Jade Weapon Skin Ticket
I hope people don’t keep falling for these tricks and stop buying RNG items so that Anet stops making them. You keep hearing stories of people paying an absurd amount of money on them and not getting what they want. Don’t become a victim of gem shop RNG. Don’t buy these when they come out.
I don’t see why making them tradeable would be such a horrible thing… If they really are rare enough that next to nobody is actually getting one, their market value will be high, enticing people who don’t even like the skins to buy boxes for a chance at a fortune to spend on something they DO like. It would also silence just about every complaint about the topic.
I understand that NC and ANet are out to maximize profits, but as a gamer and a customer, this account-bound gambling thing leaves a foul taste in my mouth.
yes if they have to make rng boxes at least make the item sellable
I hope people don’t keep falling for these tricks and stop buying RNG items so that Anet stops making them. You keep hearing stories of people paying an absurd amount of money on them and not getting what they want. Don’t become a victim of gem shop RNG. Don’t buy these when they come out.
Just for you, I’ll buy 50 of them.
I don’t believe in RNG boxes available in the gem shop. Every time I hear of one, I make my Will save and the illusion disappears!
(Seriously, though, if anyone from ArenaNet is reading, it IS getting silly guys.)
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I wish they would put in more grindable weapon skins, like the ones from SAB. The content lately has been killing my will to log in, since all of it can be completed in a matter of hours. If they spaced out the content a bit, and maybe add some more free (grindable) weapon/armor skins, I wouldn’t mind logging to do those and the daily.
I wish they would put in more grindable weapon skins, like the ones from SAB. The content lately has been killing my will to log in, since all of it can be completed in a matter of hours. If they spaced out the content a bit, and maybe add some more free (grindable) weapon/armor skins, I wouldn’t mind logging to do those and the daily.
I wish this too. At least then we can have another option instead of relying on those kitten RNG cash boxes. People will never learn and still waste money on them, which will never help us that have learned not to buy them. Guess we’re out of yet another set of weapon skins > : ( (that’s 4 sets of weapon skins that they’ve only given to the really lucky/rich people)
Please give us a keyring…
If they would at least put a token system in the RNG box so that after say 50 fails you have enough tokens for 1 skin, that’d be an acceptable middle ground. You can weight the worst case scenario and decide its worth it or isnt worth it. This .5% chance with NO guarantees is something I wont buy. I might if a set number of fail chests also got me a ticket.
If they would at least put a token system in the RNG box so that after say 50 fails you have enough tokens for 1 skin, that’d be an acceptable middle ground. You can weight the worst case scenario and decide its worth it or isnt worth it. This .5% chance with NO guarantees is something I wont buy. I might if a set number of fail chests also got me a ticket.
Thats at least better than it is now. Still don’t like that they are stuck behind gambling, but at least after say 10-15 (would prefer it at least one per x amount, where x is the discounted pack, like the 10 one for the SSoC chest) you should get enough whatevers to trade in for one.
Please give us a keyring…
Looking forward to seeing those skins in action
I hope people don’t keep falling for these tricks and stop buying RNG items so that Anet stops making them. You keep hearing stories of people paying an absurd amount of money on them and not getting what they want. Don’t become a victim of gem shop RNG. Don’t buy these when they come out.
Just for you, I’ll buy 50 of them.
Record it so we can laugh when you don’t get a weapon ticket
anyone know where to see the new Dragon Jade skins?
The US is not the only client base. Other countries do not seem to mind the RNG.
“The publisher saw a decrease in sales across North America and Europe. These regions made up only 13 percent, while the biggest draw came from Korea which made up 64 percent of all sales.”
The US is not the only client base. Other countries do not seem to mind the RNG.
“The publisher saw a decrease in sales across North America and Europe. These regions made up only 13 percent, while the biggest draw came from Korea which made up 64 percent of all sales.”
Most probably because they don’t bother posting in English when they can rant in Korean?
The US is not the only client base. Other countries do not seem to mind the RNG.
“The publisher saw a decrease in sales across North America and Europe. These regions made up only 13 percent, while the biggest draw came from Korea which made up 64 percent of all sales.”
Most probably because they don’t bother posting in English when they can rant in Korean?
Actually, from what I have heard a lot of Asian countries are quite happy with gambling systems. Culture thing I guess, could change over time of course. Used to be that Koreans loved the kitten out of their grind fest games like Aion but have started to slowly shift away from that.
That’s because of the culture difference between Eastern and Western MMOs. I have said this before, but Western culture always has held the dogma that if you work hard enough, you will get what you want. This is what has been pounded into our heads since ’Murica was founded on a sheet of parchment. So the whole “hurr, RNG boxes, the only way I can get what I want is by gambling on some virtual items” enrages a bunch of us (US players at least) because we rely on luck and not achievement for things we want.
But, rich people IRL or compulsive spenders feed them. Vote with your wallet.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
I really want a Sclerite Ticket out of a Southsun Supply Crate. Till now I farmed over 60 crates, but still 0 tickets. Now I am sad and I lost hope of getting a ticket
On a personal level I agree that there is no need for RNG-boxes. I never bought one or even felt the urge to buy one. I’m not very rich in real life and if I show my support to the game I do that for things I can use and know I’ll get.
Having said that, this is very much an issue that can’t be resolved by complaining but by the people. So far these boxes has been around during all(??) events. And apperently Arenanet keeps selling enough of them to keep making them, so it seems there is a market for it. I don’t see why people do it, but if they do it, I dont have a problem with Anet making money out of it.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Yet again, no one considers the gold/gem transfer system. In addition, there is no subscription fee. So Anet needs to make quite a load of money to continue furthering the game.
In regards to the RNG of shop items, it’s a necessity. Not all of the items can be one-time purchases without Anet losing money over the gem/gold transfer system. Furthermore, having limited time items is what helps keep sales in check.
If all of the items were a one-time deal and they all were left in the shop indefinitely, then no one would care to spend real money when they can spend time farming gold to get gems instead.
A real solution would be to remove the gold/gem transfer system, however, doing this would only upset the community. So Anet sort of screwed themselves over. So now, unless someone can come up with a better idea which allows Anet to keep a constant budget for more content, RNG for certain shop items is a must.
(edited by Blackmoon.6837)
Yet again, no one considers the gold/gem transfer system. In addition, there is no subscription fee. So Anet needs to make quite a load of money to continue furthering the game.
In regards to the RNG of shop items, it’s a necessity. Not all of the items can be one-time purchases without Anet losing money over the gem/gold transfer system. Furthermore, having limited time items is what helps keep sales in check.
If all of the items were a one-time deal and they all were left in the shop indefinitely, then no one would care to spend real money when they can spend time farming gold to get gems instead.
A real solution would be to remove the gold/gem transfer system, however, doing this would only upset the community. So Anet sort of screwed themselves over. So now, unless someone can come up with a better idea which allows Anet to keep a constant budget for more content, RNG for certain shop items is a must.
The gem/gold transfer system doesn’t cost ArenaNet a dime – if anything, it gets them more money than not having it would.
Every gem purchased with gold is funded by someone else buying gems with real money and selling for gold, and the floating exchange rate means that even as more gold enters the game the price of gems is always at a point where people are willing to spend real money for ingame gold.
On top of that, there’s a hefty conversion fee, so a significant fraction of the gold traded for gems gets sunk rather than recycled.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
This RNG bull is getting out of hand. I am more and more preferring the monthly fee over this and i played more then enough “casshop games”. Atleast in those u know what u buy….not like this gamble with real money. It’s at the very limit of scamming.
ANet look..i have nothing against u making money. It’s logical u would want to because this is a free mmo, but the method u are making money off your clients is just not right. In any other mmo i either 100% know what i am buying or the gambling i buy is like “ok i have 50% chances of getting that item so it’s worth investing in this box”… In this game u made it feel like u are literally being scammed. Either fix this or just acknowledge u are incapable of making a fair-decent cashshop system and make this game p2p. I don’t midn it. Maybe this way i will actually even get decent content and bug fixes. Seems this casshop system doesn’t bring u so much money as to fix bugs faster that’s sad.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
From the GW2 .dat file:
109636_0740 Each festive dragon coffer commonly contains candy, tonics, or fireworks. It may also rarely contain a Mini Holo Undead Dragon Knight, recipes, or a Dragon’s Jade Weapon Skin Ticket.
Very disappointed we’re getting another set of RNG boxes. At least make them tradeable, like Halloween. Thanks.
However, I’m genuinely curious about the recipes too.
I would have no issue if they where atleast trade able aswell :P
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
The US is not the only client base. Other countries do not seem to mind the RNG.
“The publisher saw a decrease in sales across North America and Europe. These regions made up only 13 percent, while the biggest draw came from Korea which made up 64 percent of all sales.”
Most probably because they don’t bother posting in English when they can rant in Korean?
Actually, from what I have heard a lot of Asian countries are quite happy with gambling systems. Culture thing I guess, could change over time of course. Used to be that Koreans loved the kitten out of their grind fest games like Aion but have started to slowly shift away from that.
I don’t know about Korea, but Japan certainly has pakitteno…
And Korean games tend to be F2P + P2W, with lots of RNG boxes, so I’d assume it’s more because they’re used to it.
Seriously ANet? You censor the onomatopoeia of cashier machine?
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
The solution to this problem is so ridiculously simple. All ANet has to do is put individual skins on the cash shop. Not the ticket, the skins. More people will be more inclined to buy the skins and no RNG. I fail to see what is so difficult to understand here.
“But then weapons lose their uniqueness!”
This tends to be the argument of those who I call the “neener neeners” or those who get lucky and like proclaiming to the world “Look what I got and you didn’t!”
I personally don’t give a crap if every person I run into has the same weapon as I do. MY character looks the way I want it to. In a game that values character customization, people should have the ability to make their character look the way they want. They shouldn’t have to play the slot machine and HOPE that they MIGHT get the item they want.
These RNG boxes are the mistake everyone makes one and nobody (except ANet) makes twice.
I really wish they would sell them in the gem store as individual skins. Hell, they could charge 10 bucks a pop for them and I’d buy one. I’m not spending a dime on RNG, though. :/ It just bites you in the kitten unless you’re lucky. They use it for everything, from legendary precursors to boss chests… it’s just getting to be too much.
Bah guys, I think what they are doing is perfect. They have to make $ somehow, but I just wish they would add some end game content, 40 man raids etc
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
Bah guys, I think what they are doing is perfect. They have to make $ somehow, but I just wish they would add some end game content, 40 man raids etc
And there lies the whole problem. Not the lack of raids, the complacency with ANet’s actions. Yes, they are a business, and the #1 purpose of a business is to make money. However, it is still possible to make money while at the same time keeping your customers happy. I’m sure there is a large number of players who are content with playing a slot machine. However, I have noticed the number of people who are getting fed up with this RNG growing.
As I said previously, all ANet has to do is sell SKINS on the shop, not the ability to use the slot machine for a chance to maybe get something. I look back on all the money I’ve spent on this game and some of it I don’t mind having spent. However, I did spend FAR too much getting a couple fused weapons and I deeply regret it. I didn’t spend one red cent getting these recent weapons and if this is the path ANet is going to continue, I don’t care how awesome the weapons look, I will just stop giving them money. It’s the only way ANet is going to listen.
They did it at Christmas time, I don’t see why they can’t continue doing it? If they were to put skins on the shop, I would spend quite a bit getting the looks I wanted from there.
hey guys, you remember when we had guild wars 1 and the weapon skins didn’t change at all except for new expansions? I fully support their frequent updates of the skin pool but I agree that there needs to be a much better system for this. Instead of it being find this RARE drop then hope it has a SUPER RARE drop in it there needs to be another option. The current option is fine but it needs to be tweaked so that the items are sellable on the TP, this will encourage the gamblers to heavily invest in the boxes in hopes of a large profit.
That being said there needs to be a way to make it so that people that want to grind out the weapon skins can do it.
I thought that the hero armor upgrades in GW1 had a perfect approach to this, a completely separate instance that had a low percentage drop rate off mobs and a slightly higher chance in the chest for completing it with the chest occurring once a day.
They took a step in the right direction by making the boxes drop in Southsun Cove. Now for the Jade Weapon Ticket, I hope the " Rich Dragon Coffers" are reasonable to get, compared to the normal dragon coffers.
Forget it, not spending gems or money any boxes. That ship has sailed. I am not filling anyone’s coffers with more of these kitten boxes.
Show your Dragon Bash spirit with these cool new weapon skins with a distinctly draconic look. You can find weapon tickets inside Rich Dragon Coffers and (rarely) in Dragon Coffers, and exchange them for weapon skins from Black Lion Weapon Specialists in every major city!
Does this mean we can buy these rich dragon coffers that has a ticket inside 100%? ANET explain better your things.
June 2013 Release Details:Look for holographic projectors scattered all across Tyria during the celebration. These mini-projector devices contain hologram minions which can drop a Dragon Bash surprise… a Dragon Coffer! Starting June 18, you’ll also find dragon effigies all across Tyria during Dragon Bash. Perform a ritual dance and light the effigy to receive a temporary boost!
Would be nice if it were a 100% chance of dropping a Dragon Coffer, just a rare chance of getting a skin – would make it seem a little more feasible in terms of getting one.
(edited by AngelsShadow.7360)
After seeing the preview video for Dragon Bash which showed a couple of the Jade skins, now I’m really disappointed they’re RNG. They’re awesome looking. I was only slightly bummed about the fused weapons being that I’m not all that wild about burning weapons, and couldn’t care less about the Sclerite weapons because I think they’re ugly (the creepy eye ruins them, otherwise they’d be nice), but not being able to get the Jade weapons is going to suck.
They might be some of my favorite skins in the game just based on the two shown. I’m a huge fan of dragons, and they’re much better dragon-based skins than the Dragon’s Deep weapons which are sort of silly looking. The dark green Jade is also really unique and nice looking.
I guess I’ll be really hoping I get some luck during Dragon Bash with dropped boxes, because now matter how cool the skins are I will never pay money for gambling chests. Or hoping those “Rich Dragon Coffers” are something that’ll help me out. If I can buy a Rich Coffer with a guaranteed chance of a skin ticket (or if its given as a reward) that’d be nice.
(edited by Electro.4173)
Now that the event is pretty much over i have to say i’m kitten ed. i opened 50+ boxes in hopes of getting a ticket and i got flowers
Guys, the new mini and weapon skins are going to be obtainable by killing holidaymobs, playing the new minigame or (at least for the new wings) trading in the candy you get from pretty much everything that has to do with the patch -.-
There has been NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of RNG chests…well except for the fact that the coffers you get for the minigame and mobs are RNG but it tells you roughly how good your chances are right on the coffers! Get a “Rich Coffer” and your chances are really high, get a regular coffer and your chances are “rare” (probably .5% again)
Do you even read the patchnotes?…
Guys, the new mini and weapon skins are going to be obtainable by killing holidaymobs, playing the new minigame or (at least for the new wings) trading in the candy you get from pretty much everything that has to do with the patch -.-
There has been NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of RNG chests…well except for the fact that the coffers you get for the minigame and mobs are RNG but it tells you roughly how good your chances are right on the coffers! Get a “Rich Coffer” and your chances are really high, get a regular coffer and your chances are “rare” (probably .5% again)
Do you even read the patchnotes?…
Do you even experience anet (or rather ncsoft) “rare” chances?
You are describing it like it’s wintersday, it’s clear by now from Molten Fused & Sclerite weapons that this is not the way this ship is sailing.
Although I have to say if we all end up being wrong and the tickets aren’t as hard to get then all for the better.
I hope anet aren’t basing their “we make more money with rng than putting skins in the cashshop” solely on wintersday results because those skins weren’t as nice as what we’ve seen recently. They were holiday themed so it makes them kinda irrelevant the rest of the year =/ (and I bought one)
My guess is rich coffers evtl. gonna show up in the gem-shop.
Plus making two tiers of rng-boxes might not even be that bad of an idea.
Heads up buddies – i bet most of you look cool even without Sclerite-skins.
Everything started out so wonderful. You runs dungeons, you get tokens. Trade said tokens in. Achieve Happiness. I thought we were going to get away from the horror of Lunar Fortunes and having to open 750+ for a chance of a mini. I’m not going to give a reason to avoid RNG boxes (regardless of how you acquire them) other than I have always fond them painful and regretful. Being able to put time in and know that you are going to get what you set out for is rewarding. Putting in time and/or REAL money and still having an almost zero percent certainty that you will get the item you want… well noone likes to be forced to hate a game they love.
Kitta, know that there are multiple teams working on the monthly patches, the Secret of southsun was so incredibly diffirent from Flame and Frost because they where made by completely different people.
By the look of things (as in, how the page looks, the content on it and the fact that there’s so much timing) this patch is made by the same guys who did either Halloween or Wintersday(could be the same team) and i’m not too sure every team is forced to treat RNG and the Gemstore the same way, just look at the SAB token system(the best IMO) which came after the whole fused weapon RNG bullkitten.
I’m just trying to say that there’s hope at least…hope for a better future…
How about instead of exclusively using RNG boxes dropped by an RNG loot system (2x the RNG), they also add the weapon skins themselves to the loot tables as a rare drop across all of Tyria for the duration of the event and have the ones that drop in that particular manner able to be traded on the TP?
This way ANet can still make money on the RNG boxes for those who enjoy them and normal players can still farm their way to the gold required to purchase the skin.
Normally, I’d agree with what some of the people saying to just put the skins on the gem store, but they’d probably need to price them each at $20+ to make the same amount of money they are on the chests, a decision, which, I’m sure, would only lead to more discussions of this manner.
Cyrus Quintillus | 80 Mesmer | Asbrandr Godrikson | 80 Warrior
Fort Aspenwood [FLOT]
Pretty sure these are the weapon models for the Dragon’s Jade Axe and Shield.
I learned my lesson trying to get festivoo the merry No more RNG for RL money or even in game gold. I don’t mind spending my hard earned money on useful stuff though – this is a business and people do need to get paid. Maybe an option would be 2 versions of the skin one from the box with a unique variation(color or effect) and one from the cash shop. Sadly though, the RNG is not going to stop
the simple solution would be to have them like the SAB, keep the RNG boxes, we all know these bring in money and a lot of it so there here to stay (and i don’t blame Anet for that at all) but have mobs / chests / JP chests (not daily boss chests) with a chance to drop a tradeable version of the skin, this way people who try to sell them for 500g or whatever, chances are the money will come form the gemshop and conversion anyway, so win/win all around.
I’ve been financially contributing to GW2 by buying Gems. I figure its good to support a game that I enjoy so that development continues. Recently, however, I feel that my support is being wasted. ANet is deviating from the game I used to love. Content is either temporary (and sloppily done) or locked behind abysmal RNG chances to acquire them. Its so far from the ANet I used to know and so close to the NCSoft products that I loathe.
So, I refuse to support ANet financially anymore. This isn’t a pithy statement; its my right as a customer regarding the service I’m getting. You (ANet) changed your business model to bundle new content in gated mechanics where if I give you real life cash there is a 1% or less chance that I will get what I want. How is that ok with you? Its not with me. In fact, this RNG path you’ve adopted is so not ok with me that my whole perception of ANet has irrevocably changed for the worse.
Sadly, I don’t think ANet has any say whatsoever in how their game is monetized anymore. That slippery slope can’t be climbed and that horse cannot be put back in the stable. They aren’t even addressing this issue either, which I find to be in poor form. But, on that note, what can they really say? RNG is not going away, and the most desired content will continue to be locked behind it.
the skins do look great and i really believe as mentioned in my previous comment that there is nothing inherently wrong with RNG boxes, the problem I have is when that is the ONLY method of obtaining something. Make the RNG box skins tradeable and then add a way to grind for the skin that isn’t.
They could incorporate a skin ticket into the achievement category for story and have that be untradeable.
Thats just an idea, I don’t claim to know what’s best for the game and I know this is a company thats out to make money. What I do claim is that if they continue to do this sort of thing with elite skins being locked away behind RNG crap their player base is going to dwindle, and that won’t be good for anyone.
I agree with the general sentiment that I would pay for these weapons, but I am less likely to pay for a small chance to get one.
That said, nobody continues to do something that isn’t working. Someone is spending a load of money on these things for them to keep doing it this way.
I guess I am one of few who likes not knowing whether or not I will get a chance at something rare. I actually got a scelerite weapon ticket yesterday after having about 10 southsun crates drop from mobs, totally unexpected, and I expect the dragon coffers will be the same way. You’ll get lots but most will be unlucky, so what? Its not as if we are paying for this extra content.
I purchased some of the halloween/winterday boxes…can’t remember which, could have been both, and stopped pretty quick after being disappointed by the content of them, but I only purchase what I can afford, and I generally purchase gems pretty frequently anyway.