Why are the new instances single player?
These story steps are solo, but I’m sure this will end in a 5 man dungeon.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Possibly. If so, I hope it will be a permanent addition to the game. Bit tired of temporary solo content really.
when the story mode ended (spoilers) your charactor chose to walk there own path till the next dragon hunt, so the instances reflect that; random things that happen while you wait.
randomly buying iron at the iron cidedal and refugess show up, you investigate and realise you can’t destroy a facility alone so you get help.
decide to get a tan on a karka filled island and realise you cant defend the island by yourself.
your enjoying the dragon bash festival with you other, an it goes to pot. you leap into battle to defend the carrage while everyone battles.
in the word’s of final fantasy “This is my story”
“commander can i have a word”
Yeah, but that’s just the way the story was written to make it solo. It could have just as easily been written for a group. I love the Dragon Bash and I love GW2. But I do wish they had come up with a way to scale instances for variable party size, like DDO and a few other games. Just a preference or suggestion. Last night I was on with a guildie that doesn’t play all that often and isn’t really all that good and I was going to help him run the efigy event and couldn’t. Instead, I listened to him complaining over Skype about getting his butt kicked while he ran the event. Yeah, L2P but making the event scaleable would have been nice, so I could have helped.
These story steps are solo, but I’m sure this will end in a 5 man dungeon.
In the patch notes they say its all single player instances. All the other things seem to be single player quests.
Its annoying, so far the best new content for me was the molten facility dungeon which was a forced group event.
I hope they try and bring in more dungeons and eventually raids but they have to get out of this mindset that everything should be able to be done without grouping with others.
1.) People whining about how they cannot handle social interaction.
2.) It’s easier to make solo dungeons that take 5 mins.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
These story steps are solo, but I’m sure this will end in a 5 man dungeon.
In the patch notes they say its all single player instances. All the other things seem to be single player quests.
Its annoying, so far the best new content for me was the molten facility dungeon which was a forced group event.
I hope they try and bring in more dungeons and eventually raids but they have to get out of this mindset that everything should be able to be done without grouping with others.
Yes these steps are single player, and this will go on till a very distant future called tomorrow. The next living story is going to be about the Aetherblade, check the releases, we will get more info tomorrow, and I’m sure there will be a dungeon.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
I don’t get why you need a group for the story instance. It’s incredibly easy.
I don’t get why you need a group for the story instance. It’s incredibly easy.
Yes it is, but that wasn’t the point of my post, otherwise I wouldn’t bother writing it.
I think there is enough group dungeons/guild missions out there, that the odd single-player instance doesn’t hurt anyone. If anything, festival content is the sort of thing I like to do on my own mostly because it’s quick to do, I’m not hanging around waiting for anyone else, and it’s more personal to an extent.
Some people will disagree and say, but it’s not a single player game. No….and that is why it has multiple group dungeon, guild mission, wvw etc etc. Plenty for those who want to do social interactions, so the odd single-player instance isn’t a big deal in my view.
All these pro-single player arguments go out the window the moment we acknowledge that the entire “personal storyline” that took our characters from level 1-80 was playable with anywhere from 1 to 5 players because this game was designed around the idea of scaling content difficulty based on the number of players present.
There is ZERO valid reason for these single player instances. If they could make this work for 80 levels of personal storyline content, they can continue the trend with these missions. Play alone if you wish, but the option to play with friends should be there as well.
(edited by Edge.4180)
Incredibly easy for someone L80, perhaps. My main is currently only L22, and got pasted over and over trying to finish the story instance. Eventually some timer ran out or something and it gave me the completion. Still very frustrating anyways. All it needed was a few more defenders inside the fort and I would have been fine. How did the whole fort get populated with enemies anyhow??