keep farming holo?
Myself, I stopped chasing holos when I completed the achievement to give the chance to others to complete it.
The drop rate of chests is quite good on regular mobs.
I’ll activate an holo if I stumble upon one with no one around it.
holo’s seem to drop the chests at a much higher rate
I hope not. I can only play at peak times so my only chance of getting the achievement is for people who are currently camping them to move on to something else. They die way too fast for any more than 1 player to have a realistic chance of getting credit and last night it was impossible to find a projector that didn’t have someone camping it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
i got my holographic wings from the 3rd holo i activated, but thats just luck
I hope not. I can only play at peak times so my only chance of getting the achievement is for people who are currently camping them to move on to something else. They die way too fast for any more than 1 player to have a realistic chance of getting credit and last night it was impossible to find a projector that didn’t have someone camping it.
Maybe you are in the wrong zone?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I made about 45 gold in under one hour selling those ugly wings and chest, while people are fighting over lousy skins, I am making monster profit.