc. There was one thread about this. At least the results show us, that the election wasn’t made to promote gem store items. On the other note I personally find LS and current Gw2 lore far too Asura, and Human oriented, that is why I voted for Evon, It could actually give us some Charr related LS ( still waiting for Sylvari also ), and by the fact the Evon seems to be ,,evil,, I think the LS could be more interestning, than laid-back too good Treharne erm.. I mean Kiel.

Of course there is little side of me that is sad a little, but maybe I will bite the bullet and go on.

(edited by Blumiere.1489)

I am happy with the results - Evon voter.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


It doesn’t matter what ANet does, people will claim it’s just to get people in the gem shop.

Adding alternative ways to get event weapon skins? Ploy to sell gems.
Adding new permanent mini games? Ploy to sell gems.
Adding weapon skins that you have to finish a dungeon to get? Ploy to sell gems.
This post? Ploy to sell gems.

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

I am happy with the results - Evon voter.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lucky.9421


It’s kind of unfortunate Evon got saddled with BL keys. A thorny issue for sure.