Achievements Are Ridiculous
I think the ridiculous thing is it’s been well over 24 hours and they won’t even give the playerbase a well communicated update on the issue.
Sure, you can find something if you dig hard enough, but why not just be open about it?
Just a question/clarification. When you say you spent $20 on black lion keys. Do you mean that you bought black lion keys for the black lion chests? Or you bought $20 worth of gems to get the Rich Dragon Coffers? Or you bought $20 worth of gems to convert go gold to buy normal Dragon Coffers off of the AH? (Black lion chests don’t have any event related items in them)
You can ignore Moa Racing and miss the fireworks show and still get the 10 achievements. If 50 silver is too much, just ignore it. You are not obligated to do it. Even if you were achieving just the 10 for the wings, you didn’t have to do Dragon Ball even “when it counted”.
Tomorrow “Every Piece Matters” will be done and “No More Secrets” will be released which will grant you another 2 out of the 10 needed.
If you bought Black Lion keys then you won’t get skins because they are in the Dragon Coffers which they also explained in the Patch Notes. The same goes for the Rich Coffers though as they only gave you a slightly better chance of getting them; it’s a gamble.
(edited by Outlaw.3421)
My opinion on the DB achievements:
Clever money sinks, some players may spend alot WP’ing to holo nodes and burning effigies. Getting the wings is a long and boring process. An item like this should have a long interesting and captivating story or something that doesn’t make you fall asleep.
I shouldn’t expect much from these short RNG money-grab events anymore.
SAB and F&F ending was nice (excl. chests). Just outright sell the skins in gemshop,
if you start selling anything good for once maybe I’ll consider purchasing some gems.
I spent about 21.5g on the moa racing while my friend profited 1g 40s (while it was A LOT of gold I say it was worth it as I had fun doing it and that feeling when your moa wins is AMAZING). But I have so far looted 2 of the normal wing covers (from wooden chests) and recieved 2 weapon skins from ~500-600 coffers (alongside 10 risen knights) so I am happy. I just decided to level up a new character and I just open the coffers and generally explore and do the holograms when I see them.
Dragon Ball in my opinion was a really fun minigame and I won 20 games in around 25 played so not too bad really.
The only hard achievement is moa racing as it is down to luck (muggo won 2/3 of the races for me, but I see a lot of people fortunate with meep/motti).
Also TWO achievements that count towards the wings will be released tomorrow. So the fireworks and moa racing are not even needed.
So what I am doing is using this opportunity to level a guardian and I am just casually exploring every area doing every DE and 100%ing all areas I enter.
I get more than enough coffers to satisfy my needs and the chances are you’ll get a few pairs of wings by the time you get to 80 as they seem to be common from wooden chests. Out of 3 wooden chests I got 2 wings and all of my friends bar 1 has gotten at least 1 pair of wings with me. (the one who didn’t get wings has gotten 3 skins in around 250 coffers though).
So just create a new character or level an alt that you have been delaying to do and the skins/wings/minis will come naturally.
These achievements are pretty reasonable. There are lots of options to choose from to max the meta achievement. You aren’t forced to gamble or do any sort of PvP. PvP doesn’t even count toward the meta achievement.
I’m not sure what rich coffers/chests or real money have to do with achievements. You don’t need either to complete them.
@moa races
money sink.
Moa Racing is a lousy activity, but that’s the only thing I’m giving you here. The other achievs are fine. Why do you think they call it Achievements? Because in some of the cases it takes a while to get them. If you’ve spent hours in Dragon Ball then you’ve just experienced MONTHLY content. I’ll say it again just to clarify it, it’s supposed to be monthly content and an achievement. Most of the content is already way too easy and you really can’t even consider the Dragon Ball achievements as extremely difficult.
As pointed out you didn’t even need to do Dragon Ball from the start for the meta, so you really have no point here.
Moa Racing is like going to Las Vegas….You are paying for your entertainment and if you put out <amount here> for the time you spent, well, that is your choice and luck of the draw. If you won enough and got the achievement good for you. No one forces you to spend anything anywhere in this game so being livid about not getting anything for what you spent is ridiculous. It amazes me the sense of entitlement folk have for taking that chance. Most of the achievements on the list are putting time and effort in which is not unreasonable. A lot of achievements require some patience and effort to get and obviously ANet has ensured that there are enough and variety that you can work through to get the achievement and rewards. (Kudos to ANet for trying) I guess maybe they need to put in an after event buy for those who just want the easy way out and spend the moola to just look good without the effort. That would be the true money sink in my opinion.
Just a quicl cl;arification for people when the OP says that he/she bought 20 dollars worth of gems for keys he meant that he did this in a previous event that you could get skins from them not for dragon bash. Also to the OP 200 is not that many to start getting upset you got no ticket, once you hit like 1000 with nothing that is more reasonably. The moa races are there as penatbater said just for a money sink since you can easily get the meta with out them.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Yes, Uther Deathhand was correct – I was referring to the skins previously found for a short time in the Black Lion Chests.
And I was agitated because not only were the Dragonball achievements not registering (as they said later that they would not), I had 11 total at the time and the couple available achievements from the story quest line that they said would count, were obviously not counting.
I honestly have thoroughly enjoyed this content patch – my frustration lies in the lack of communication and severe bugging of this patch. And I don’t get a lot of time to play but have grinding quite a bit through the coffers and have easily blown through well over 500-600 by now.
Its just slightly upsetting because I play this game for the combat and for the aesthetics – and we’ve now gone through 3 different sets of released weapon skins that I’ve never had a chance of getting other than some one-in-a-million random chance. For a game I very much enjoy its saddening to see those just pass on by. Random chance of aquiring? Fine – but for the love of all that is customization at least allow them to be bought with real money at some point. I’m tired of being teased and let down. I understand I can’t grind things out as much as other players do and therefore I am fine paying real money for something I want.
I just want that effin achievement bar filled ! But i need money.
Its like doing something repetitively everyday and everyday, just to find out that one day, you just won’t be able to do that again because you don’t have enough money….is FRUSTRATING
Put the bets on 50COPPER now!
(edited by brunobyof.3541)
If you want to fill all of the achievements, I do agree, some of those are crazy (specially the moa one, IMHO).
If you just want the wings, though, I don’t see it very hard to do. The only one I could say I did grind was the holograms, and I mean grind as in going to kill them if one was nearby when I was playing (I think only two days I actually did grind them after I was done with my dailies, but I usually don’t play more than 1 or 2 hours a day), that and regular playing netted me enough candies and firework to finish their respective achievements as well with a LOT left over (selling the candies, no use for fireworks). That’s 3 achievements done, the fireworks for the helmet, 4, and with the story ones I finished the 8 needed and still didn’t do the piñatas, effigies, moa racing, or any more story achievements they might unlock later (if there’s any).
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Golly a whole 200 coffers. Quit complaining its RNG. + 200 coffers is nothing. I spent over 14-20 g on coffers opening at least 5 times as you and have gotten 4. Its RNG. You can still get the wings if you don’t do moa anyway.
This entire event started “ok” but then just “lamed” out. There was very little “actual” challenge———even the “aethernuts” were weaker than expected (even for a solo adventure) (or my characters are even better than I thought)!!!
It WAS a “nice” party——-but NOT a “great” event
Achievements were just fine. Yeah, some did not count (but fun time wasters, lol) but there were enough to get what you needed event-wise overall. Spending any monies was totally the player’s option just like walking into a casino…you are paying for entertainment so don’t be disappointed when the entertainment doesn’t live up to your expectations and definitely don’t yell foul. House odds are never in your favor… No one was twisting your arm to spend a karka shell on anything. I enjoyed this event immensely, spent a bit on the races, lost a bit there before getting that particular achievement but had a set limit that if I did not get it within a certain amount spent I would not pursue it further. Played Dragon Ball, lost a lot, won a bit and managed the achievement. Got one ticket, one holo dragon wing, and the shattered dragon wing. Overall I would say this event was a win if you put a bit of effort into everything and had no expectations overall other than just enjoyment. I had a lot of fun, hubby says he has enjoyed it and he has not managed the Dragon Ball but he got two weapon skin tickets so I am thrilled for him. We had a lot of fun doing parts of it together so thanks, ANet for a neat event and so totally loved the Noir bits!
worst patch ever. I am so disappointed.
And you just now realized that purposely chasing achievements is silly? Wow.
I always have to laugh at people who purposely set out to do achievements.
My feeling is they’re more designed to go off during random game play, like to make you say “wow, I didn’t know they had an achievement for that” when one does go off.
I don’t think they’re designed as a “checklist” you need to look at beforehand so you make sure you complete all of them. You’re just making the game into grindy nonsense by doing that. You should be playing for fun, not doing things just because you think they need to be done to fill some achievement requirement.
Don’t do that to yourself.
(edited by Icealen.3802)
I don’t think they’re designed as a “checklist” you need to look at beforehand so you make sure you complete all of them. You’re just making the game into grindy nonsense by doing that. You should be playing for fun, not doing things just because you think they need to be done to fill some achievement requirement.
The achivement totals are set at grindy levels, so you have to do grindy.
(edited by wolfie.7296)
And you just now realized that purposely chasing achievements is silly? Wow.
I always have to laugh at people who purposely set out to do achievements.
My feeling is they’re more designed to go off during random game play, like to make you say “wow, I didn’t know they had an achievement for that” when one does go off.
I don’t think they’re designed as a “checklist” you need to look at beforehand so you make sure you complete all of them. You’re just making the game into grindy nonsense by doing that. You should be playing for fun, not doing things just because you think they need to be done to fill some achievement requirement.
Don’t do that to yourself.
I agree and disagree. I like achievement hunting and for a limited-time event like this I want to know what is available so I can plan what I’m going to do.
I spread all the “grindy” ones out over days and paced myself and it’s worked out great and I’m enjoying it. I think it’s FUN, so that’s why I’m doing it.
If a person doesn’t think it’s fun, they shouldn’t do it. I’m probably not going to make it to 300 Holo kills and while it’s kind of annoying to have a bar that’s going to be stuck partially full, it’s not really a big deal. If I wanted to do it, I would. But I have my
I don’t pay attention to achievements like “100 drake kills” or whatever – that’s the kind that I agree with you on – you just go, “o, huh !” when it shows up.
I do think they could have made some changes that would have worked better, but it would be a really big change – and it’s something I hope the game matures into because I understand this game is still quite new and doesn’t have the years behind it that WoW does. It would be nice to see skins or trinkets as things to spend Zaitaffy on at different tiers so that everyone could feel they “participated” and got something cool even if not all could get the “best”, top-tier reward – it would reward everyone and still have special rewards for those that really, really got into it. I would be nice if the achievements were a little more dynamic and paced so that players didn’t have to do the pacing themselves – like saying “light 15 fireworks a day” and giving a smaller reward each time that is accomplished. They could still have a “light 150” achievement (which you could do in one day if you really wanted to), but the daily reward would provide pacing and encouragement.
It is ridiculous and makes no sense at all to make the DB and moa races not count as achievements. Who in earth thought that up? The correct course of action is to lower the total number of achievements needed for meta, but not take out the really kittenes from the equation. So that those who did enjoy the pvp and gambling will be rewarded not punished. Myself after seeing the horrible shattered wings with the broken and skewed animation, I’ve stopped working on any of the achievements. The normal wings look much better. Very poor handling of this event after the pretty awesome adventure box.
FYI I wrote ‘H.A.R.DD. O.N.E.S’ that was somehow changed into ‘kittenes’. Very poor handling of the forum filter as well…
(edited by zerospin.8604)