Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Bioanian.7016


Now… I know im not the only one who wound up getting the gift of the dragon bash early. I however didn’t find a post about it either. So I made one.

There is a bug going around were if you log into a over flow you will be randomly rewarded with the gift of the dragon bash. Which from what I read. Was not suppose to be rewarded to you until you watch the fireworks this weekend. So my question to anet is this. How is this going to be handled? Is the bug going to be fixed? Will you be taking the helms away? Also my Account wont be in trouble for this will it?

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dafomen.7892


As far as i know ANET didnt respond to this particular bug, maybe because its just too embarassing.

Im usually not the one pouring salt in a wound but this has just reached SOE/SWG class regarding bug ridden patches.

- Moa stun-exploit

- Health regen food exploit

- achievements not counting

- final reward chest at login (simply the best)

Did I miss something?

Every single one of those oversights are an embarrasement for the QA team, IF there is any.

Its becoming obvious that ANET is struggeling as such an ongoing decline in quality didnt happen during GW1.
I bet the Molten Facility wasnt developed in-house but outsourced.

I miss ANET as I know them from GW1, where are they?

This won’t end well…

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Esplen.3940


You forgot the ((DELETE-ME)) Achievements.

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: deviller.9135


I think Anet currently walk backward. Releasing new content with MORE bug, forget to delete here and there, more RNG, and so on.

For first two case:
1. Moa stun-exploit: they can make it have invulnerable buff + stability (like champ)
2. Health regen food exploit: they should implement it using PvP rule (which remove consumable).

I feel like Anet doing rush release content again.

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


Like to see you do a better job.

Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC]

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Teloran.1594


They probably launched the patch today as rift goes F2P today as well.

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: tovadaun.6304


You forgot the Away From Keyboard-DragonBall. Players just standing there, and getting participation credit while their unwilling ‘teammates’ are helpless to do anything at all about it.
Edit: Away From Keyboard loophole. Duh.

Kitta the Conjurer, Guardian- At Your Service- Yak’s Bend
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Patres.4925


I have the reward also. Will be refunded back to Anet? Could be, I don´t have any trouble with this, I can wait for regular time at the weekend, but I would like to know before I’ll used them….

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Antara.3189


Is there another post about this? The issue is happening from overflow servers, where you port to the Forum WP and a chest on your screen awards you with the 3 festival hats. This is a huge bug and really spoils the portion coming this weekend. ArenaNet needs to patch this.