Interact with Moa Racing

Interact with Moa Racing

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Hey Anet, I played around with the new content yesterday and had quite a lot of fun, but I had feedback and an idea regarding the moa racing.

Unfortunately, this cannot compare to horse racing in rl, because there is no strategy involved with better. You cannot follow a horse and find out if it has a better chance of winning and/or play the odds and vote for the underdog. This is 100% random which isn’t really fun. Throw 50 silver away and just wait to see what happens. Granted, I’ve never been interested in horse racing in rl, but I feel that this is what moa racing is emulating.

I’d like it if interactivity was added. I think the best way for this would be if everyone could use their skills/spells to try and fix the outcome. You can swiftness your moa and cripple the other, pull and push the moas forward or backward, stun or daze the enemy Moa’s. Naturally, everyone will be doing this which would result in a mad scramble! I think it’d be a lot of fun to see all the skills flying to try and get your moa to win!

The only downside that I have thought of, is the fact that people will all vote on one moa and ensure it wins by telling everyone in the area to vote on that moa. I am unsure on the best way to address that concern with this idea.


Interact with Moa Racing

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Crovax.7854


don’t think of it as horse racing.
think of it more as a visualised sort of roulette with only 5 slots

Interact with Moa Racing

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


don’t think of it as horse racing.
think of it more as a visualised sort of roulette with only 5 slots


Either way, I think that this would make the event more fun!

Interact with Moa Racing

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Chocobo racing dreams shattered.

Your suggeretion would have been awesome… we should ride the moas then apply swiftness and cripple as you say.

This … this… I just have no words for how dumb it is.

Interact with Moa Racing

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Hebee.8460


Idea from reading this came to my head – A “Mario Kart” kind of game would be interesting.

Interact with Moa Racing

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lativado.2308


This should have been roller beetle racing 2.0 … Just saying