Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: AerosAtar.3198


Did anyone else spend the majority of the fights in Memorials on the Pyre on their back from the near-constant knockdown from one Thug? Standard mob Thugs were bad, the Veteran was a nightmare and I dread to think what it would be like with more than one at a time…

Is this just an oversight/miscalculation or are they really supposed to knockdown on every 3rd-4th hit?

Guild Leader, Flameborn Nexus [FN].
Proud member of the Ring of Fire community (

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


I can confirm this. Knockdown is bad enough as it is. I was stuck between two of them just repeatedly being bludgeoned. It made me chuckle a little, and then I thought, who designed this?

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


There are a number of strategies you can use to deal with melee KD’s. Personally I find that using immobilize and cripple then moving to range is the most effective tactic. You can also use Chill which increases the recharge of their attacks by 66%.

Personally I found the stun shield more annoying since there was no way to remove it since it doesn’t register as a boon.

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Didn’t notice knockdown much, maybe because i ran bomb engineer and so put him in a blind field. But his health pool seemed absurd for a veteran.

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: BlueSoda.6297


I didn’t have this problem at all, I used a lvl80 ele, and breezed right through it.

Charr Lawful-Neutral

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Wesnoth.1705


Didn’t notice knockdown much, maybe because i ran bomb engineer and so put him in a blind field. But his health pool seemed absurd for a veteran.

Aye, i runed instance with my zerker warrior and even i was surprised of how long it took to take him down.. on the other hand i don’t think i was even once knocked though o.o

What you must learn in gw2 is to

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


I went through with a level 75 guardian and steamrolled everything until I ran into the vet. He smacked me around like a ragdoll the first 2 times and all 3 of my regens weren’t enough to keep him from killing me. I finally switched to scepter/torch to take him out at range. My real problem was that his telegraph was so stupidly long that my quick reflexes were allowing him to hit me after the dodgeroll animation. With practice I’m sure I could dodge it easily but I didn’t feel the instance was worth the time.

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Leo.2641


did it with a lv45 thief breeze right too it so if a lv80 is complaining then get some exotic or redo your build

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: synk.6907


Or maybe dodge?

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: bravoart.5308


Or maybe dodge?

The mob can choose to knock you down with every attack. Every. Single. Attack. No cooldown. I guess you’re so pro that you have 35+ dodges to deal with that, hrm?

Perhaps you should try some reading comprehension before you go posting on the forum next time.

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: synk.6907


Or maybe dodge?

The mob can choose to knock you down with every attack. Every. Single. Attack. No cooldown. I guess you’re so pro that you have 35+ dodges to deal with that, hrm?

Perhaps you should try some reading comprehension before you go posting on the forum next time.

Hey, awesome. Hostility.

I’m not sure what reading comprehension you are thinking I lack when this very thread’s OP suggests that they do this knockdown with only some of their attacks. Others even point out not noticing it. I sure didn’t have knockdown issues when I played the instance.

There’s no entry for these enemies yet on the wiki that helps players by listing their attack skills.

And since I cannot replay it, I cannot get in there to sit on a thug enemy in melee range and give the attacks 100% attention.

Because you think they knockdown on every single attack, though, I totally should have read your post after making mine so that I wouldn’t suggest to dodge (since blind was already suggested) a melee enemy!

edit: What’s more, you can dodge attacks bey not being in range of them as well! Give that a try if they’re a pain -- the friendly NPCs can take shots to the face instead.

(edited by synk.6907)

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

where there enemies in that instance? i had to go afk; when i came back the completion pop up with keg and gold had appeared

… or are you talking about something else?

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I ran the whole thing with a greatsword… no clue what ur talking about o.O

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: bravoart.5308


Hey, awesome. Hostility.

I’m not sure what reading comprehension you are thinking I lack when this very thread’s OP suggests that they do this knockdown with only some of their attacks. Others even point out not noticing it. I sure didn’t have knockdown issues when I played the instance.

There’s no entry for these enemies yet on the wiki that helps players by listing their attack skills.

And since I cannot replay it, I cannot get in there to sit on a thug enemy in melee range and give the attacks 100% attention.

Because you think they knockdown on every single attack, though, I totally should have read your post after making mine so that I wouldn’t suggest to dodge (since blind was already suggested) a melee enemy!

edit: What’s more, you can dodge attacks bey not being in range of them as well! Give that a try if they’re a pain — the friendly NPCs can take shots to the face instead.

No, you really deserve some hostility. You came in with the arrogant airs of assuming everyone is so bad that they don’t even know how to dodge.

Some people aren’t experiencing this, yes, but as one person who didn’t have the psychic foresight of knowing that a mob would be able to chain knockdowns, I didn’t think that needing a ranged weapon would be necessary, and secondly since no other mobs in this game chain stun, I didn’t think I’d need dungeon-level escape mechanisms to deal with a solo holiday instance. Also, it’s kind of hard to get to ranged once you’re knocked down. and again. and again… and the NPC’s? Heh. as usual they’re pretty useless at anything except aggroing more mobs.

Don’t backpedal acting like you didn’t mean to come in here like an kitten and that I’m the bad guy for calling you out on it. Man up and accept you were being a kitten.

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: SquirrelKing.8964


Just to clarify what my situation was:

I was a thief with dagger-dagger and a short-bow for my second weapon set. The NPCs frequently died before I could try to pick off one of the hammer Aetherblades, after which I was swarmed. I did my best to dodge and evade, but once I got caught by one hit I was stuck in a knockdown cycle for about thirty seconds without any way of getting out. I know if I had the right skills I could have avoided some of it, but they were knocking me down with regular attacks, not flashy wind-up skills. Even if I had all of the skills to avoid/mitigate knockdown effects I would have still been caught in it once they were all on cooldown.

I just hope my feedback leads to tweaking of this specific enemy’s skill, to either make it occur less often, or make the wind-up more obvious for the purposes of evasion. I loathe mechanics that take away control of your character, but am willing to accept them if they at least seem fair.

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Did they change the event? I facerolled through it with my 80 guard. I don’t think the vets used knockdown on me even once.

I did my best to dodge and evade, but once I got caught by one hit I was stuck in a knockdown cycle for about thirty seconds without any way of getting out.

For some reason Anet loves to put mobs that ping pong you around. Mechanics that take away your control of your character should be used very carefully because they can easily shift from being an interesting/challenging part of combat to not fun.

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Tien.3865


I was knocked down once (which I easily negated with a stunbreaker) and I was a zerker warrior up in their faces the whole time. I don’t recall any of the NPCs dying either, even in the final skirmish. It must be… RNG!

Borlis Pass solo roamer

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


Just to clarify what my situation was:

I was a thief with dagger-dagger and a short-bow for my second weapon set. The NPCs frequently died before I could try to pick off one of the hammer Aetherblades, after which I was swarmed. I did my best to dodge and evade, but once I got caught by one hit I was stuck in a knockdown cycle for about thirty seconds without any way of getting out. I know if I had the right skills I could have avoided some of it, but they were knocking me down with regular attacks, not flashy wind-up skills. Even if I had all of the skills to avoid/mitigate knockdown effects I would have still been caught in it once they were all on cooldown.

I just hope my feedback leads to tweaking of this specific enemy’s skill, to either make it occur less often, or make the wind-up more obvious for the purposes of evasion. I loathe mechanics that take away control of your character, but am willing to accept them if they at least seem fair.

I recommend using the shortbow, and kiting the boss with your 3 and 5 skills. On your dagger you can use 5 then 4 to create some distance. I also recommend equipping the stealth heal, because it will make your shortbow auto attack immobilize them. Roll for Initiative and Shadow Step are stunbreakers that also allow you to reposition. Save them for the moment you slip up – it will allow you to get out of his chain. This should be enough to see you through the fight. I also might recommend taking out the adds first while kiting the vet, especially the lighting caster – they are pretty weak, but they can dish out a lot of damage if left unattended.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

(edited by rfdarko.4639)

Aetherblade Thug's knockdown recharge

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I’m a shortbow primary and dagger/pistol off set thief.

I had no issues. Shortbow made quick work of the groups and the dagger/pistol was great for exploding the lone targets and vets.

Though I was almost stressing at one point when they swarmed as I thought I may have actually had to use my heal.