Who is Evon Gnashblade
He’s been secretly funding everything in the game by charging outrageous prices and then paying Arenanet to update content.
All announcements by the Black Lion Trading Company are written by him too.
In fact you could always speak with him since release day, he was on the top floor of the building where you go to get the items and money from trading with players.
I admit they didn’t give him so much screen time as Kiel (and the little they gave to him, they tried to make him look like a shaddy villian for some reason), but he is a very important character for Tyria.
I remember Ellen Kiel from Southsun Cove and the Dragonbash Event but I never heard or seen Gnashblade until this event.
He’s known for shady business dealings and co-owning the Black Lion Trading Company. That’s it. He’s basically came out of the woodwork at the start of BotFW to be the “nasty candidate” to Ellen Kiel’s more trustworthy one.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Here’s some good (read the dialogue before BotFW):
Also, make sure to check the info on Sareb, his assistant:
So, behind every successful Cat there is a salad?
I bet the salad is the brains of the operation.