Why was the fractal ever tied -suggestion-
I can’t say for sure, but what I am hoping is that they had us vote for which one they would work on first. As with real elections, they may have Gnashblade run again, or find another way to impliment the Abbadon fractal. I’m hoping that Arena Net understands that many of us who were knowingly voting for Abbadon are their fans that carried over from Guil Wars 1. It would be a grave dissapointment if they were to scrap the idea, just considering that it would primarily dissapoint loyal fans, as many newcomers to gw2 may not even know who Abbadon is. It is unfortunate to think that some of the dissapointed fans have been with them since GW1 beta. After going over what each candidate promised, however, it is obvious that this is a big project for them, not projected to be complete until the end of the year. I am hoping that after they finish, they will begin, at least considering, what to do with the Abbadon fractal. It is also possible they will impliment Abbadon content another way so that they can give it real cutscenes. Although I cannot back this as it is my own hopes for their intentions, it is not in good business to ignore content that long-time fans want.
Tammy Redda – lvl 80 Elementalist
Level 80 Alts: Ranger, Mesmer, Thief, Guardian