I have even used the search function, but I haven’t found a single feedback-thread. Can that really be, or am I just blind?
Please remember that this is my personal feedback, and the favors of everybody are quite different. English btw is not my first language.
The core concept of the Arena is very interesting, and it’s a nice diversity, but there is a very drastic problem, which I hope we’ll never see again. There is no auto-team-balance. You can end up in a game playing 5vs1 once I played even 5vs0.
Countless time I met people in the arena shooting against my reflection wall. What about implementing a tutorial which you have to go through the first time? Maybe then a lot more people would enjoy the arena, when they realize what they can do with every skill.
I also want to point out, that I don’t understand the concept of the two achievements. Why do both require 20 wins/played? Normally I’d expect a much lower win number than played number.
Last point I want to add to the Arena is the match reward system. It’d be nice, if you could at least get the same amount of dragon chest you’d otherwise get in the PvE-World for the same time investment.
Murder Hunt: I personally didn’t find the murder hunt interesting at all. I spoke about this with my friends, and they all said “well, it’s just an mmo, if you want a story take a single player game”. I totally disagree with that, and I think, that you can also have a interesting story in a mmorpg.
Dragon Bash Event: I really hoped that the dragon bash story would take us out in the world to kill at least some dragon minions, while the pinatas in Lionsarche are more something for the kids, who are not able to fight the real dragons. Unfortunately we just celebrated some nonsense, while the dragon are still being a threat.
Of course there should be numerous achievements with different difficult levels, but did anybody find it the whole grinding interesting? I realize that there has to be a part, which binds you longer to guild wars, but I think you already accomplished this part really good with the skin tokens in the dragon chest. Why do you then have to kill the
holographic minions over and over again?
Grinding achievements I didn’t like: Zhaitasty, Color the Sky, Paper Dragon, Burn Down The Dragons, So Lifelike.
Moa Race
I’d have loved to race myself with some sort of new mechanic, but unfortunately we were just able to bet on the Moas and then what? yeah, wait until they return, and we can place a new bet…
It was a really good looking firework, and you all did a great job animating it. But there is still a downside to the firework as well. There was just no chance to know, when the firework was going to start. I would have understood, if the firework would have happen on the full hour, but this was not the chase. Maybe implement a timer, where you can see how long it will take?
(Yea, I asked in /m chat when the last one was, but unfortunately I got a wrong answer. I waited 1 1/2 hour in Lionsarch for the firework)
Weapon Skins from the Dragon Chest
I really like the idea to be able to also get the skin from the dragon chest through drops, and not only through the gem store. You are not lucky enough, or you just don’t have the time to get the dragon chest? Buy some in the gem store
Dragon Wing Skins
I’m very happy, that this time you were able again to get the skins, and transform then into a pvp item. I hope this will not change again like it did with Lost Shores, where you just couldn’t get the backback items in pvp.
Further Wishes
My biggest wish is, that the SPvP is a part of the events. (Decoration alone is not enough).
You could even play WvW and get your Dragon Chest, but you couldn’t play SPvP.
Of course you could play the dragon ball arena, but you were not able the get any glory there at all, and it took very long, to get a single chest.
Personally I would loved the chance in spvp to get a dragon chest after I killed someone, or depending on the points, getting a bunch of chests at the end.
The problem is, that a single chest at the end of a match is just not enough, and a high number of chest might result in an abuse of the unused arenas. I think the best solution would be a reward based on the number of points you achieved.
I also hope we will never see the achievement rewards from the Lost Shore again, where the spvp community gets no incentives.
best wishes
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend