The fanbase resents the RNG chests
It’s RNG, so I don’t expect a single good item from these events for me. I don’t like farming, so the low chances are even lower. Halloween, Southsun and the other events I don’t remember right now are just limited time grinding fests for me. It doesn’t feel good seeing what GW2 is all about the last time. One month to farm for rng this, one month to farm rng for that. It’s not fun.
I was under the impression that endgame was about the aesthetics of you character since there isn’t much else to achieve. The biggest investments (time/money/effort) in the game are the legendaries and high-end mystic forge weapons which are purely aesthetic endgame goals. As the living story rolls on, there is hardly any new gameplay content being added and yet the weapons skins are always a big deal to a lot of the community since they stick around and enhance players’ level 80 toons. It just sucks that you can’t have any set, realistic expectations about getting any of the new aesthetic endgame content when it’s acquisition revolves around gambling or an indefinitely long grind without any guarantee of progress or success.
I am of this opinion as well. Also, I imagine that if there were more skins (alot more) in the game for people to work towards, the skins offered at these events would not be so highly sought after. Everyone wants to customize and be unique, but it’s hard when you have such limited options atm.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
You guys do all realise those rich dragon coffers exist as an option to donate to NCsoft, right? The contents are just a inconsequential “thank-you” style junk reward.
If you’re buying them primarily intending to actually get skins you are an idiot, lets face it.
Yea…to want to support Arenanet and hopes in return to get something nice in return must be an idiot. People shouldn’t even ‘donate’ to Arenanet at all! Complete fools! …
They are supposed to drop rare. else everyone has the skin and it is no fun anymore. Maybe they should make the ticket tradable to compensate for the hardcore players but not increase the rates imo.
They are supposed to drop rare. else everyone has the skin and it is no fun anymore. Maybe they should make the ticket tradable to compensate for the hardcore players but not increase the rates imo.
Not fun for you maybe. I for one couldn’t care less if every single player in the game has a skin I like, I pick my skins based on whether or not I like the appearance, nothing more. If everyone else has one I don’t care, I still think it looks good. Other people having it don’t diminish the look of the skin, and a skin that’s rare doesn’t suddenly become better looking.
£10 a month is nothing. I would rather pay that than have this gem store infecting every aspect of the game.
If £10 a month is nothing, then why is the subscription model on life support?
It might be nothing to you, but to a lot of gamers that’s a good chunk of change.
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
I’d be more inclined to agree with you if you “needed” the jade weapons, but you don’t. It’s just a skin, and every few months, there’s a new batch of em. I get it, you think some of the skins are pretty, and it’d just be dandy if you could get one or two for some characters, but we simply just do not need these items.
Yes, I know it’s really, really frustrating and annoying to literally flush hard earned money away. But, all I can say is just don’t do it then. If you want to support ANet, bye items which you are sure to get. And if you don’t like their practices with chance boxes, then don’t bye them.
There will be more skins. Some of them you’ll like, some of them you won’t. Some of them will be in chance boxes, some of them won’t.
And hey, of you really have had enough, stop playing. If you aren’t having fun in a game, what’s the point?
Subscription models allow you to unlock all the content, you realize how rare these skins are? You can’t even fill your PvP locker up… it’s ridiculous and weather he needs them or not, if you are a collector, you should be able to get them, especially if you are a good supporter(money invested), and you shouldn’t have to pay $500 to get enough ticket skins. This is poor practices on the games behalf and why subscription models are better than free models for dedicated gamers. Without dedicated gamers, Guild Wars 2 would keel over because it wouldn’t make any money, we should be the last people being screwed over. I’d rather pay $15 and get what I should be entitled to, rather then being expected to pay $500 a month due to all the people that don’t put any money into the game.
Sadly, bottom line, cash shops are like a pyramid scheme, certain types of players get screwed over pretty badly, just so they can label their game “free and awesome”.
Firstly, you dont know what a pyramid (multi-level marketing) scheme actually is.
Second, when you PAY $15 a month then you are entitled to things, when its free then you should never expect to get more than the $60 game you initially paid for.
Third, if subscription models actually worked anymore then you would see them still in new games, the fact that they are DEAD outside WoW says a lot about what the vast majority of players think of them.
If you really think about why companies go F2P, its very insulting. You know, how they view the average MMO’er lol.
FYI…they didn’t do it to be nice…
They are supposed to drop rare. else everyone has the skin and it is no fun anymore. Maybe they should make the ticket tradable to compensate for the hardcore players but not increase the rates imo.
Not fun for you maybe. I for one couldn’t care less if every single player in the game has a skin I like, I pick my skins based on whether or not I like the appearance, nothing more. If everyone else has one I don’t care, I still think it looks good. Other people having it don’t diminish the look of the skin, and a skin that’s rare doesn’t suddenly become better looking.
This doesn’t whole true for everybody. Half the crowd may like items due to the look, while the other half may like an item because of the difficulty/rareness the item is.
I see both parts of the park, but having rare items is healthy for the in game economy. If everything is the game is “flat” priced, then there is no economy and the game looses a large fan base. Easy game= bored players.
Got a few boxes from the Southsun events (which, by the way, are still going) and got a skin ticket.
Bought 5 boxes from the gemstore; got one more.
Your bad luck is not a reflection of everyone else.
Tarnished Coast
This doesn’t whole true for everybody. Half the crowd may like items due to the look, while the other half may like an item because of the difficulty/rareness the item is.
I see both parts of the park, but having rare items is healthy for the in game economy. If everything is the game is “flat” priced, then there is no economy and the game looses a large fan base. Easy game= bored players.
Yah, of course there are obviously some who value rarity over looks. The guy I replied to is enough evidence of that. The problem is that majority of the new skins seem to cater exclusively to the “rarity” crowd and exclude the people who just want a skin because it looks cool. Almost every new skin that’s been added recently is all about the rarity, the only exceptions the Super skins and arguably the Rox / Braham weapons. A bit more balance between the two would be nice.
As for the economy thing, the skins aren’t sellable (at least I don’t think they are, neither the Molten weapons nor the Sclerite ones were and I assume they’ll continue with that), so there’s no impact on the economy to speak of. Nor the difficulty really, because the skins are not a challenge to get, just completely luck-based. One player might get one after a single Coffer drop, another player might grind the whole month and not get one.
Got a few boxes from the Southsun events (which, by the way, are still going) and got a skin ticket.
Bought 5 boxes from the gemstore; got one more.
Your bad luck is not a reflection of everyone else.
You should feel good. You’re probably the luckiest person playing this game.
They are supposed to drop rare. else everyone has the skin and it is no fun anymore. Maybe they should make the ticket tradable to compensate for the hardcore players but not increase the rates imo.
Not fun for you maybe. I for one couldn’t care less if every single player in the game has a skin I like, I pick my skins based on whether or not I like the appearance, nothing more. If everyone else has one I don’t care, I still think it looks good. Other people having it don’t diminish the look of the skin, and a skin that’s rare doesn’t suddenly become better looking.
This doesn’t whole true for everybody. Half the crowd may like items due to the look, while the other half may like an item because of the difficulty/rareness the item is.
I see both parts of the park, but having rare items is healthy for the in game economy. If everything is the game is “flat” priced, then there is no economy and the game looses a large fan base. Easy game= bored players.
The i’m a special snowflake argument holds no water with me. Its reeks of eliteism which destroys games.
If stuff is too grindy or too rng dependant then it leads to frustrated players. And frustrated players leave.
Dependable rewards does not have to mean easy rewards. And hard to obtain rewards does not mean they have to be exclusive.
If they spend time making weapon skins i’ll never get, i’d prefer they just dont bother. I care what my character has, not what other people have.
They are supposed to drop rare. else everyone has the skin and it is no fun anymore. Maybe they should make the ticket tradable to compensate for the hardcore players but not increase the rates imo.
Not fun for you maybe. I for one couldn’t care less if every single player in the game has a skin I like, I pick my skins based on whether or not I like the appearance, nothing more. If everyone else has one I don’t care, I still think it looks good. Other people having it don’t diminish the look of the skin, and a skin that’s rare doesn’t suddenly become better looking.
Some of the legendaries look awful, you could not give me the greatsword for example, well you could but i’d just sell it.
Rareity does not make something better, esp when the rareity is down to rng not skill based rewards
You do know that you can get the skins from Dragon Coffers that drops from every single thing in the whole world right?
And rather frequently as well.
you mean those coffers I opened over 900 times and still got nothing?
~Sincerely, Scissors
you mean those coffers I opened over 900 times and still got nothing?
I suppose.
I opened about 25 and got a ticket.
I simply pointed out that it is very possible to get it without paying a single gem, which people seems to overlook.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
this new event makes it really hard to like this game… opened 1000 chests and still no wep skin. yet other ppl get a skin after opening 5 chests. or 3 skins after opening 150. how the heck are they expecting the players to stick around after this? for the rest of the game i will be punched in the face every time i see a jade wep skin on someone. it will either remind me of my bad luck because i didnt get any or if by some miraculous reason i end up getting one it will still remind me of the unfairness of the game and how easily other ppl get them while i can farm as long as i want i wont. and let alone the dragon helmets… how do they think it feels looking at ppl walking around with they ill gotten bug helmets 2 days into the event with jade weapons in their hands and wings on their back… it really makes us think, you know…
Every so often I see a guildie log in, open up anywhere between 5 and 30 chests and get a ticket, I’ve been farming since the event started with about 4 hours sleep here and there.. not healthy I know, and still no ticket for me.. I see these people log off, go to sleep and then come back on again while I’m still farming and I envy them and their ticket they got in 5 mins lol. I’m at almost 2000 now, I’m hoping eventually I break this no chance bubble I seem to have atm. I think that the chests should also give an account bound token, once you have accumulated 1000 of them you should be able to trade for weapon claim ticket. Just my opinion meh.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
People, lets put some perspective on things. We’re just on the 2nd day of the event here, yes some of us (me included) opened a ton of coffers and found nothing… YET… there is still what?, 28 days for the event to end? Plenty of chances to get a ticket!
Compared with the last event and the really really low drop rate of boxes in that one, this is a major improvement in my opinion. I am quite confident I will at least get one ticket by the end of the event, quite likely more.
But I honestly dont understand this mentality of we have to get them all. Its impossible to get everything in any MMO f2p or p2p! I played Eve online for like 6 years now if not 7 and you know how many ships I never got to own and never will because it would take years to train for them all? This is not about the business model, its about if stuff is too easy to get no one will care about it.
I have yet to see people talk about the free doll for example, why? when you’re handed things easily they just arent as valuable when it takes real effort to get them. Every single release gave out free easy to get stuff but you dont see anyone excited about getting them where as if you get a ticket for these skins.. that makes your day/week/month. Sometimes you win sometimes you loose, it has to be a balance. SAB was pretty easy to earn your skins in… Got 5 myself. The last event alas was very hard, Personally I didnt manage to get a single one. This one I think we will be something between the two and I believe thats a good thing.
Bottom line is we’re still on day 2 dont give up already. Its easy to farm chests, they drop not just from the hologram things but also from mobs. Just by doing nebo terrace defense this morning I got exactly 24 coffers in like 5 minutes. There is such a huge supply that they’re likely be quite cheap to buy as well soon. Personally I feel compared to last month Arenanet have made it much easier to get these exclusive skins, I personally think and obviously this is just my opinion, that all this negativity is going to be counter productive. I have no doubt they’re going to have less sales for the chests this month compared to last month cause its obviously a lot easier to get chests this time round for free. No company likes to loose money unless they get something in return. If this change to the difficulty level of getting a skin makes people happy it will be worth the loss in revenue, but if it still doesnt make people happy than what reason will they have next month to make it as easy as this month to get these exclusive skins? If people are going to be unhappy either way might as well make as much money as they can right?
Dont get me wrong not saying anyone should just fake happiness but seriously I dont see the situation to be bad at all this month. Personally I am quite happy. Sure it will be difficult if not impossible to get all the skins but I am sure most people will walk away with a couple even if they dont buy chests with real money.
I am going to buy a rich coffer for every anti coffer-RNG post in the event forums. So, vote with your wallet instead of making forum posts that Anet is just going to merge together and ignore because despite what a ton of you say they are still making a fortune on them.
Honestly, I hate RNG chests. But they are not nearly as annoying as the posts that flood the sub-topics every event. So from this point forward, every anti-RNG topic is going to directly support RNG. At the end of the event i’ll post a screen of how many coffers were purchased due to kittening about coffers.
I am going to buy a rich coffer for every anti coffer-RNG post in the event forums. So, vote with your wallet instead of making forum posts that Anet is just going to merge together and ignore because despite what a ton of you say they are still making a fortune on them.
Honestly, I hate RNG chests. But they are not nearly as annoying as the posts that flood the sub-topics every event. So from this point forward, every anti-RNG topic is going to directly support RNG. At the end of the event i’ll post a screen of how many coffers were purchased due to kittening about coffers.
Okay, but you have to use real money, not gold. I look forward to seeing all the overcharge fees on your checking account.
Okay, but you have to use real money, not gold. I look forward to seeing all the overcharge fees on your checking account.
Life has blessed me such that I doubt that will be an issue. If anything i’ll cancel my Xbox One preorder. I am really disliking the cut of Don Mattrick’s jib anyways.
you mean those coffers I opened over 900 times and still got nothing?
I suppose.
I opened about 25 and got a ticket.
I simply pointed out that it is very possible to get it without paying a single gem, which people seems to overlook.
It’s definitely “very possible,” but then again, so is creating a theme park filled with dinosaurs from DNA cloning. Possible? Sure. Likely? Nope.
Inb4 “you got a free dragon helm so shut up” argument
Anet, just put those skins in gem store will ya?
Cheer up, you’re playing an mmo for free.
I paid for it 60$.
Yep, I paid 150$. CE + shipping and other costs.
So yeah it’s a valid point nobody got it for free lol
(edited by CharrGirl.7896)
Inb4 “you got a free dragon helm so shut up” argument
Anet, just put those skins in gem store will ya?
Cheer up, you’re playing an mmo for free.
I paid for it 60$.
Yep, I paid 150$. CE + shipping and other costs.
So yeah it’s a valid point nobody got it for free lol
I also got the CE because I wanted to support the game. You forget for the $60 (or 150) you spent for the game, you got many hours of enjoyment already. I have ~900 hours logged so far. For $150 that’s a good deal. Everything that they’ve added since launch (even though most of it has been temporary/annual content) you haven’t paid for.
(edited by Wallace MacBix.2089)
And the person who opened 1000 and got nothing cares to disagree.
And that person still has a month to go.
But the sad part is not that they make you pay for certain items, but make you gamble for it.
They don’t “make” you do a thing. Every skin is available without paying a dime. The drop rate is lower for the regular coffers, but not by any dramatic percentage by what I’ve seen. If over the course of a month from regular play, with coffers dropping from every mob in the game and the TP price of the coffers steadily dropping, you have yet to get a ticket, that’s the point where I would say that you are incredibly unlucky or the odds need some work. It’s been a day and a half.
I do agree that the cash shop coffers should have a higher percentage though. Like I said, with the regular coffer drop rate looking to be as similar as it is to the cash shop coffers, I don’t see why people would spend money on the cash shop ones if knowing that.
(edited by RileyTheRad.8542)
And the person who opened 1000 and got nothing cares to disagree.
And that person still has a month to go.
But the sad part is not that they make you pay for certain items, but make you gamble for it.
They don’t “make” you do a thing. Every skin is available without paying a dime. The drop rate is lower for the regular coffers, but not by any dramatic percentage by what I’ve seen. If over the course of a month from regular play, with coffers dropping from every mob in the game and the TP price of the coffers steadily dropping, you have yet to get a ticket, that’s the point where I would say that you are incredibly unlucky.
Yeh I cant wait to be grinding this for a full month and possibly still get nothing 2000 down, another 28,000 to go right?
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I agree.
- Leveling zones are EMPTY. It’s not fun making every event take 5x longer as you grind away solo.
- Monthly updates aren’t content, they’re cash shop teasers. They don’t need to be monthly if you don’t have great content. You’re hurting the game with updates like this more than just waiting and putting out really good ones.
The event isn’t about getting a certain weapon skin, it’s about having fun. If you’re looking for skins to work towards, look to the shattered wings and the helms. The jade dragon weapons are just a bonus to those that are lucky, so stop treating them like some sort of plague that’s ruining the game. Their existence detracts nothing from the rest of the game.
Ease up on the whining, we aren’t even two days into the event yet, not all of the content has even been released, you still have plenty of time to get the weapon skin you want. Also, every enemy in the game has a (high) chance to drop a coffer, so complaints about jade weapons being a cash grab are completely unfounded.
That being said, I do hope there’s one guaranteed jade weapon ticket per account for players who participate in some part of the event that hasn’t happened yet.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
(edited by EnemyCrusher.7324)
£10 a month is nothing. I would rather pay that than have this gem store infecting every aspect of the game.
If £10 a month is nothing, then why is the subscription model on life support?
It might be nothing to you, but to a lot of gamers that’s a good chunk of change.
Because it’s nothing for the company that can sell a crappy virtual skin for 25e.
That being said, I do hope there’s one guaranteed jade weapon ticket per account for players who participate in some part of the event that hasn’t happened yet.
Yep I agree to everything else you said too. This would be nice, not required, but nice. Also my inner cynic would get a big laugh for everyone getting a free skin and would love to see all the complaints skyrocket (even more so) for all the people that “wasted” their money on gambling.
And the person who opened 1000 and got nothing cares to disagree.
And that person still has a month to go.
But the sad part is not that they make you pay for certain items, but make you gamble for it.
They don’t “make” you do a thing. Every skin is available without paying a dime. The drop rate is lower for the regular coffers, but not by any dramatic percentage by what I’ve seen. If over the course of a month from regular play, with coffers dropping from every mob in the game and the TP price of the coffers steadily dropping, you have yet to get a ticket, that’s the point where I would say that you are incredibly unlucky.
Yeh I cant wait to be grinding this for a full month and possibly still get nothing
2000 down, another 28,000 to go right?
I very seriously doubt that if you open 30,000 coffers that you won’t get a single ticket.
And the person who opened 1000 and got nothing cares to disagree.
And that person still has a month to go.
But the sad part is not that they make you pay for certain items, but make you gamble for it.
They don’t “make” you do a thing. Every skin is available without paying a dime. The drop rate is lower for the regular coffers, but not by any dramatic percentage by what I’ve seen. If over the course of a month from regular play, with coffers dropping from every mob in the game and the TP price of the coffers steadily dropping, you have yet to get a ticket, that’s the point where I would say that you are incredibly unlucky.
Yeh I cant wait to be grinding this for a full month and possibly still get nothing
2000 down, another 28,000 to go right?
I very seriously doubt that if you open 30,000 coffers that you won’t get a single ticket.
Yeh, grinding out 30,000 chests sounds fair too.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Jesus Christt! It’s only been 2 days and you have an entire month to get them! They drop from everything in the game!
Just give it a little patience. The average seems to be 1000 chests though.
Regular luck should provide one with ONE ticket ever 750-1000 coffers. If less, you are quite lucky. If more, your luck is crap.
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
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Second, when you PAY $15 a month then you are entitled to things, when its free then you should never expect to get more than the $60 game you initially paid for.
Tell that to the people who paid more than 60$ for the chests and got candy I’m not one of them, but I know scam when I see it.
The average seems to be 1000 chests though.
Not for me… still no ticket after opening 1000+
Getting sick of this game…
Got a Dragon Skin in my first dragon coffer box opened ever, what’s the rage again? I actually wanted candy and fireworks my first time, but oh well.
update got a second weapon skin from random box drops. Aprox 40-45th box.
[GoA] Guardians of Äsgard
(edited by Shadowtech.5071)
I’m a fan and I don’t have a problem with the chests. I’ve opened 70+ chests so far and have received two dragon wing covers and 8 Risen Knight minis.
People, lets put some perspective on things. We’re just on the 2nd day of the event here, yes some of us (me included) opened a ton of coffers and found nothing… YET… there is still what?, 28 days for the event to end? Plenty of chances to get a ticket!
Compared with the last event and the really really low drop rate of boxes in that one, this is a major improvement in my opinion. I am quite confident I will at least get one ticket by the end of the event, quite likely more.But I honestly dont understand this mentality of we have to get them all. Its impossible to get everything in any MMO f2p or p2p! I played Eve online for like 6 years now if not 7 and you know how many ships I never got to own and never will because it would take years to train for them all? This is not about the business model, its about if stuff is too easy to get no one will care about it.
I have yet to see people talk about the free doll for example, why? when you’re handed things easily they just arent as valuable when it takes real effort to get them. Every single release gave out free easy to get stuff but you dont see anyone excited about getting them where as if you get a ticket for these skins.. that makes your day/week/month. Sometimes you win sometimes you loose, it has to be a balance. SAB was pretty easy to earn your skins in… Got 5 myself. The last event alas was very hard, Personally I didnt manage to get a single one. This one I think we will be something between the two and I believe thats a good thing.
Bottom line is we’re still on day 2 dont give up already. Its easy to farm chests, they drop not just from the hologram things but also from mobs. Just by doing nebo terrace defense this morning I got exactly 24 coffers in like 5 minutes. There is such a huge supply that they’re likely be quite cheap to buy as well soon. Personally I feel compared to last month Arenanet have made it much easier to get these exclusive skins, I personally think and obviously this is just my opinion, that all this negativity is going to be counter productive. I have no doubt they’re going to have less sales for the chests this month compared to last month cause its obviously a lot easier to get chests this time round for free. No company likes to loose money unless they get something in return. If this change to the difficulty level of getting a skin makes people happy it will be worth the loss in revenue, but if it still doesnt make people happy than what reason will they have next month to make it as easy as this month to get these exclusive skins? If people are going to be unhappy either way might as well make as much money as they can right?
Dont get me wrong not saying anyone should just fake happiness but seriously I dont see the situation to be bad at all this month. Personally I am quite happy. Sure it will be difficult if not impossible to get all the skins but I am sure most people will walk away with a couple even if they dont buy chests with real money.
That’s right its been 2 days and already rage no weapon skins, say whaaaaaaaaaaat? lol
[GoA] Guardians of Äsgard
I find the RNG for weapon skins and the like to be pretty shady and lame. I’m not a fan. I probably won’t quit because of it or anything, but it definitely brings down the festivals and the new content.
After opening 1000+ normal coffers and getting nothing is a bit more than frustrating… i understand the folks who got their ticket(s!!!!) already are completely satisfied but they really dont need to come here and rub it in…
I feel pretty bad every time a guildie says he got a ticket. Okay, from our 60+ people guild it was 3 times, but it still makes me feel bad. How is this better, or different, than running a WoW dungeon thousands of times for that one drop you want?
If you asked if its fun, I’d say “No, that’s not fun”.
Everything that they’ve added since launch (even though most of it has been temporary/annual content) you haven’t paid for.
I did – I paid for bank slots and extra character slots, but I’m not here to argue about that.
That’s right its been 2 days and already rage no weapon skins, say whaaaaaaaaaaat? lol
And do you know why? Because being the 3rd day some ppl already got more than 1 tickets… thats why. And some ppl even got their dragon helmets and wings too while other are left with nothing. Thats what making ppl angry and sad and disappointed.
More accurate title for this thread: “A random amount of the fanbase resents the RNG chests.”
I’m lucky: I got a ticket from opening the first 250 out of 500 poor coffers, and then a ticket from opening the first 10 rich ones.
So, I like RNG chests. And that’s the kicker: The people that have bad luck will more often than not resent the chests, but the people that open up 5 southsun crates and get both a ticket and a Kasmeer mini will love it.
So…weell, that’s it really. I’m not bashing anyone, I’m just saying that those who are lucky with RNG chests will probably not be making topics asbout their good luck, so much as people who have bad luck.
And the person who opened 1000 and got nothing cares to disagree.
And that person still has a month to go.
But the sad part is not that they make you pay for certain items, but make you gamble for it.
They don’t “make” you do a thing. Every skin is available without paying a dime. The drop rate is lower for the regular coffers, but not by any dramatic percentage by what I’ve seen. If over the course of a month from regular play, with coffers dropping from every mob in the game and the TP price of the coffers steadily dropping, you have yet to get a ticket, that’s the point where I would say that you are incredibly unlucky.
Yeh I cant wait to be grinding this for a full month and possibly still get nothing
2000 down, another 28,000 to go right?
I very seriously doubt that if you open 30,000 coffers that you won’t get a single ticket.
Talk about grind. Really. Lean back, take a deep breath and look at that number again. Reminds me of Silkroad Online. In one quest you had to kill 3000 enemies of a kind. And then you had to repeat that quest. Twice.
have been reading the forums. I’ve not been keeping count but I’ve opened hundreds, and no ticket.People have opened thousands and no ticket….
Yes, they drop very frequently.
I bought 250 Dragon Coffers on the TP, after opening about 25 I got a ticket ^^You do not understand how random numbers works. You simply got lucky, and that is no basis for how to compile information on the frequency of the drops.
Last estimate I saw from the common coffers was at .05%. That is not frequent at all.
Thats what 1 in 2000 which isnt bad at all considering how fast you can farm these up, whether the projectors or just killing mobs. had a guildy farm 2000 withing the 2 days not even trying hard. I got roughly 450 from about 4-5 hours. Got my ticket on the 32 box lucky I know but havent even opened the rest. Guildy has 3 from 600 boxes.
At 2000 that would only cost 80g last i checked at 4s a coffer. Almost guaranteed of course bad luck happens. Or you could just farm them and easily have more than that in a month. I am glad ANet gave another avenue to receive, people are never happy.
This content is around long enough to get enough chests from doing anything outside of sPvP/tPvP. You don’t need to spend gold or rl money, you know its rng don’t gamble if you don’t know the odds. As much as you all say the skins are “content”, at best they’re fluff, which means they’re unimportant and hardly considered content, since you all seem to think if its in the game its content and you deserve to have it after 2 days of the event. Please, check yourselves, I’ve only got one, ONE, 1.0, uno, une, after opening well over 1000 chests. Sure my wallet feels a little lighter in game, but hell, the best thing I find is joking around with friends and guildies about how terrible your luck is compared to their’s makes for some good laughs. Chill out, it’s fluff, grow up, and get the kitten over it!
This content is around long enough to get enough chests from doing anything outside of sPvP/tPvP. You don’t need to spend gold or rl money, you know its rng don’t gamble if you don’t know the odds. As much as you all say the skins are “content”, at best they’re fluff, which means they’re unimportant and hardly considered content, since you all seem to think if its in the game its content and you deserve to have it after 2 days of the event. Please, check yourselves, I’ve only got one, ONE, 1.0, uno, une, after opening well over 1000 chests. Sure my wallet feels a little lighter in game, but hell, the best thing I find is joking around with friends and guildies about how terrible your luck is compared to their’s makes for some good laughs. Chill out, it’s fluff, grow up, and get the kitten over it!
What makes you say skin content is just “fluff”? Because you don’t care so much how your character looks? Well here’s a news flash for you: Other people care. They often care a lot.
The fact that skins are being locked behind RL cash / huge grind and on top of that ridiculous RNG shows that even ANet has figured out how important this content is. There is a huge demand for them, because people grow tired of the ever same looking skins. They crave for something new.
Also I really doubt that people want everything on day 1 or 2. Okay, some want perhaps. But a lot of people would be okay with taking their time to get skins, as long as they knew they would obtain it eventually. A rather long quest odyssey, or meta achievements like for the broken wings. People are okay with that. Dungeon tokens, dailies and the like are proof of that. They just want a reliable way.
But what people really cannot stand is RNG. RNG is the reason why people want stuff immediately. It’s random, so they might never get it. And that bugs them. It’s eating them away because they are afraid they might never even have the chance of getting it. So they try to acquire it as fast as possible, to maximize their chances. But the longer they take, the more restless they grow. It’s a vicious cycle. And that is exactly what ANet is exploiting to turn a profit. Disappointing.
Forgot to add: The skins being available for limited time only makes this vicious circle even worse.
(edited by RoterFuchs.9216)