If this is the incorrect forum, I apologize and will move/delete it if possible.
But while running around Frostgorge for a few hours, we saw two people who were running 3x quicker than normal (even with the speed buff I had applied), and who beat us to almost every holographic projector we tried to get to.
They seemed to be able to teleport/waypoint out even before we had cooled down from fighting, and by the time we waypoint and run to the next one they are already there.
After this had occured many times, we sat and waited for them at one spot and they APPEARED a short distance away, ran to the Hologram, killed at 4 monsters within a few hits, and had teleported off before cool down was done.
We reported them for botting – so be on the look out for some guys like this! Also remember to always perform courtesy for other players if you see them running to get to a projector, and try and wait! As long as you hit each monster once you will get loot!