Dragon... sigh

Dragon... sigh

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: XIIIBlade.6574


After playing the events in GW2, and now this Dragon Bash. GW1 dragon festival games are still much more entertaining and fun… Kaineng… Everyone in the same map participating together in the games, and my favorite gamble was that squares which randomly explodes. The games in GW2 is so, erm, contained? XvsX, might as well PVP, and since its on PVE, we have afks to ruin the game for those who are actually playing and want fun out of it. Games are suppose to be fun, does advance technology make games feel like reality, monotonous grinding to achieve something?
Happy grinding…

When you open your mouth, make sure you brushed your teeth.

Dragon... sigh

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lue.6538


I’d take the dragon festival over dragon bash anyday.