Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: [EDGE] Journeys Edge
I was gone for the Dragon Helm achievement and I was wondering if there are any other ways to get it. I really wanted to make a cool dragon theme guardian and this helm would finish it of but I didn’t realize I would be gone for the fireworks show and I missed it. Is there any other ways to get it? Any replies help and thanks for reading/replying!
Missed it too, because they implemented it horribly. I can see the developer’s meeting now:
“Let’s make it so everybody has to wait around doing nothing for 2 hours in order to get their helms. Oh but that’s not cryptic enough, oh please give them more. Make it so there is no countdown timer and you have to be standing in arbitrary sections of Lion’s Arch AND make it so they have to watch the finale. But wait that might be too easy. Make it so they can only do it on one random weekend that isn’t even the finale. And to top it off, let’s give absolutely no notice in game, and instead opt to send mail to let players know that they ABSOLUTELY NEED to participate in this SUPER EXCITING living story quest that rewards NOTHING and can be completed at ANY TIME until June 9th! That after all is much more important to be aware of than a one time extremely limited time reward right? Right?”
In conclusion, it’s all a bunch of bull poop.
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