Pinatas could be improved

Pinatas could be improved

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I like the pinatas, but I think a few things could improve them:

-Fix the timing on the destruction of a pinata. Right now it just explodes a second after hitting it, which looks weird.
-Maybe have it break apart in stages as you are hitting it?
-Have them appear more randomly in towns, so they aren’t always in the exact same spot.
-Make pinatas drop random items, and random quantities of that item. It doesn’t have to drop the same sweets every single time. And it could drop more than one every now and then.
-Add an extra game play element to them, make them more interactive.

For example, one way to make them more interactive, is if occasionally a pinata is enchanted, and tries to fly away after you hit it. The player would then have to chase it down, while being rewarded with more candy while hitting it. If the player manages to destroy it, it could drop a whole bunch of candy. In fact, maybe other players could help out.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”