Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Dragon Ball > everything
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
This is your opinion.
I also like Dragon Ball. Normally I don’t really care about pvp games but this is fun. Maybe because it is so fast.
Ty ArenaNet, good work. Also: LA is beautiful. <3
If you enjoying your using food for sure. I will jump in when they fix the food exploit.
I haven’t tried this yet due to the food ‘exploit.’ But like how quick are the games – and how many players?
Enjoyed few games, will do more after food fix.
Kinda reminds me about good old Quake 2 matches.
We need Quad damage, Anet
I play without food and did a 15-0 last time. Stop complaining! :P
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
But like how quick are the games – and how many players?
It is 5v5. Each match can be expected to last between 7 to 10 minutes.
See: http://www.guildwars2hub.com/guides/structured-pvp/dragon-ball-guide or http://dulfy.net/2013/06/11/gw2-dragon-ball-guide/
I preferred Dragon Arena from gw1… I dont like how the skills have such a low cooldown that you pretty much just spam them. Oh and then you get put into a match that has already started meaning most of the time your team will be already losing because you replaced a leaver from the losing team
It’s okay… but I’m only playing it to get the achivements. The chest for winning with only 3 Zhaitaffy is not that much and I’m sure you can farm them better other ways?
They better should improve sPvP instead of always new temporary mini games that are “okay” only but not a big deal.
I’m surprised is as shoddy as it is. The holograms respawn every 10 minutes, and you usually only get 1-3 kills if there’s a crowd. Dragon Ball is a nice concept, but unbalanced. The fireworks are monotonous, the pinatas are the same. And 100,000 candy for a pair of kitten wings? that’s ridiculous.
It’s nice minigame, but why the hell can players use food – gain heal every sec.?Shame on you guys…
It’s okay, I prefer the Dragon Arena from GW1 though.