Can I still get wings?
Yes you can still get them. The story missions do count towards the wings. The only ones that don’t count are the Dragon Ball achievements.
The Moa achievement also doesn’t count for the wings.
The Moa achievement also doesn’t count for the wings.
yes it does, thats one i got.
The only ones that don’t count are the Dragon Ball achievements and Case Closed – the one you get for completing other storyline achievements.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
It is still very easy and doable in 3-4 hours. First off, Pieces of Zhaitaffy are not expensive. I bought 250 for like 20 silver, getting the “eat 250 candy” achievement easy. Then you can buy 12 fireworks which each have 9 charges, so that is 10 candies each for a total of 120 candies for 100 fireworks launched achievement. The other easy one is the effigy dragon burnings in the lower areas (50 total, 30 minute cooldown each). You should only need 3 achievements after all the story ones including “meet the hosts”. This is for the shattered wings, the bat-like wings are like 6 gold on the TP.
Can you still get them even if you’re not max level? I’m level 58 but would really love to get them for pvp.
Can you still get them even if you’re not max level? I’m level 58 but would really love to get them for pvp.
All of the above things mentioned are in low level zones, so you shouldn’t have a problem. Some people said that they had trouble with a low level character in the solo story instances, but others beat it using lvl ~14 characters. Another thing you can try to get is holos, but now you have the risk of 50% of the time getting bandits instead (or having a bugged holo point).
Edit: Don’t quote me, but I think I remember people complaining that they could not use the dragon wing (don’t remember if it was the shattered or normal one) skin in pvp, but I could just be going senile.