Cute Quaggan Finisher coming soon!
YES YES something i’ve been wanting for some time is finally happening
I’m getting paid next week. I must get all my friends this finisher!
CoOo, this is looking quite nice. I might be getting one of those. A Permanent Quaggan Tonic (no gemstore item) would be pretty awesome as well.
Not much for my tastes, but perfect for the 14yr old gals or those that want to be 14yr old gals out there.
now a skritt finisher that comes to steal the corpse you just killed
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
Supah-awesome ! \(=^_^=)/
Yes I saw the livestream and when I saw it. I said to myself I definitely have to buy it when it comes out. And I laughed at the giggles on the livestream
Is it just me or does it look like a quaggan love dance? Still is a nice finisher and there is something overly funny about dropping a “quaggan love dance” on my enemies.
Ok, this will brack the fun for most of you but this is why I don’t play pvp or WvW.
Let’s say it is ok to kill a character as the main goal of these “games” but mocking over his/her death with these finishers – most of them- feels really inappropriate.
Remember those soldiers from the news bulletins who were mocking their victims of war. Blah
(edited by Ronah.2869)
Welp, im no expert but,
The pink quaggan plants a spike
into the body, ok,
Said quaggan rides up a water spout and i guess spike is gone?
Quaggan rides up and down the spout and ejected off…
Is spike still present?
Why a pink quaggan?
Why do i get weird thoughts right now just from first glance?
Am i the only one that sees something “odd” for which i cant say.
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension
That can be seriously considered as humilating dead people, PEGI +18!
But since one stomped is an asura, I’m happy with it
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
oh, please tell me it makes a “Nyaah Nyaah” sound..
I was thinking about getting the Vigil Mega laser, but now I think this will make me laugh a lot when ever I see it. Weather it happens to me or not.
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what about ascalon ghost or skrit finishers?
they shall feast on your corpse.
Not much for my tastes, but perfect for the 14yr old gals or those that want to be 14yr old gals out there.
I’m well above that, and I never thought I’d even consider buying a finisher .. because, who cares? .. but that’s so flippin’ hilarious that I’d be tempted.
In WvW before the Quaggan’s got scared away out of their waters and had to leave, they had gear on.
Would have been nice to have a Battle Quaggan tonic
Fluttershy #1 :)
There is no such thing as a cute Quaggan.
Unless it is between two halves of a bun.
Ok, this will brack the fun for most of you but this is why I don’t play pvp or WvW.
Let’s say it is ok to kill a character as the main goal of these “games” but mocking over his/her death with these finishers – most of them- feels really inappropriate.
Remember those soldiers from the news bulletins who were mocking their victims of war. Blah
What? The only reason there is to play PvP is to humiliate in the best way possible your opponent, there’s no hugs and kisses there just pure /laughs and /dances, this finisher is the much needed addition to this.
Oh boy I can already see the tears, this will be glorious.
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice
Sorry, but this finisher does not look cute. It looks nasty and salacious. My friends showed me the vid of the new finisher. They are calling it the “Bow Chicka Bow Wow Quaggan Finisher.” My mind doesn’t usually go those places, but they are right. I think it is just a little obscene.
Noooooooo ANET, why must you feed the fandom, these quaggan lovers are gonna drive me nuts!