Why are holograms blue?

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Why are the holograms blue?

Holograms can be any color when you mix red, green and blue light. Maybe the Asura holograms technology is new. And more colors will be added later.

Also the “holographic Shattered dragon wings” look good. But can we get a version the is darker. It can glow like a black light.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Quite frankly, just give us a die option.
I´d like to have them glow jade green for my Necro and I´m sure others have their very own preferences too.

With that amount of grind (or gold spent) this should´ve been part of the package.

Polish > hype

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Hologram Fireworks in the SAB of fun is in multiple colors and look great. Other Asuran holograms could look great in multiple colors. As long as they glow and look low bit in and in 3d.

If anyone does not like the holograms. GW2 in based in the future after GW and not a medieval fantasy game.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DeShadowWolf.6854


If anyone does not like the holograms. GW2 in based in the future after GW and not a medieval fantasy game.

O.o I didn’t realize futuristic people fought with swords and bows and staffs, and didn’t have any sort of tanks or armor beyond cloth/leather/plate mail…just sayin’

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ghoulina.2976


Quite frankly, just give us a die option.

Why would you want to kill them?

The idea of being able to dye our back pieces would be really nice. Flowers, tentacles, wings, whatever.

Mîs: Careful what you say. The moderators are watching, and ignorance is strength.
JQ-80: Mes/Eng/Ele/Thief/Guard/Rang/Nec/War

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: foofad.5162


If anyone does not like the holograms. GW2 in based in the future after GW and not a medieval fantasy game.

O.o I didn’t realize futuristic people fought with swords and bows and staffs, and didn’t have any sort of tanks or armor beyond cloth/leather/plate mail…just sayin’

The Charr are on the verge of an industrial revolution. The Charr use tanks. Everyone can make guns, even the Norn. It’s not supposed to be futuristic, but it isn’t classc medieval fantasy.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


If anyone does not like the holograms. GW2 in based in the future after GW and not a medieval fantasy game.

O.o I didn’t realize futuristic people fought with swords and bows and staffs, and didn’t have any sort of tanks or armor beyond cloth/leather/plate mail…just sayin’

The Charr are on the verge of an industrial revolution. The Charr use tanks. Everyone can make guns, even the Norn. It’s not supposed to be futuristic, but it isn’t classc medieval fantasy.

Asura are futuristic in their use of alchemy. Charr is futuristic in their use of industrial steampunk. Maybe magic is a form of technology. There are different types of technologies in this game, then in the real world.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


This post is off tack from the topic.

Why can’t Asura Holograms have different colors like in the SAB? As long as holograms look like they are made of light and glow.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

We have tanks, APC’s, helicopters, dirigibles(blimps), tunneling machines, golems.
We also have energy, sonic, and projectile cannons, trebuchets, arrow carts, guns, bow & arrow, various bladed weapons, and magical weapons.

Holograms are blue because blue is a calming color. Just imagine if someone was running through your local mall or public space with holographic dragon wings flapping on their back. Since we still don’t have viable holographic technology, it would be a surprise to people, maybe scare some people who are a little bit more anxious.
Using blue you’re utilizing certain psychological responses in people. In this case it would be calming and inviting as opposed to orange or red being more active colors that solicit anxiety and action.

But it probably wasn’t that in-depth of a thought process, blue is just a default color for things like this in games – just look at almost every game that has holographic tech, it’s in a blue shade with other colors filling out the data.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: RileyTheRad.8542


Holograms are blue because blue is a calming color. Just imagine if someone was running through your local mall or public space with holographic dragon wings flapping on their back. Since we still don’t have viable holographic technology, it would be a surprise to people, maybe scare some people who are a little bit more anxious.

If think if anyone is anxious enough to be scared by red holograms in a video game, they’re probably not in a mental state to be playing video games…
And if I saw people running through a shopping mall with holographic wings, I think I’d have different reactions than:
“WINGS WTF—Oh, they’re blue, it’s cool.”

Hoopa doopa.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Chase.8415


They are blue because if it were any other color, it simply wouldn’t make any sense. True holograms (especially with teleportation technology) would be true color. Simply making them ethereal would make them appear undead.

Having them any other color than blue wouldn’t look right.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

If think if anyone is anxious enough to be scared by red holograms in a video game, they’re probably not in a mental state to be playing video games…
And if I saw people running through a shopping mall with holographic wings, I think I’d have different reactions than:
“WINGS WTF—Oh, they’re blue, it’s cool.”

Has nothing to do with me and my perceptions, maybe I wasn’t clear. Color Theory and the psychology of colors and their meanings in various cultures and what they do in your brain imply those affects.

You’ve clearly never known anyone who was afraid of a color have you?
I’m glad you would have a technologically motivated response to holographic objects, that’s nice and normal for a technologically adapted culture. I was just trying to clear up the reasoning behind blue being the holo color of choice in nearly every type of media. In reality however, they start with red and make their way up the color spectrum until they can make true color representations. It’s just sad that the best we’ve got requires a box and is just a novelty item.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


They are blue because if it were any other color, it simply wouldn’t make any sense. True holograms (especially with teleportation technology) would be true color. Simply making them ethereal would make them appear undead.

Having them any other color than blue wouldn’t look right.

Holograms are made of light. As long as they glow and look transparent it would make sense. Asran city already has different color holograms in it.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: RileyTheRad.8542


You’ve clearly never known anyone who was afraid of a color have you?

I have not, and due to the fact that I’ve never even heard of the phobia makes me believe that it’s dramatically uncommon. Arachnophobia is a much more common (and probably more intense) phobia, and spiders are everywhere in the game. I just did some quick Googling (admittedly not the best research method, but hey) and all I can find is chromophobia, which seems to only result in mild discomfort when exposed to certain colors.

Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be a jerk or anything, I just really doubt that’s it. I honestly just think they picked a color.

Hoopa doopa.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Because it’s easier to reuse the special effects of Ascalonian Ghosts than to create a completely new effect.

Keep in mind ANET is a company on a budget. There is no financial reason to use a different effect than something cheap and cost-efficient which works.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ender Alexander.9860

Ender Alexander.9860

Perhaps the light from a hologram is intended to be like the light from a television set. No matter what color is on the screen of a tv, the light in the room tends to look blue.

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Zebulous.2934


my mesmer could do with a pink or purple option…

Why are holograms blue?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dingle.2743


The holograms are capable of interacting with the world around them; therefore it’s likely they’re produced by Moto’s Solid Hologram technology, which is diectly referenced on the super weapons as being the technology that makes them work.

As for why they’re blue? Maybe the portable version of the hologram projector can only produce blue holograms, same as the weapons (with the non-blue part of the weapon being the projector itself), whilst the full size super adventure box machine contains all the parts necessary to create all colours.