Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Who's ready to protest for BOTH fractals?
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
They already said no
They already said no
I don’t care. It’s really enough for you to give up?
Many of us were w8ing for years to have a chance like the Abaddon fractal, and will be pretty mad.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
I’m going to protest this entire unholy transformation of good lore into boring runskiplootgetout bloody chore of a fractals.
People have been complaining since the Living Story began for there to be more input from players and for it to be significant. With the election they’ve given us that. Now, because Gnashblade is losing, his supporters are going to stomp their feet and hold their breath until they get what they want. This is pathetic.
I honestly don’t care. I think the Abaddon fractal was far more compelling but if people didn’t vote for it because they couldn’t see past Kiel then I’d rather just forget about it (and never touch on this election again).
It was never a vote for fractals. They diluted it with waypoints, keys and terrible characterisations (on both sides). People were voting for all kinds of reasons, some hated Kiel, some loved her, some wanted the reactor, some wanted cheaper keys. We will never know what the players chose with this election. Had it been one thing or another (without tieing it to terrible characters – unless the terrible characters were the choices without developer and financial consequences) I can see someone saying ArenaNet gave players a choice. Currently all we got was two weeks of nonsense on the forums and a bunch of winners and losers.
The straw man arguments and political slander (which isn’t much more fun than the real thing) that filled these last two weeks was rough to wade through, especially once the novelty wore off. I’ll take hundreds of pages of RNG hate over this nonsense any day. It probably didn’t help it coincided with holidays in the USA.
@spendingallmytime I think the truly pathetic thing is someone going out of their way to criticise players passionate about a fractal. I honestly don’t care if we don’t get it, but I’m not going to disparage the players who do. I think it’s great they care about the game. It’s certainly not pathetic.
It’s pathetic to cry and moan in order to pressure Anet in to add the fractal that loses. It is.
It’s pathetic to cry and moan in order to pressure Anet in to add the fractal that loses. It is.
The real pathetic thing is to vote for a 4 week discount instead of a permanent content.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
It’s pathetic to cry and moan in order to pressure Anet in to add the fractal that loses. It is.
The real pathetic thing is to vote for a 4 week discount instead of a permanent content.
Wait, which candidate rescinded the fractal promise?
Judging by your other posts and the fact that Kiel is currently ahead exposes this thinly veiled plea for the Abaddon fractal. It’s a vote, and is working as intended.
Judging by your other posts and the fact that Kiel is currently ahead exposes this thinly veiled plea for the Abaddon fractal. It’s a vote, and is working as intended.
The problem is it’s not about the candidates.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
The real pathetic thing is to vote for a 4 week discount instead of a permanent content.
Which you will try to skip after second run when novelty wears off and fractal routine kicks in. Or even fear it because of boring and long mechanics. Like dredge.
It’s pathetic to cry and moan in order to pressure Anet in to add the fractal that loses. It is.
The real pathetic thing is to vote for a 4 week discount instead of a permanent content.
Boo frickin’ hoo. Grow the hell up. I played GW1. I voted for Kiel because I want the reactor fractal. I’m not the only one.
On the flip side, are you claiming that every Evon supporter voted for him because of the Abaddon fractal?
I wonder what polls would look like if people could getit through their heads that this is not the GW1 Abaddon fight
I wonder what polls would look like if people could getit through their heads that this is not the GW1 Abaddon fight
I, for one, realize that. Doesn’t matter to me. I want the reactor.
I simply pointed out that I played GW1 in response to the mistaken claims that anyone who’s played GW1 must want the Abaddon fractal.
My statement wasn’t really in reaction to your post, I’ve just neen on these forums all day at work and it amazes me how little people read the content