Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Siphaed.9235



Q: Why are the Dragon Bash weapons that are in the chests going to be provided by specific account bound tickets -like the F&F and Southsun ones- and thus making the weapons account bound (i.e. not able to be purchased or sold on the BLTP)?

>Halloween weapons: Able to be traded, sold, and bought (and crafted with nearly 200g investment).

>The Lost Shores weapons/armor skins: Able to be traded, sold, and bought.

>Wintersday: Basic ‘wooden’ skins were free through in-game earnings, but the special sparkly skins could be bought outright from the Gem Store for a set specific price.

And when F&F came around, it switched to a crazy ticket system from the boxes that are RNG. You know, I don’t mind the RNG. I’ve played other MMO’s before where their entire premise of “End-Game” is an RNG system (WoW raids comes to mind).

What I do mind is that after 2013 started, A.Net decided to not want players to trade the weapons they luckily get from the RNG system.

Take for example on how I’d bought 10 keys to unlock chests back in March , because I want some of the unique items that come out of those (such as the unlimited AH item). Had I gotten a Molten Weapon ticket, I would have been stuck with something I did not want. Couldn’t give it to a guild member, couldn’t trade it, couldn’t sell it. WHY?!

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Mirta.5029


A lot of people continuously pointed out that the RNG ticket system is a bad idea. The problem is that gambling obsessed people gamble hundreds of dollars in gems just on that, so it’s profitable.
If people want the company to change vote with your wallet – every time there’s RNG chests on the gem store don’t buy them and stop your family and friends from buying them. Every time there’s a skin that you can buy straight off the gem store and you like the appearance of – buy it with real money. That’s the only way you can make a company change its ways.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Conncept.7638


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: cesmode.4257


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Yeah Im really tired of the tickets, of the rng boxes that have 0 chance at skins or anything good. I can farm for an hour, I might see 1 crate..probably not. And in that crate are the following:
3 passion fruit
7 karka shells
1 passion flower


I’ll go along with this month’s event. Dragon Bash seems fun in its own right. RNG crap does not. We’ll see what July through August holds. If they continue more RNG, maybe its time to put this game down for good. I left for two months already and it was a nice breath of fresh air. Came back for no reason really, I guess partially because I have a almost 200$ invested (not a lot to you people with lots of disposable income, but hey I have a family to feed), and nearly 1000 hours. IF Guild Wars 2 continues to develop into a casino game, I’ll just delete it and take a trip to vegas or AC.

Hell, even the Poconos has a nice gambling strip now.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Conncept.7638


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

SAB skins are not limited edition, the SAB instance will be back, with all existing skins and content as well as new additions.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Spaced Invader.1823

Spaced Invader.1823

You have to blame NCSoft for this decision.

Apparently they were not satisfied with current revenues, so RNG was one of their short-term plans to make GW2 more profitable.

Enjoying Guild Wars since closed alpha in early 2004.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


People in this thread keep harping on the RNG when that’s not what this thread was made for. I understand RNG, it’s a common element in many MMORPG’s. Without it, everyone would have everything and there would be no special snowflakes…., only person that partially understands the question of ACCOUNT BOUND seems to be:

They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

How so does it harm the economy, though? Adding more rare items gives players more things of medium value to spend their gold on. Right now all the event rare items fit the medium expense pricing range, while the lower range is plagued with normal materials, generally crafted exotics and the like. The highest ranged prices are awarded to precursor and legendary weapons.

It’s best that they’re hoarded to be taken by others and sold to those that want them, rather than people getting them that don’t want them and can’t get rid of them. A chance to buy them off someone who has but doesn’t want them, that’s all I ask. But….account bound, why?!

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Danikat.8537


This won’t really answer the question but it might help shed some light on the situation. There are 2 reasons for the different distribution methods:

1. As Colin said in a recent thread Anet’s approach to updates is still very experimental. They’re trying lots of different things and seeing what the outcome is, how well it works, what the feedback is etc. so every update we get at the moment is going to be slightly different to the last one.

2. Every update is done by a different team. It was well publicised for SAB but apparently the same goes for the other updates. The people who made the Halloween updates are different to the ones who did Winterday or Flame & Frost. I assume at some point it will cycle around because Anet only have so many staff, but each team is largely independent and won’t necessarily choose to do things the same way.

I assume sooner or later it will settle down and we’ll see more consistency.

But as far as RNG boxes/tickets go I agree completely with the people who said if you don’t want them then vote with your wallet. As long as people are buying them Anet will assume we want them and will keep making them.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


SAB skins are not limited edition, the SAB instance will be back, with all existing skins and content as well as new additions.

That is actually incorrect.

SAB will be back, but the skins will not. There will be a new set of skins when it comes back.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: emikochan.8504


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

SAB skins are not limited edition, the SAB instance will be back, with all existing skins and content as well as new additions.

hmm they said the skins wouldn’t be coming back, that it’d be a new set. I wonder if they changed their minds ^^

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Conncept.7638


People in this thread keep harping on the RNG when that’s not what this thread was made for. I understand RNG, it’s a common element in many MMORPG’s. Without it, everyone would have everything and there would be no special snowflakes…., only person that partially understands the question of ACCOUNT BOUND seems to be:

They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

How so does it harm the economy, though? Adding more rare items gives players more things of medium value to spend their gold on. Right now all the event rare items fit the medium expense pricing range, while the lower range is plagued with normal materials, generally crafted exotics and the like. The highest ranged prices are awarded to precursor and legendary weapons.

It’s best that they’re hoarded to be taken by others and sold to those that want them, rather than people getting them that don’t want them and can’t get rid of them. A chance to buy them off someone who has but doesn’t want them, that’s all I ask. But….account bound, why?!

Because economics are always dependent on perspective of those who contribute, this causes any free-market economy to work much like a gradient, when the highest point goes up everything below it stretches out to fill in. When the economy is rising at a good and natural rate it’s completely imperceptible and both income and expenditures rise at a favorable pace.

But when it’s not… when the highest point is suddenly forced upward, cost rises, for those with less resources it can potentially rise much faster than income. You can see this in real life, the US being the worst offender, where the average income for the wealthy brackets has gone up by nearly 150% in twelve years, while the average income for middle and lower brackets hasn’t gone up at all. And all the while costs have gone up for both, but obviously the middle and lower brackets are the ones to suffer while the higher brackets are immune because they have complete control over their own income.

Or, in the simplest way I can explain, it gives the rich more and makes what the poor have worth less.

They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

SAB skins are not limited edition, the SAB instance will be back, with all existing skins and content as well as new additions.

hmm they said the skins wouldn’t be coming back, that it’d be a new set. I wonder if they changed their minds ^^

Really? That wasn’t what I last heard. I remember them saying that the existing skins will be back with new skins. IE, the Fractal Greatsword will be back, with a fractal pistol and rifle added to the roster. Maybe the skins are just unappealing then, or the market is flooded with them. There was a point where the Ghastly Grinning Shield was only 30G, it’s almost 300 now.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


Had I gotten a Molten Weapon ticket, I would have been stuck with something I did not want. Couldn’t give it to a guild member, couldn’t trade it, couldn’t sell it. WHY?!

So players can’t farm and buy those items with in-game gold, rather they would have to pay for them through the RNG with real life money in the in-game store.

The situation you describe above is exactly why the weapon tickets are account bound. If you want the greatsword, buy 100 tickets and get the shield, you could sell the skin at the TP and use the gold to buy the greatsword skin from someone who did the same thing. With account bound tickets, you are not going to be able to do this – your options are going to be either giving up, or buying more tickets in order to try again and again until you happen to find the skin you want. And “buying more tickets” is what ArenaNet wants you to do.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dingle.2743


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

SAB skins are not limited edition, the SAB instance will be back, with all existing skins and content as well as new additions.

hmm they said the skins wouldn’t be coming back, that it’d be a new set. I wonder if they changed their minds ^^

They haven’t said anything to the contrary since then, only that anything they say is subject to the possibility of change – this is one thing I really doubt they’ll change, though. Too many people have invested in the skins because of this.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Had I gotten a Molten Weapon ticket, I would have been stuck with something I did not want. Couldn’t give it to a guild member, couldn’t trade it, couldn’t sell it. WHY?!

So players can’t farm and buy those items with in-game gold, rather they would have to pay for them through the RNG with real life money in the in-game store.

The situation you describe above is exactly why the weapon tickets are account bound. If you want the greatsword, buy 100 tickets and get the shield, you could sell the skin at the TP and use the gold to buy the greatsword skin from someone who did the same thing. With account bound tickets, you are not going to be able to do this – your options are going to be either giving up, or buying more tickets in order to try again and again until you happen to find the skin you want. And “buying more tickets” is what ArenaNet wants you to do.

They can farm and buy gems with gold. But yes they still have to go through the RNG system to get them.

Also I don’t know because I refuse to touch the RNG box system, but I was under the impression that the point of tickets is you can exchange them for any weapon. You don’t get a shield ticket or a greatsword ticket, you just get a weapon ticket and then exchange it for whichever one you want.

During Halloween the RNG boxes dropped weapons directly and many people were very angry that even if they “got lucky” and got a weapon it was unlikely to be the one they wanted, so they marginally improved the system by adding tickets.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: stof.9341


Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

This problem would never have happened if the skins weren’t soulbound once used.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

Actually, I’m not sure this is 100% true. If the items are rare and people can sell them on the trading post, than people would spend real money on gems to convert to gold to buy the weapons. I’m not sure that having them account bound isn’t less greedy than allowing you to sell them.

I think Anet would make MORE money having a rare item that could be sold on the TP.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: emikochan.8504


tbh Vayne, I think they want some semblance of rarity, if way more people have access to said skins they aren’t as attractive to some people.

I personally don’t care how many other people have skins I have, but I guess there’s some analytic somewhere that says people don’t want things other people might have.


Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: stof.9341


The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

There is a fallacy. If there’s 1000 of a rare weapon in the game, it doesn’t matter of those 1000 weapons are tradable or account bound, it still means ANet got 1000 times the weapon price in gem in their bank.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

There is a fallacy. If there’s 1000 of a rare weapon in the game, it doesn’t matter of those 1000 weapons are tradable or account bound, it still means ANet got 1000 times the weapon price in gem in their bank.

To investors and NCSoft the only gems that count are those bought with real cash. The rest is just a sink! The added bonus being that it keeps inflation in check. There is your difference. They don’t give a kitten about gems or in game gold. All they care about is that people buy stuff with real money. For that and only that makes them money.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: stof.9341


To investors and NCSoft the only gems that count are those bought with real cash. The rest is just a sink! The added bonus being that it keeps inflation in check. There is your difference. They don’t give a kitten about gems or in game gold. All they care about is that people buy stuff with real money. For that and only that makes them money.

If the gem price in gold is stable, it means there’s as many gems traded for gold per day than gems bought with gold.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

There is a fallacy. If there’s 1000 of a rare weapon in the game, it doesn’t matter of those 1000 weapons are tradable or account bound, it still means ANet got 1000 times the weapon price in gem in their bank.

To investors and NCSoft the only gems that count are those bought with real cash. The rest is just a sink! The added bonus being that it keeps inflation in check. There is your difference. They don’t give a kitten about gems or in game gold. All they care about is that people buy stuff with real money. For that and only that makes them money.

Sure…so the question remains if these were rare and on the TP for lots of gold, wouldn’t some people be tempted to buy gems with real money to trade for gold to get them?

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

There is a fallacy. If there’s 1000 of a rare weapon in the game, it doesn’t matter of those 1000 weapons are tradable or account bound, it still means ANet got 1000 times the weapon price in gem in their bank.

To investors and NCSoft the only gems that count are those bought with real cash. The rest is just a sink! The added bonus being that it keeps inflation in check. There is your difference. They don’t give a kitten about gems or in game gold. All they care about is that people buy stuff with real money. For that and only that makes them money.

Sure…so the question remains if these were rare and on the TP for lots of gold, wouldn’t some people be tempted to buy gems with real money to trade for gold to get them?

Sure…..but by forcing everyone that wants a skin to gamble for it they stand to make more money; and the gold sink system also will function much better by not allowing direct purchase off the TP.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: data.4093


Expanding on him ^

The answer to your question is quite simple. Because Anet want to limit possible options for getting this weapon. They want you to preferedly buy gems with real money or with in game gold. In the later case this works as a huge money sink. They only want acquisition through gambling. Which makes them the most money. If you could buy it off the TP it wouldn’t.

People on these forums and in-game complain out of both sides of their mouths. “Prices are too high”, “we need sinks”, “precursors cost too much”, “ectos are too low”. So Anet creates a skin that is found through chests but doesn’t tell you the rate of acquisition- forcing you to buy gems for a chance at it. Now you have all this excess gold being dumped into chests for a chance at an item- this hides the true cost of it. If it’s a 5% chance for a skin then the true cost is 20*BL key for a person wanting the skin. If you get a skin but want another item(like OP) you have to keep gambling- forcing more money into the gem store.

Anet is actually giving people what they want but in a roundabout way: a healthy in-game economy where inflation is kept in check and new items added regularly. Some won’t get what they want but overall Anet is doing it’s best to keep the game running smoothly. Not only this, but forcing the gold/gem ratio higher has probably resulted in more people buying gems instead of converting gold(who actually bought gems when it was 1gold:100gems?).

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

I don’t see a problem there to be honest. You could run Sab 9 times and buy the skin, or you could have gotten lucky and get a sellable skin drop.
I, too, have a bit of those skins hoarded. However it cost me the whole month of running it 8 times every day to hoard.
They are expensive, yes, but it’s because it was a one time event thing. Other games have that too, skins from those events on other games are expensive too.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Silver.3284


Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

I don’t see a problem there to be honest. You could run Sab 9 times and buy the skin, or you could have gotten lucky and get a sellable skin drop.
I, too, have a bit of those skins hoarded. However it cost me the whole month of running it 8 times every day to hoard.
They are expensive, yes, but it’s because it was a one time event thing. Other games have that too, skins from those events on other games are expensive too.

No, at 38g they are not expensive. I would gladly pay 38g in order to avoid running SAB not 9 times, but even once. Having them tradeable gives you the choice.

At the moment, anyone who did not want to run SAB could buy these, but anyone who did not feel like zerging karka cannot buy the eye skins.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


I sort of feel sorry for Anet, people don’t seem to realise that it’s NCsoft who make these gemstore decisions, not Anet.

Here’s a nice video which really opened my eyes to the situation. I suggest everyone watches it.

woops wrong link, here it is.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: aspirine.6852


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Wrong company, I do think it’s the main company behind the greed. ncsoft, not Anet.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Conncept.7638


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Wrong company, I do think it’s the main company behind the greed. ncsoft, not Anet.

At this point they’re not only failing to stand against what they know is wrong, but they have consistently lied about it for months, they are just as much at fault.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Again,stupid move of Anet.They should just throw the skins on the BLC for 600 800 Gems each.I won’t touch those keys,tickets,chests,ever.I’m not gonna waste all my money for a kitten skin that’s probably gonna replaced in a few months anyway.I dont like this system at all,and won’t be using it.Keep your kitten skins,no matter how “awesome” you make them.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


Because RNG. Rewarding a lucky few to make a profit on the BLTP would be bull crap.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


Because RNG. Rewarding a lucky few to make a profit on the BLTP would be bull crap.

And yet it works in other MMO’s, for years and years it’s worked.

In WoW just a short month after TBC expansion, I’d found a very unique, epic rifle recipe. The recipe required cap-level Engineering, insane elemental drops (air….bleh!), and an item that only dropped once in a 5-man Heroic dungeon where it was rolled for and BoP (at the time it was BoP, later changed to be able to be sold or traded). That recipe allowed me to make 2 rifles for guild member Hunters, and a 3rd rifle that I’d sold for enough gold to buy the flying mount training and mount itself. But, for a while I was the go-to person on my server for that rifle because nobody else had found that recipe drop yet.

Looking at it from the perspective that EVERY SERVER IN YOUR REGION IS CONNECTED, then you must realize that if these were items to sell as Bind on Equip only, the prices would reduce greatly over a short period after they show up on the market. This is because more will be available than if it was just your server’s market alone to be measured.

Also, if you’re not rewarding players for playing the game, chance or no, then why should they play the game? Most do it for the carrot on the stick, whether they want to admit it or not.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Vol.5241


You know, I thought the fact that you can acquire these items without gambling through the BLTC would stop the complaining..

Boy, how naive I’am.

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Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Whelm.9072


If you made a forum flowchart for the decisions Anet makes it would always end in “The people complain”.

I suppose I was naïve as well

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Hebee.8460


Basing this question off the guru post of weapon skins – http://www.guildwars2guru.com/gallery/album/686-jade-weapon-skins/ – anyone know if there is a pistol? I’m just guessing the person missed getting it or I’m going to be very sad

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Hell, even the Poconos has a nice gambling strip now.

Yeah and it has the worst odds in the country, you’re better off going to AC.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


They are account bound because ANet wants to maintain it’s icy grip on the amount of cash/gold someone will have to pay, on average, to obtain these tickets. If they were available on the TP, people who “get lucky” and obtain a ticket after just a few tries might be satisfied to offer the tickets on the TP for prices that would decrease the amount of cash spent on boxes during the event.

there are some people with poor impulse control or outright gambling addictions that will spend well over $100 chasing after a ticket and if they could instead buy the ticket of the TP, ANet would lose the opportunity to exploit those players weaknesses to earn revenue for the company.

Yes, it is that crass. The company is becoming more and more crass with each passing month and it won’t change unless people stop throwing money at them in support of the questionably unethical “lottery” based offerings.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Why is that bad? How is this different than buying a lot of Mini Reef Rider now and selling them in a year or two for a lot of gold?

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Vahkris.6847


They’re RNG dependent because ANet has become greedy beyond belief.

And they’re account bound because every time they add limited edition weapons that can be sold, the majority end up being hoarded and sold for ridiculous amounts of money long after the event, and it does serious damage to the economy.

Like SAB weapon skins..

38 gold for that greatsword. pft.

On that note, remember that SAB had a very easy farm, and the tradeable versions were relatively easy to get (2% drop rate), so most who wanted the items got them already, hence the low price.

Compare that to Halloween.

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

For all the complaining I do (as do others) about the despicable RNG boxes, there’s one major upside to them: they keep GW2 from getting arbitrarily shut down. NCSoft has already shown that they’re only in it for the money and not the playerbase loyalty (-ahem- City of Heroes anyone?). If RNG boxes are lucrative and keep Anet employees, well, employed and making a game that we mostly enjoy, this is a good thing, right? Especially if the alternative is: “You spent $500 over the last 12 months on virtual goods that you don’t really own. Thanks for your cash, now go away. – Sincerely, NCSoft”

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Yeah Im really tired of the tickets, of the rng boxes that have 0 chance at skins or anything good. I can farm for an hour, I might see 1 crate..probably not. And in that crate are the following:
3 passion fruit
7 karka shells
1 passion flower


I’ll go along with this month’s event. Dragon Bash seems fun in its own right. RNG crap does not. We’ll see what July through August holds. If they continue more RNG, maybe its time to put this game down for good. I left for two months already and it was a nice breath of fresh air. Came back for no reason really, I guess partially because I have a almost 200$ invested (not a lot to you people with lots of disposable income, but hey I have a family to feed), and nearly 1000 hours. IF Guild Wars 2 continues to develop into a casino game, I’ll just delete it and take a trip to vegas or AC.

Hell, even the Poconos has a nice gambling strip now.

Yeah, it’s becoming more clear every update that this is a casino game and that you won’t be able to access any of the cool new weapon skins unless you gamble (and very likely, a lot). All the RNG, the shady gem store gambles, time gated stuff (that is unfair to alts), the temporary content, it’s draining all the fun out of the game. What rewards do you get for free? More back slot items that are an acquired taste. It’s looking like we won’t see new weapon skin rewards in the game outside of the gamble boxes until the expansion. Ironically all this stuff intended to increase the longevity of the game is killing it off with each patch.

If this is the price you pay for no subscription (all the weapons are cash shop gambles) I miss the subscription model.