Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Gatharin.2674


Okay, I know that all gamers aren’t the same and don’t have the same goals in mind but hear me out. I am reading a lot about how these effigies are just one more gold sink to grind through. You go to a map, locate the effigies, find the nearest waypoints, warp, trigger effigy, then move on to the next waypoint or map if you have all three. While I can understand people wanting the achievement as quickly as possible, I believe that they are severely limiting their enjoyment by doing it this way. The first map I did, I followed the plan I explained above… and it was boring and costly. I decided from then on that I would warp to a map and go to each effigy ON FOOT. And you know what, I had a lot more fun that way. Not only did it cost me a lot less to do this achievement but it also did something far better. It allowed me to explore this beautiful world again since I first finished map completion months ago. I had forgotten just how much I was missing by constantly waypointing again and again. THIS is what made it more enjoyable and a reason I applaud Anet for making the decision to spread them out like this. Yes, it will take more time to do these on foot. But also, yes, it will be more enjoyable and less costly. So while this will be a provocative statement, yes grinders, you are doing it wrong.

Maguuma WvW

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Webba.3071


And yet 20 of them would have given the same effect. Personally, to achieve the effect you describe (and I had a similar experience) I would rather they not respawn at all, there are a smaller set number of them spread out in interesting places and you have to go out and get them all, once.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: interpol.2397


I run to the effigies, and to adjacent maps on foot, only porting to nearby cities. It’s good for hitting holos and nodes along the way – but I wouldn’t say there is a “right” or a “wrong” way to do anything…
There is only preference.
You prefer to run, they prefer to WP.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Gatharin.2674


I do agree Webba that they shouldn’t make you go back and do ones that you have already done again. So, up to a point, I can agree that these effigies will become a slight grind after they are all encountered.
I also agree that this is just my opinion stated in the original post. Still, just because you can do something one way doesn’t mean that it is the intended way. If Anet’s intent was to make us re-explore the world, let’s say, then waypointing will not give you the fun that they intended. I’m not saying everything is perfect. I’m just trying to voice a counter-argument for all of these effigy posts bashing them for being boring and pointless. What I’m saying is, they don’t have to be if one just puts in a little more time and effort.

Maguuma WvW

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: spalt.6938


I did most of them on foot rather than using WPs. Wasn’t exciting or fun at all.

No challenge. No impact on the world. And you have to do it FIFTY times.


If your point is that it got people out there to “see the world again,” Anet could have done a lot better run click, run click, run click, run click (especially since you already have POIs and Vistas for that).

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

you can also use alt characters. that way you can easily get 50 while not using waypoints all over the place. just do a few of those close to LA, then switch characters and do the same all over again.

I used waypoints to get my 50. way too boring to run between them + the cost isnt that bad. sure if all you have is 4 gold then it might be expensive for you, but come on… whats so fun by running to 50 effegies with 3 on each map ??? takes forever and is kitten boring

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Insanebolt.7392


And yet 20 of them would have given the same effect. Personally, to achieve the effect you describe (and I had a similar experience) I would rather they not respawn at all, there are a smaller set number of them spread out in interesting places and you have to go out and get them all, once.

I like this idea a lot. I think the great thing about these effigies is that you get to explore the world again. I personally have never even done map completion because I had no intention of going for a legendary. However, with dragon bash I now have a reason to do map completion:

-Lighting effigies (I suggest doing these with guildies, hitting holo’s along the way, and doing any missed map completion)

-Killing holo’s (Get those coffers and candy, you’ve got all month to do it and if your doing it alongside map completion it adds variety)

-Coffers (Before I avoided hearts but now with the additional reward of coffers it makes it worth it)
^don’t forget your mf gear!

I am so Drowsi
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Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Luthan.5236


So are there 3 on every map only? And is it same like with other stuff(fireworks, pinatas) that you can use them every 24 hours with all your chars?

Would mean I could just use all my chars to do the 3 in Gendarran Fields then wait until tomorrow and repeat.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: UrMom.4205


I did 45 of them by waypoint…why? cause i was on my lunch break and only had 40ish min, did 30 on my main and the other 15 on an alt. I actually wish anet would have made us do more and possibly have enemies spawn once the it’s lit, but oh well, not going to complain about FREE content

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Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Black Regent.5897

Black Regent.5897

I run to the effigies, and to adjacent maps on foot, only porting to nearby cities. It’s good for hitting holos and nodes along the way – but I wouldn’t say there is a “right” or a “wrong” way to do anything…
There is only preference.
You prefer to run, they prefer to WP.

I lot of them are complaining about the cost of the porting method, though.

You can do it however you want, sure, but it’s silly to see people whining about the cost of WPing to do it when the only reason they’re doing it that way in the first place is to rush through the achievement as fast as possible even though it provides no real benefit.

Just another example of the way GW2 players seem to feel like they’re entitled to accomplishments immediately and with the minimal possible effort. If you choose to WP it, fine, but don’t whine about the cost. It’s not like that’s some new mechanic that got added with the effigies or that it should be temporarily disabled just so you can rush the achieve as fast as possible with minimal effort.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: rfdarko.4639


Since the meta achievement to get wings is bugged, you can only get 9 out of the 10 still required in game, and it provides no reward by itself, there’s actually zero reason to rush it. I’m doing on an alt to get her some waypoints to make life easier down the road. But I wouldn’t tell anyone using wps to slow down- some people have fun grinding out things as fast as possible, as odd as that seems.

guildless hobo who likes to solo – [x]

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Michael Fejervary.8576

Michael Fejervary.8576

Took well less than 1 hour, required only doing Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Gendarran Fields, and Wayfarer Foothills across my main, and a very small amount on an alt.

To be exact. I took my main through Queensdale logging out at each effigy and guesting on two other servers before moving on to the next effigy. Then logged on my alt to do all three in Wayfarer Foothills the same way. From there I logged back into my main and repeated Queensdale for another 9pts before moving on to the other above areas using the same technique and ending in Wayfarer Foothills needing only about 3-5 points (in all the guesting I missed one or two somewhere).

Most just want fast and to get it done due to the nature of this style of achievement. Its annoyance at best not fun.

(edited by Michael Fejervary.8576)

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ahkaskar.3906


I think 50 is a bit much when there are only 30 or effigies in the world. No matter how you do this though, whether you run or port, this is probably one of the “easiest” achievements to complete provided you can get through all the zones the effigies are in. It’s not hard, it’s just time consuming.

Far as seeing the world goes, I’ve had 9 months to see the world and I’m still seeing it. Didn’t need something to get me out of Lion’s Arch, I was already running around.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: mojowalker.3798


I think some people look at the actual achievement as more of an ordeal and approach it in the same manner as dental work — if you’re going to have x amount of cavities filled, might as well get em done as quickly as possible.

“If you can’t beat them, get a bigger stick.”
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: FieserMoep.5497


Know what? I dont care how you enjoy this game. I do it my way. I was porting around and it was more cost efficient than going by foot for the time I saved was spent in Dungeons/Fractals/World Bosses.

You may enjoy this way of playing – others wont. End of story, dont try to tell me how to play.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Having you do all 30 effigies is defendable — perhaps it’s supposed to make you see the world again; which makes some sense (though personally, I still think 30 is too much, considering nothing exciting happens).

However, having to repeat 20 of these is grind.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Black Regent.5897

Black Regent.5897

It’s not terribly unreasonable though. There’s plenty to do in those zones at least.

It’s just another example of ANET’s terrible planning. It really makes no sense to make you repeat some number of them instead of either just having 50 or only requiring the 30, but, whatever. On the list of dumb things ANET has done and continues to do I’d say this one ranks pretty low on the annoyance scale.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Whatever you say about these effigies they are part of a game update that is meant to be fun. They are clearly not intended to be challenging or intellectually stimulating. They add to the story but you don’t need many to get a feel for the story. I personally cannot see the fun in lighting 50 of these things and that is a bigger problem than how or when players do it.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Tobbygnome.6793


I just did all the zones except for a couple coz i didn’t have the WP
-Then guested to another server and did them again
—Then guested again and finished them off
Costed just under 1g, which was the same amount of gold i got from the Living Story; Edit: oh but i also did a few events on the way so i probably made back 10 silver hehe.

I don’t want to explore the areas yet, because i plan to do that after exams on my alt \o/ which will be fun fun for Tobby Wobby

(edited by Tobbygnome.6793)

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

I finished my achievement in a very short amount of time.

I don’t log on to waste time so I want to accomplish things as fast as i can.

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Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lisa.6102


I cheated well sort of,

I did the foot method, but at each effigy I guested to another server, so getting three effigys done for the “price” of one

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: akamon.2769


personally i was hoping lighting the effigies was gonna be ONE GIANT effigy being lit by all in Lion’s Arch of a newby map or something. a one off… acuse it’s supposed to be symbolic.. no? maybe that’s just me.

i guested to the max and ran back and forth for the close ones. lol. though still not done yet. ://

[added: just noticed Lisa above me did the same guesting “trick”!]

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
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Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


For those people that don’t have enough time walking around for 50 effigies. Guest to other servers at each effigy. You’ll get 9 per map and spend less money on WPs.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Reivaxe.1358


People grind it out because it’s boring and they want the reward so that they can go back to doing fun things.

Have us fight 10 different Dragon Based champions that are spread out around the world? THAT would be fun and interesting to do with friends and it’s not a task or chore. But doing this silly thing … 50 TIMES? THAT"S annoying and I want to get it done ASAP so that I can get my wings and be done with this chores.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: dukefx.9730


I simply walked. Had to use 1 WP because I died from falling damage while I was autorunning and looking for the next one on the map. I lit all 30. The rest will probably be done by occasionally going from LA to Gendarran Fields and lighting up the 2 southern ones.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


As OP’s forum threads titles says, it is his/her opinion, and it all boils down to our opinion.

OP, maby likes to walk and re-visit the areas but for others like me who have 6 and soon 7 level 80 chars and one with 100 exploration and rest of them above 60% it doesn’t realy feel that fun to re-visit the areas.
But on the other hand for me I thought it wasn’t that costly and it did take me around 20min to get the achievement and I laughed doing the first 6 affiegies :P

While doing the effigies I actually thought about it, I have compleated the game, I have done most of the content and I am trying to keep up doing the new content asap as I wan’t to try it out, well offcourse it’s a grind for me, offcourse I do it quick, sure it doesn’t feel like im doing anything else than jumping around pressing F all the time.

What I wan’t to say is that new players, casual players, players who likes to take their time playing the game and so on, they actually could enjoy this content more, since while they explore they can; fight holos, dance and burn effigies and gain a buff while enjoying the usuall content.

I think Devs try to make content enjoyable for us all, but there will always be a category of players that will be displeased.
I think Piniatas, Effigies and Holos and coffers is an “easy” way to make fast content that can be enjoyed by a group of players while these “Story” content and fireworks in LA is more complicated and takes time and it enjoyed by another group of players.
But there will always be players that hates the grind and players that isn’t pleased with the little story content that was availeble and so on.

Most of us players that have done most of the content of the game just wan’t every achievement and we wan’t the “cool” stuff asap, we farm since there is nothing more for us to do and that is a true story for every game out there that we love and can’t stop playing.

Every game has a finnishline at the moment and when we are there, we will always find ourselfes bored becouse there is nothing more to do than grind, the Devs of our lovely games can’t keep up with our speed and I don’t blame them.

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Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


OP I think you might be doing it wrong IMO…….. see what I did there!

Who are you to say who should do what any particular way, its a players preference, you do it yours, others will do it theirs – some might agree and do it your way, others might choose to WP and take the financial hit to get it done and dusted or many others might just do a bit of both whilst completing other in game goals they might have set themselves.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Pewintodo.4138


Thanks for the tips guys. Wish I’d thought of guesting. I actually did a mix of WP and on-foot and went through the map east to west. When I got through the Ascalon areas I headed back to Asuran territory and in some cases arrived back at the effigies as they were just going out so the reset time can’t be more than a couple of hours. I ended up with about 40S left from the 1G ceremony bag drop. As grinds go, I think this is a minor one and the devs deserve praise for providing the 1G to help towards WP costs for those that want to do it that way. Thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and appreciate that the devs didn’t have to give us a big bag of gold at the end of it.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: jokke.6239


Know what? I dont care how you enjoy this game. I do it my way. I was porting around and it was more cost efficient than going by foot for the time I saved was spent in Dungeons/Fractals/World Bosses.

You may enjoy this way of playing – others wont. End of story, dont try to tell me how to play.

Exactly my thoughs!
Some people don’t enjoy exploring. I only have 53% world completion on my main, because I just simply don’t enjoy that part of the game. That is why I craft all my alts. Good for you poster that YOU can have fun with this, but some of us is having fun with other aspects of the game.

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Danikat.8537


It should go without saying that there is nothing wrong with any method of getting this achievement, whether you WP between them, walk or camp one/a small number. It’s up to you etc.

The problem is sticking to a method you obviously don’t like and then complaining about it as if it was the only choice and Anet forced it on you.

Like Way Pointing between them and then complaining that it cost more than walking, or walking and complaining that it wasn’t as quick as using WP. Unless you’re very new to the game you should know the pros and cons of each method and be able to decide which you prefer.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Seras.5702


We have a few weeks.

Run out LA, get the 2 nearby then run west/southwest and thru Gendarren & Kessex. You’ll get 5 in like 5 mins without any porting. Do only this for a week and you’ve got 35.

Take the free gate from LA to DR and to the east of the city are 2 bunched together. That’s another 14 in a week.

All free, all taking <10 mins total. 35+14=49 – grab one other anywhere in the world and you’ve got your 50.

OR do it again on multiple toons and you’ll have it in a couple days.

No grind. No WP costs necessary.

I’m sure there are 100 other strategies that players have, this is just mine. Easy, fast, & not grindy.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
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Effigies grinders are doing it wrong IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


What i did was make use of the guesting feature. Since you can guest on 2 servers, it’s 9 effigies per map on 1 char in a couple minutes time.

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square