Role playing politics aside
The WP cost and Key costs to me are irrelevent as they are both temporary (only 4 weeks). If they made those permanent changes then my mind may be changed.
However, to me the vote is more about the permanent addition of a new fractal. As for me, I’m voting for the Fall of Abaddon as that seems much more epic than the Thaumonova reactor blowing (we see Asura blow things up all the time in botched experiements).
it is choice between battle of gods and a nuclear bomb which is better only time will tell
The only data ArenaNet needs for RNG boxes and keys is the number of people buying them. They have the perfect data already, voting for Evon has nothing to do with supporting RNG in the gem store. It would be stupid for them to even consider it when they already know exactly how many people buy RNG chests.
I think players latching onto the RNG factor of this is missing the REAL WORLD point in all this. The fact of the matter is, there is only one outcome that is going to potentially earn more REAL money for ANet.
I have absolutely NO problem with ANet making money (I’ve never bought a BLC key and can’t say I ever will) but I find it astonishing that there are players that have convinced themselves that since the price of BLC keys is being halfed, ANet will make LESS and is actually sacrificing profits for this to benefit the player base. I’n not saying it might not benefit some players, but if you seriously think that half price BLC keys for a month is going to loose ANet money, you are not considering how MANY keys they are likely to sell (a product that has NO associate cost nor lack of supply (unless they run out of 1s and 0s somehow)).
Frankly, the more I think about this, the more astonishingly brilliant this is likely to turn out for ANet.
Yes, RNG is an issue, but it’s an issue that most players accept and don’t even think about (until they are hinging all their GW2 goals on it).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
It’s not fair they pit cheaper WPs against Abaddon.