New Dragon helm - Very nice! - But...
They ‘dropped the ball’ is a bit harsh. It is a gift btw and one not all of us have yet due to a glitch.
Reminds me of a quote.
“If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.”
- [Name Redacted]
Actually this applies to most of the QQ going on here.
Well, I love the helm. One thing though, why does it have to remove facial hair? I would rather have a little clipping with beards than go baby faced.
Well, I love the helm. One thing though, why does it have to remove facial hair? I would rather have a little clipping with beards than go baby faced.
Yeah it’s really dumb that all helms remove hair. I will never ever wear a helm in this game because I can always tell that my character is bald underneath (since you should be able to see the hairline for most of them). The sad thing is I remember in the beginning some helms came with hair (that did not even clip), but were changed for whatever reason.
Endless Petrification Tonic
They ‘dropped the ball’ is a bit harsh. It is a gift btw and one not all of us have yet due to a glitch.
Reminds me of a quote.
“If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.”
- [Name Redacted]Actually this applies to most of the QQ going on here.
It’s a ‘gift’ and I shouldn’t complain when, with a little effort, it could have been a much better ‘gift’? After Christmas, why are stores clogged with people returning and exchanging ‘gifts’? Shouldn’t they be happy they got a ‘gift’ at all? Apparently not.
That’s your argument? That having been thrown a bone, I shouldn’t complain that with a little thought, it could have been a tastier bone? That I should be happy that I got a bone at all?
While I greatly enjoy this game and think it’s the best MMO out there, at this time, “fanboi” arguments like this, that assume that the game is perfect in every way really irk me. No game is perfect and ANet should be happy that people care enough about it to complain when things don’t meet their satisfaction. They’re still playing even though they’re not entirely happy with all aspects of the game. Unfortunately, ANet seems to be assuming that people will keep playing this game, no matter what. With promising new games on the horizon, I’m not sure this is a good assumption.
And I certainly WOULD be complaining if the color of my ‘magic hat’ clashed with the rest of my outfit, that’s just the way I roll.
CoF light armor horns have had the same issue forever.
+1 for this, I would really like this!
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)
Only Norn and Charr looks good in them unfortunately.
The scaling of the helm is horrible for the smaller race.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I love this helmet. On human females though it’s a bit weird as it obstructs your eyes. I saw it on a male Norn and you could see his eyes fine.
Oublietta (Dolly Dearest) – The creepy doll mesmer.
Princess Dolls [Doll] ~ Of Darkhaven
Only Norn and Charr looks good in them unfortunately.
The scaling of the helm is horrible for the smaller race.
no, for charr it completely cuts off their existing horns
I really like the helm on my Asura guardian. In previews, it looks especially nice if you use the Flame and Frost dyes, which really highlight the details and shading.
I really like the helm on my Asura guardian. In previews, it looks especially nice if you use the Flame and Frost dyes, which really highlight the details and shading.
I cant tell the difference between the two pictures how one is an inprovement of the other