Day/Night Cycle
Is that info maybe available through API? Don’t know much about these things, but now is the time to add it to your website
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
Best I can do is help with which half of the day. Go out and purchase an Ascalonian Catacombs weapon and equip it. When it’s glowing blue it is night time, fireworks will happen in under an hour. When it stops glowing blue fireworks start. If it’s not glowing blue and fireworks aren’t happening, come back in an hour.
Interesting thought… if there’s a constant 70 min. day and 40 minute night that means that the planet is somehow tidally locked with its parent star in a polar fashion, such that the north pole always remains tilted at the same angle with respect to the star. This keeps the star directly over the equator always with no variability… no “Tropic of Cancer/ Tropic of Capricorn” type of scenario. No seasons, basically. You could travel to the same latitude in the southern hemisphere and find constant 40 minute days, 70 minute nights.
Could be the basis for some interesting flora and fauna…
Time and ArenaNet have never gotten along. Quite often they would end GW1’s dragon festival in the middle of the last finale, 15-20 minutes before they were supposed to. That said, at least with GW1 there was a definitive schedule that applied to every district, you didn’t have to guess.
Best I can do is help with which half of the day. Go out and purchase an Ascalonian Catacombs weapon and equip it. When it’s glowing blue it is night time, fireworks will happen in under an hour. When it stops glowing blue fireworks start. If it’s not glowing blue and fireworks aren’t happening, come back in an hour.
Alternatively use or look for a Sylvari. Sylvari glow at night (unless the player has disabled it). Certain Sylvari armors also glow. Saves you the money. Or you could ask in map chat when the last fireworks show ran. True there are going to be some sarcastic people, but there’s bound to be a few helpful people who give you decent answers.
My main is a Sylvari and the hair is what I use to tell if it’s night time or day time. The problem I have is that I never notice the transition lol
Countdown timer that syncs up to the server or overflow’s in-game time would work. A simple counter like “X:XX until Great Fireworks Show!” would suffice.
I would love a timer. I was actually looking forward to this achieve.. but sitting here sucks.
Just got it on a overflow servers.
If your on an overflow server at the 2 hour mark and it turns night, you wait another 40 min befor dawn. If your unlucky, you wait another 1 hour and 40 min.
Countdown timer that syncs up to the server or overflow’s in-game time would work. A simple counter like “X:XX until Great Fireworks Show!” would suffice.
This would be very helpful; I second this thought.
Agreed – I’ve long wanted a way to show the Tyria time of day. The UI options are there for server time or local time, but not Tyria time.