guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
Dragon wing cover
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
I heard that we can get it as drop , I checked the wiki , it says " Very rarely as a drop from any creature "
For the players who got it as a drop , which mob did you get it from ?
A player ingame told me that they drop from any and all mobs, very rarely BUT NOT from dragonkoffers ^^ they drop as individual loot from mobs. So to make it easy just farm them in lowlevel areas =P right now im doing that too ^^
They can be dropped from any mob in the open world. I got one from a dolyak in wayfarer foothills doing the event collecting dolyak meat, one from a pirate right behind the water pipes in queensdale, one last night from the vet wurm by the maw pre event starting area and one from a devourer in charr lands starting area and one from a stag by the champ oak. Best of luck, keep on farming.
(edited by Shulkor.3670)
I got one from a harpy in fractals
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Got one from a Risen mob (don’t know what kind of risen anymore) in the story mission: Triskell Quay.
Got a second one from a Crab in Gandarran Fields
~Sincerely, Scissors
Got two on two different characters, both times from WvW npcs (archers, guards etc).
Got mine from a tamini warrior in front of the demon grub pits in Queensdale.
Mine was from a grawl in Timberline.
so u need 100,000 lolies to get it :|?
Got mine from a centaur during the Ulgoth chain in Harathi Hinterlands.
I’ve gotten two.
One was from an enemy in the Ascalonian Fractal (a vet).
Another was from a drop in WvW. The battle was a mess so I wasn’t sure if the kill was another player or an NPC guard.
so u need 100,000 lolies to get it :|?
There are 2 different sets of wings, one that drops from mobs and one for completing 8 Dragon Bash achievements.
Got one randomly leveling my Guardian in Lornar’s Pass. Was doing some dredge event.
Got one as a drop from another player in WvW
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
One from a Grawl in the Norn starter area, one from a vet at the SB event location.
Got mine off of one of the Lv. 8 Holographic mobs.
I’ve gotten 3 off low level brown cows and low level fish enemies.
My first was in orr, killing trash mobs while waiting for an event to unbug. My second drop was on a lvl 4 mob while starting a new character (so yea, any noob can get it as a drop too).
I got one from one of the holograms in Caldeon Forest.
I’ve heard of them dropping from all kinds of things though. Even yellow enemies in starter zones.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
got mine from a centaur in Harathi Hinderlands while farming coffers.
so i assume that they can be dropped multiple times thus allowing one to have the wings on multiple characters? if that is the case it would be very awesome ^^
I had 1 drop from a Devona’s Rest player I killed in WvW today.
Got mine night before last from a champ elemental while doing Jormag.
First one I got was from a Flame Legion in the Unlock CoF events.
Second one was from an upleveled Henge of Denravi Invader in WvW.
Another player that I killed in WvW.
I got mine from a centaur, my friend got one in a dungeon. They drop from everyone, its just a very small drop rate.
got mine yesterday from a lvl 6 baracuda. was so happy when i got it!!
Lvl 8 wasp in queensdale
lvl 9 longhorn sheep in queensdale
lvl 10 bandit in queensdale
All within a couple of hours.
i got one from the trading post.
One from a holo on my 80 warrior, one from a level 2 spider on my necro 5 mins after creation. About 2 weeks apart.
Got one from a Norn starter area mob for my level 15 Ele
lv3 yellow grub in celadon.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
Got a drop from the endless wave of bandits at the Hidden Lake in Brisbane Wildlands. Coffer City too BTW
Warrior ~ Kahless Coldstone
Elementalist ~ Kira The Star Child | Server ~ FA
Craig’s List
-15 char
so i assume that they can be dropped multiple times thus allowing one to have the wings on multiple characters? if that is the case it would be very awesome ^^
Yes… and no.
The shattered wings are from the achievement, which is once per account, thus only one pair of wings per account can be had.
The non-shattered wings can be bought for 100 Jorbreakers (which cost a total of 100,000 Zhaitaffy), or can come from Dragon Coffers (Rich and Normal) and very rarely from world drops.
so i assume that they can be dropped multiple times thus allowing one to have the wings on multiple characters? if that is the case it would be very awesome ^^
Yes… and no.
The shattered wings are from the achievement, which is once per account, thus only one pair of wings per account can be had.
The non-shattered wings can be bought for 100 Jorbreakers (which cost a total of 100,000 Zhaitaffy), or can come from Dragon Coffers (Rich and Normal) and very rarely from world drops.
In order to get it from the coffers , should I spam left-click on many of them at once , or it’s okay if I open each coffer as soon as I get it ?
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
Dragon wings do not drop from dragon coffers.
drop from a champion spider after a long solo fight against it, made it all worth it
“commander can i have a word”