Why so stingy with the Dragon Skins!?!?! :(
Coffers on the TP are hovering just over 1s each, spend 10g or so to get three stacks and there’s a good chance you’ll get your ticket.
out of curiosity, i tried that. spent gold on hundreds of those bloody coffers. wasnt hoping for anything, just testing it out and the result was….
0 weapon tickets!
..yeah, arent we just overjoyed with that…
Part of being extremely rare is that not everyone gets one, myself included. Oh well somehow I’ll survive and get through these troubled times.
I opened over 4k of the regular coffers and didn’t get a single ticket, but I’m usually unlucky so I’m not really surprised x)
I’m ok with skins being rare, but being rare because they are entirely based on RNG is not that good IMO… I would like it better if they were rare because it would take a lot of effort to get them and, since they are acc. bound, only people that really worked hard for them would have them. That would be awesome.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
I opened over 4k of the regular coffers and didn’t get a single ticket, but I’m usually unlucky so I’m not really surprised x)
I’m ok with skins being rare, but being rare because they are entirely based on RNG is not that good IMO… I would like it better if they were rare because it would take a lot of effort to get them and, since they are acc. bound, only people that really worked hard for them would have them. That would be awesome.
beware with saying ‘a lot of effort’. some might take that as either a request for grinding or would say that going thru the silly RNG as effort hehe but seriously, yea agrees with this.
beware with saying ‘a lot of effort’. some might take that as either a request for grinding or would say that going thru the silly RNG as effort
hehe but seriously, yea agrees with this.
I don’t think it can get worse than already is.
Spending hours farming regular coffers and opening them hoping to get a ticket is grinding.
Doing some (different and hard) tasks for some npcs in chain and getting a ticket after finishing it is not.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
I don’t think it can get worse than already is.
Spending hours farming regular coffers and opening them hoping to get a ticket is grinding.
Doing some (different and hard) tasks for some npcs in chain and getting a ticket after finishing it is not.
I agree. The ridiculous luck/randomness factor is getting out of hand, to the point that i DREAD that they might make new weaponskins that i would actually be interested in. I’d be raging mad as hell if i see some mouth watering weaponskin put behind similiar rng.
Yes doing different, challenging tasks is a better option though i foresee the debate would then move to the subjective nature of the difficulty threshold. but i spose that can be mitigated by multiple achievement choices where we can pick ones we are able to do, as is the case with some LS elements now.
ps- thousands of coffers→ 0 tickets, bought a few rich coffers (using gold) just to test→same result as normal coffer. i regret giving even this miniscule support to the matter.
14 tickets and counting, somewhere around 4k coffers.
Haha, I just got trolled hard by dragon coffers. I thought some of the skins were cool looking and decided to give one of my characters a jade assassin type theme. There were only 3 skins that I needed for the build I was using and I had 1500 coffers saved up. 960 coffers in and I already got 3 tickets, so I was pretty happy as I could save the rest and sell them later. Then I decided that there were 2 more skins that would also fit in nicely. Not only do the 540 remaining coffers not give me one single ticket, but I buy 750 more coffers which also give me absolutely nothing. Maybe the 2 extra skins I wanted aren’t worth it after all
I opened over 4k of the regular coffers and didn’t get a single ticket, but I’m usually unlucky so I’m not really surprised x)
Ouch I thought mine was bad. 1,500 and none for me.
I just want 1.