"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gmr Leon.1846

Gmr Leon.1846

This is the only reason you can bring up against this Fractal to support your awesome millionth human god-related thing.

Then answer these questions, because I do not know what happened:
-What was the sample used? Where was it gathered?
-Were Destroyers involved? Was it krewe infighting? Was it sabotage? Did something simply manifest out of the experiment wreaking havoc and requiring containment?
-How were the major effects even contained to begin with?
-Why is there Ancient Fire Elemental Energy that keeps emerging there whereas the other effects tend to be the teleportation in of enemies from across Tyria, and the rest of its effects tend to be Chaos Magic related?
-What’s so crucial about Chaos Magic that the Inquest was inspired to continue its work, despite such a critical failure at Thaumanova Reactor?
These are just some questions.

We know the Fall of Abaddon happened, we’ve heard about it tons of times from GW1, we know it was divine disagreement that caused his fall.

I would also like to know more about the Fall, but not at this cost.

If the Thaumanova Reactor will lose because of a few spared gems for keys then I won’t really care because I think I probably won’t see either Fractal anyway. I just think there should always be paralleling contradictory threads in every forum, because it’s fun to see both sides.

Grydd, asuran engineer perpetually gathering materials.
Member of The Archivists’ Sanctum [Lore], a guild for lore enthusiasts.
The Adventurer’s Log!

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: darkace.8925


- were we able to see/travel through the rift into the Steam Creatures’ home world?

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Shiren.9532


What makes any of this different from the average asuran personal story (I haven’t played it, but I heard the steam creatures have something to do with the Infinity Ball)? At no point in the human personal story did we interact with the gods. The Abaddon fractal sounds like it will be as big as the final battle of an epic blockbuster move. A divine disagreement is huge in the world of Tyria. Yet another asuran experiment gone wrong is an every day occurrence.

The fall of Abaddon was a significant event in Tyrian history. We know that because we’ve played through many of the consequences in GW1. If the Thaumanova Reactor is an important event in Tyria history, wouldn’t it make sense that the story would go there at some point? In a world with a Living Story, more personal story on the horizon and some kind of expansion level content, if the Reactor is truly important, they wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I hope you realize that anyone who sees the Gods in person will become blind… at least. The only exception from this is Abbadon after his corruption and Kormir as she took his mantle.

If the Abbadon fractal were to come out, you can bet you’re playing as or against Margonites with the ally NPC or final boss being Jadoth.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Shiren.9532


It’s not a time machine, it’s a recreation. We won’t see the real gods, just recreations of whatever happened.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Obvious Shizzel.8974

Obvious Shizzel.8974

I don’t really care who wins, if Evon wins, we get to fight a god or something like that.
If Kiel wins, I’m always happy to see more steam critters and new monsters of that sort.
But I think I’ll vote for Evon, just becuase I like Southsun Survival a bunch.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Anet choose two places that has had Chaos rifts for a reason. Anet wants to create a connection between the open world and something in the Mists.

Thaumanova: Chaos rift in open world+Chaos rift in the Mists=Portal for thing to go into or out of the Mists.

Abbadon: Chaos rift in open world+Chaos rift in the Mists=Portal for thing to go into or out of the Mists.

(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gmr Leon.1846

Gmr Leon.1846

What makes any of this different from the average asuran personal story (I haven’t played it, but I heard the steam creatures have something to do with the Infinity Ball)? At no point in the human personal story did we interact with the gods. The Abaddon fractal sounds like it will be as big as the final battle of an epic blockbuster move. A divine disagreement is huge in the world of Tyria. Yet another asuran experiment gone wrong is an every day occurrence.

The fall of Abaddon was a significant event in Tyrian history. We know that because we’ve played through many of the consequences in GW1. If the Thaumanova Reactor is an important event in Tyria history, wouldn’t it make sense that the story would go there at some point? In a world with a Living Story, more personal story on the horizon and some kind of expansion level content, if the Reactor is truly important, they wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

What makes any of this different from any of the personal story? At no point in the personal story did we deal with Thaumanova Reactor (not even in the asura personal story, for that matter, I just double-checked). The Thaumanova Reactor fractal sounds like it will be as big as the Resonance Cascade of Half-Life. A magical experiment that purportedly turned the fabric of reality inside out is huge to the world of Tyria. Yet another divine disagreement is irrelevant to other races.

The Thaumanova Reactor explosion may be a hugely significant event in Tyrian history that’s effects are still being learned. We know that because its consequences can be discovered by the observant across Tyria. If the Fall of Abaddon was such an important event in Tyrian history, why is it exclusive to humanity, and wouldn’t it make sense that the story would go there at some point? In a world with multiple races, and a Living and Personal Story involving all of them, and some kind of expansion level content on the horizon, if the Fall of Abaddon is truly important, they wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

It goes both ways, man.

Grydd, asuran engineer perpetually gathering materials.
Member of The Archivists’ Sanctum [Lore], a guild for lore enthusiasts.
The Adventurer’s Log!

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

What makes any of this different from the average asuran personal story (I haven’t played it, but I heard the steam creatures have something to do with the Infinity Ball)? […] Yet another asuran experiment gone wrong is an every day occurrence.

Your typical asuran experiment gone wrong just leads to a golem going haywire or a small 10-feet-radius explosion.

The Thaumanoa Reactor base is the precursor to the biggest Inquest base – the Crucible of Eternity. It is the very core of Inquest lore, and its effects are seen across the globe. From the research at Thaumanova, of which we only know for certain containing Chaos Magic experimentation, the Inquest had furthered their studies into the Elder Dragons themselves. And there are hints that they were researching the Elder Dragons even at the Thaumanova Reactor.

This is not your “every day occurrence.” This is the very core of Inquest research on magic and the Elder Dragons. It is the very foundation on which the Inquest and their actions exist in the modern world. Almost everything Inquest can find a direct tie to Thaumanova.

Thaumanova’s influence spans the continent, changes the very laws of physics, and could possibly be tied to the oldest forces in the world.

And if that doesn’t sell you, this should:

We may learn more on Mordremoth and the Deep Sea Dragon through looking into Thaumanova.

If you look at the reactor, you will find that there are five elemental themes there: Fire, Ice, Vegetation, Water, and (very very minutely), Crystal. The Ice has a direct tie to Jormag via the quadrant summoning Icberood and Corrupted Ice. The water has an indirect tie to the DSD in the creatures summoned there. The Plant/Vegetation quadrant has a potential tie to Mordremoth because of the rotting mossheart teleported there (it uses the same model as Nightmare Mosshearts that are part of an event in Caledon Forest, yet interestingly uses the same abilities, and model, as the Champion Rotting Oakheart in Queensdale – whom, might I add, is said to be capable of spreading “corruption” and has an environmental effect that is also seen around said Nightmare Mosshearts). Primordus even has an indirect tie to the fire quadrant – the Fire Elemental is also seen in a personal story step that takes place at Mount Maelstrom, which has swarms of destroyers rising; then there’s rumors that the explosion was caused by destroyers.

So ask yourself:

Do you want to witness an event we know about, seeing what the Crystal Sea looked like (somewhat).

Or do you want to learn about the Inquest’s research into the Elder Dragons and magic itself.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Yes, we dont’ really know much about either of the two. But you should also keep in mind that this is a fractal, so it’s not going to directly tell you much lore wise anyway. It’s just about how epic people think the battle will be.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


This is the only reason you can bring up against this Fractal to support your awesome millionth human god-related thing.

Not really. It may be from the point of view of someone very close minded, but there are many other reasons for prefering the Abaddon fractal.

I hope you realize that anyone who sees the Gods in person will become blind… at least.

Any human. Maybe we will fight as the Forgotten… Which would be a fun way to add lore about them, too.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

(edited by Erasculio.2914)

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: eekzie.5640


To be honest, the idea of anything more related to inquest is just a let down to me. The asura presence in this game is already pretty huge.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Thobek.1730


This is the only reason you can bring up against this Fractal to support your awesome millionth human god-related thing.

Then answer these questions, because I do not know what happened:
-What was the sample used? Where was it gathered?
-Were Destroyers involved? Was it krewe infighting? Was it sabotage? Did something simply manifest out of the experiment wreaking havoc and requiring containment?
-How were the major effects even contained to begin with?
-Why is there Ancient Fire Elemental Energy that keeps emerging there whereas the other effects tend to be the teleportation in of enemies from across Tyria, and the rest of its effects tend to be Chaos Magic related?
-What’s so crucial about Chaos Magic that the Inquest was inspired to continue its work, despite such a critical failure at Thaumanova Reactor?
These are just some questions.

We know the Fall of Abaddon happened, we’ve heard about it tons of times from GW1, we know it was divine disagreement that caused his fall.

I would also like to know more about the Fall, but not at this cost.

If the Thaumanova Reactor will lose because of a few spared gems for keys then I won’t really care because I think I probably won’t see either Fractal anyway. I just think there should always be paralleling contradictory threads in every forum, because it’s fun to see both sides.

say your right and something interesting happened, great. But maybe you’re wrong and its just another case of an asura experiment gone wrong. We already have CoE, and the fire elemental world boss. We can find the key and even fight the steam golem. I want something different.

It all points to the Grand High Sovereign and some inquest meddling. I would prefer a larger more complex story involving him (since he’s from the future or another reality) than a simple fractal. For the purposes of a Fractal it would be far more interesting to see the Abbadon fight. Deal with the reactor later.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Yes, we dont’ really know much about either of the two. But you should also keep in mind that this is a fractal, so it’s not going to directly tell you much lore wise anyway. It’s just about how epic people think the battle will be.

I can guarantee that no matter how epic the Fractal itself may be… it will fail to compete with people’s expectations.

Regarding the “it’s not going to directly tell you much lore wise anyway” because it’s a Fractal – it depends on how it’s done. Based on the hints by devs where one asked “I wonder what happens when chaos magic and the Mists mix?” (paraphrased), I think the Thaumanova reactor will give more lore – but more so with the aspect of Thaumanova’s explosion reacting to the Mists, rather than what happened at the Thaumanova Reactor.

And even if I’m wrong, it’s really just the specifics that alter. The generals can remain the same – again, it depends on how it’s done. Is it meant to be an exact replication with the only change being your own actions? Or is it meant to be a general recreation, so it may end up being like the Fall of Abaddon taking place without the other five gods?

This is the only reason you can bring up against this Fractal to support your awesome millionth human god-related thing.

Not really. It may be from the point of view of someone very close minded, but there are many other reasons for prefering the Abaddon fractal.

Leon was being sarcastic. This thread was created in mockery of another recently made one

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kojiden.8405


Will the thermaarneranova reactor have those mechanical steam creatures? If so I might vote for it.

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gmr Leon.1846

Gmr Leon.1846

Speculatively speaking, if either Fractal holds any significance to the story and lore, and only one is certain to be made, it may be appropriate to suggest that when boiled down, they reduce to the same base components.

Which is to say:
Both involve magic in some manner.
Both involve drastic events that influenced the state of magic.
The Elder Dragons are central to the main story of GW2.
Both events’ effects on magic reveal something that may aid in our response to the Elder Dragons.

It may then be asserted that it is a matter of thematic presentation. One coated in your generic big war battle scenario (which likely will not be epic, if only because this is a RPG with okay combat and you’re forced to try and coordinate with others), and one coated in your generic big experiment gone wrong scenario (which again, probably won’t be epic because of okay combat and coordinating with others).

It’s subjective, but as far as I’m concerned, if you’re looking for epic fights, you’re better suited to a single-player experience which isn’t sullied by poor coordination and combat that’s toned down so as not to drop the framerates of other players and balance concerns.

Grydd, asuran engineer perpetually gathering materials.
Member of The Archivists’ Sanctum [Lore], a guild for lore enthusiasts.
The Adventurer’s Log!

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


It’s subjective, but as far as I’m concerned, if you’re looking for epic fights, you’re better suited to a single-player experience which isn’t sullied by poor coordination and combat that’s toned down so as not to drop the framerates of other players and balance concerns.

Funny to see even here the old excuse of “It will be mediocre content but that’s ok, it’s a MMO”. No wonder people still accept “kill 10 rats” quests.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

"We know the Thaumanova story"-No, we don't.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gmr Leon.1846

Gmr Leon.1846

It’s subjective, but as far as I’m concerned, if you’re looking for epic fights, you’re better suited to a single-player experience which isn’t sullied by poor coordination and combat that’s toned down so as not to drop the framerates of other players and balance concerns.

Funny to see even here the old excuse of “It will be mediocre content but that’s ok, it’s a MMO”. No wonder people still accept “kill 10 rats” quests.

I’m not meaning to excuse it, I just know from my experience with the GW2 content that there’s hardly any good reason to expect better. I went in without too many expectations, I like to think, and I saw the standard ArenaNet set for itself, and excluding art and animation, it struck me as being set pretty low when it comes to the content itself. In terms of systems, they set their standards pretty high, but when the systems are full of lackluster content, there’s not much to admire in their flow through the systems, now is there?

If anything, it seems ArenaNet themselves took that excuse to heart. “They’ll take any content, it’s okay, it’s a MMO, it’ll have amazing backend systems that shine with all the players interacting!”

Except that we don’t create or drive the content that much to aid the systems, they do. With every dynamic event, renown heart, and dungeon full of same old style stuff. >_>

Grydd, asuran engineer perpetually gathering materials.
Member of The Archivists’ Sanctum [Lore], a guild for lore enthusiasts.
The Adventurer’s Log!