Make Delaqua's face available to players!
Aren’t there two human female faces that look canthan?
Don’t you dare simulate the movie “Face off”!
I don’t know about making Marjory’s face available to players, but this is a well-designed, beautiful NPC, and I would love to encounter her again after the Dragon Bash story plays out. As I remarked in another post, from the way she looks at Logan, Queen Jennah just might have herself a rival.
I don’t know about making Marjory’s face available to players, but this is a well-designed, beautiful NPC, and I would love to encounter her again after the Dragon Bash story plays out. As I remarked in another post, from the way she looks at Logan, Queen Jennah just might have herself a rival.
I seriously doubt that was her intention regarding logan. They’ve severely left no room for logan remotely looking at anyone else and i find it hard the queen of the whole nation of kryta is seriously gonna have a rival in a detective CONSIDERING logan let a friend die to save her life. Logan gave up alot for jennah.