Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
We LOVE the Eotm map!
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Spectacular addition to the game! Thanks for all the hard work in putting it together, very impressed
Agreed, +1. Awesome map design, visually beautiful, while at the same time allow for better strategy & tactics. I won’t lie, I fell 4 times tonight, and all 4 were by myself. Some people get angry when that happens, me, I was lmao. New map, new live & learn moments, great fun all around.
I do love the fact that big blobs of zergs aren’t as effective on this map. I never thought ANet could actually find a way to solve the “who’s got the bigger blob” issue in WvW. But it looks like they have with this new map design.
Just hitching a ride on this post in regards to the topic.
Thank you, great job. Love it.
Where are the umbrellas? It always seems to be raining. My armor and weapons, the rust. My armor went from abyss to some silvery white color. The RAIN!
And Thanks for the new map.
Haven’t been able to check it out yet, can’t wait until after work!
As usual the art and visual design is great, but gameplay is pretty disappointing. Since it’s an overflow some PVE stuff is justified in case of an empty map, but since ppt is out the window the primary focus should have been on encouraging combat instead of zerging and keep humping. So no, not everyone loves Eotm.
The new map is great, thank you Arenanet!
It’s mediocre at best. Blobs everywhere at the moment and once the novelty wears off I have a feeling it’s going to be pretty empty.
I think it has potential to be a good place for people new to wvw to go and learn the ropes before joining the real battle.
That and the map layout is awsome, coverage isnt an issue due to its nature.
Overall had lots of fun on it today.
I can’t get to the golem part without people ganging up on me and killing me. Great update. Really makes me want to play more.
I can’t get to the golem part without people ganging up on me and killing me. Great update. Really makes me want to play more.
This^^. I could not wait to get out of there. I’ve done a bit of WvW. But all this may do is turn people who have never played WvW off it. If I had never played WvW and this was my first exsperiance of WvW, I would not be going back. People did say putting LW content in WvW was a bad idea.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I would like to say this.
I only played a little last night, but man was the loot epic. At one point I was up on a wall shooting down on a bridge with Cluster Bomb and was just collecting bags like crazy.
It’s a beautiful map from what I’ve seen. I wasn’t able to get out of the Snow area though without running into a zerg. Still epic to come around a corner and see a blob of red names running your way.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
Well, of course the PvP players will love it, since the PvE’ers who are there just to progress their storyline will provide free loot. I didn’t even fight back as a protest to the whole thing. But ultimately if they want people to try out WvW, this is surely not the way it’s gonna work. If anything it’s gonna make them shun it even more.
The server/map issues that had EOTM locked out most of my night last night kept me from exploring the map much.
But the limited time I was there, I didn’t happen to run across the section of the map that had underwater content.
Which part of the map gives me a new underwater area to explore and enjoy?
Tips for LS :
Write in chat that you are looking only to get the golem part… gather a few people with the same objective as yours, and it should go smooth – when the piece is garded by a few players.
If you’re on the red side, get in the light form (structure N-E of your keep) to go and get the golem part. laugh as players try to kill you in your invulnerable state and TS when you have 2 seconds left :p
I was not sure about it when it was in testing, because my side at my times of play was always outnumbered, but I love it playing on equal grouds.
Strategy plays a great role in it, and collaboration between players there at that time is key to winning. (eg, having three commanders, two offensive and one that’s ready to back if needed, all communicating what they do will make a win compared to blobs that are clearly less efficient on it)
one player can bust a blob by breaking the bridge at the good time, a nice chunk of those unsuspecting players getting off the bus to chase stragglers will be easy prey to fear walls…
Gonna have some fun when things settle down a bit. Not going to replace standard WvW for me, but love the new gameplay that offers
(Edit: no underwater… only endless falls )
I can’t get to the golem part without people ganging up on me and killing me. Great update. Really makes me want to play more.
That’s an issue PvE players have, you are all too used to getting things done by yourselves. Getting ganged up on? Gather some friends, guildies, look for a commander, or simply ask for help in the zone! I saw PvE players complain about getting killed last night all night, and not one of them, not one, asked for help.
There were plenty of roaming WvW groups, guild groups, and large blobs out there, they’d be more than happy to clear an area out for you, get some credit doing so while farming some loot bags. Not to mention you should know you aren’t the only ones wanting to get to an area and having difficulties doing so, so you should easily have no trouble getting a group together for such adventure.
That’s an issue PvE players have, you are all too used to getting things done by yourselves. Getting ganged up on? Gather some friends, guildies, look for a commander, or simply ask for help in the zone! I saw PvE players complain about getting killed last night all night, and not one of them, not one, asked for help.
And yet over the last update PvE players had no troubles joining forces in beating the Marionette encounter (well, your mileage may vary). But this here isn’t an epic encounter, people just want the part and get out.
For me, it’s Obsidian sanctum all over again. I just want to do this Jump puzzle and people attack me. Let me be. I can’t always get a guild group protecting my kitten to do a JP. I don’t blame the opponents, I blame ANet for putting a PvE objective in a WvW environment.
I was just trying to say that WvW players aren’t all that bad, just ask for help, I’m sure plenty of people will be willing to assist. I played probably 8 hours in EOTM last night (yes I was having that much fun), not once did I see someone ask in zone chat for help. I saw PvE players complain about getting killed, but not one asked for help getting somewhere or assist clearing an area.
I was a Kodan last night. I asked for coke from all who crossed my path. It was a good night…
It’s a fun place to run around and knock heads in and the look of the place is spectacular. I hope they keep to their plans and some of the things they’ve added to that map will find their way into the normal wvw maps. Actual mechanics for claiming/lords/sentries are so nice. As is throwing mobs of people off cliffs. :x
Sorrow’s Furnace
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
(edited by JerekLo.5893)
That’s an issue PvE players have, you are all too used to getting things done by yourselves. Getting ganged up on? Gather some friends, guildies, look for a commander, or simply ask for help in the zone! I saw PvE players complain about getting killed last night all night, and not one of them, not one, asked for help.
And yet over the last update PvE players had no troubles joining forces in beating the Marionette encounter (well, your mileage may vary). But this here isn’t an epic encounter, people just want the part and get out.
For me, it’s Obsidian sanctum all over again. I just want to do this Jump puzzle and people attack me. Let me be. I can’t always get a guild group protecting my kitten to do a JP. I don’t blame the opponents, I blame ANet for putting a PvE objective in a WvW environment.
Again, that’s the problem with PvErs, now think:
Marionette: You fight as a whole against NPCs.
EotM: You fight as a whole against Players.
Now, do you see the difference? The problem in here is that PvErs are afraid of someone else breaking your armor. For example someone said before that this isn’t the best way to introduce players to WvW, then which one is the best way?
Create a map with towers and castles with a bunch of NPCs that stay idle and wait until you attack them? I’m pretty sure that the first time one of them sets foot on the real maps they’ll get slaughtered.
The problem in here is not about PvE objectives in WvW, the problem in here is that everyone is so spoiled that they expect to get everything handed to them with minimum effort.
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice
I’m really sad that there are so many people giving negative feedback to Anet because they had to go to the middle of the map to get their golem part in a wvw map.
I play all game modes, and enjoy them all. That being said I’ve noticed that with regards to new content WvW and PvP have kind of gotten the shaft. When one of these communities finally gets something absolutely amazing, the feedback Anet gets is so negative because, heaven forbid, some PvEers get ganked on their way to the middle of the map because they didn’t group up with some WvW players who know how to fight other players (and in so many cases I’m seeing single people going there on green arrows…. fyi pve people, bad idea). I just want to reiterate how great this map is for the WvW community. We are actually using it as a guild training grounds at this point to practice our guild tactics. And we are all so stoked that we are on par with, and in many cases better than tier 1 guild groups.
(As a side note, I don’t think it is fair to complain about the new requirement on being r30 in order to get your gift of battle. Previously you had to actually play wvw to get those badges. Now you don’t need to, and arguably with laurels still don’t after this change. There are so many pve requirements into getting a legendary, and you don’t here WvW players complaining endlessly about having to do mindless map completion. r30 is really a low bar, so please don’t fill the forums with QQ over it.)
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Great map!
Easy to fall off, though – I actually went out a gate exit and fell off the map because the outside ledge was so small.
Underneath they should have the ‘Lake of Tears’ to fall into…
I recently just tried it and I’m having a blast! It was also kinda hilarious the first kill I ever got was spartan kicking someone with my warrior off the stage xD
That’s an issue PvE players have, you are all too used to getting things done by yourselves. Getting ganged up on? Gather some friends, guildies, look for a commander, or simply ask for help in the zone! I saw PvE players complain about getting killed last night all night, and not one of them, not one, asked for help.
And yet over the last update PvE players had no troubles joining forces in beating the Marionette encounter (well, your mileage may vary). But this here isn’t an epic encounter, people just want the part and get out.
For me, it’s Obsidian sanctum all over again. I just want to do this Jump puzzle and people attack me. Let me be. I can’t always get a guild group protecting my kitten to do a JP. I don’t blame the opponents, I blame ANet for putting a PvE objective in a WvW environment.
Again, that’s the problem with PvErs, now think:
Marionette: You fight as a whole against NPCs.
EotM: You fight as a whole against Players.Now, do you see the difference? The problem in here is that PvErs are afraid of someone else breaking your armor. For example someone said before that this isn’t the best way to introduce players to WvW, then which one is the best way?
Create a map with towers and castles with a bunch of NPCs that stay idle and wait until you attack them? I’m pretty sure that the first time one of them sets foot on the real maps they’ll get slaughtered.
The problem in here is not about PvE objectives in WvW, the problem in here is that everyone is so spoiled that they expect to get everything handed to them with minimum effort.
Back in GW1 I used to do Alliance Battles and Ft. Aspenwood / Jade Quarry all the time. PvPvE was the perfect combo. Something similar would be a perfect way to entice PvE’rs to PvP – matches didn’t last long and even the losers would get something. (which lead to leeching and AFK’ing, but it’s another ballgame.)
Someone like me has the potential to PvP, but I can’t get into WvW at all. For this kind of update where all you need to do in a PvP zone is run a bit and get one item, I don’t think it’s feasible to expect people wanting to strategize, team up or think of strategies. If there would be a whole living world update where we would fight Scarlet’s minions in a WvW setting and the outcome actually mattered, I’m sure people would spend more time to think things out. As things are now, only incentive for many is to get that golem part and get out.
That’s an issue PvE players have, you are all too used to getting things done by yourselves. Getting ganged up on? Gather some friends, guildies, look for a commander, or simply ask for help in the zone! I saw PvE players complain about getting killed last night all night, and not one of them, not one, asked for help.
And yet over the last update PvE players had no troubles joining forces in beating the Marionette encounter (well, your mileage may vary). But this here isn’t an epic encounter, people just want the part and get out.
For me, it’s Obsidian sanctum all over again. I just want to do this Jump puzzle and people attack me. Let me be. I can’t always get a guild group protecting my kitten to do a JP. I don’t blame the opponents, I blame ANet for putting a PvE objective in a WvW environment.
Again, that’s the problem with PvErs, now think:
Marionette: You fight as a whole against NPCs.
EotM: You fight as a whole against Players.Now, do you see the difference? The problem in here is that PvErs are afraid of someone else breaking your armor. For example someone said before that this isn’t the best way to introduce players to WvW, then which one is the best way?
Create a map with towers and castles with a bunch of NPCs that stay idle and wait until you attack them? I’m pretty sure that the first time one of them sets foot on the real maps they’ll get slaughtered.
The problem in here is not about PvE objectives in WvW, the problem in here is that everyone is so spoiled that they expect to get everything handed to them with minimum effort.
Back in GW1 I used to do Alliance Battles and Ft. Aspenwood / Jade Quarry all the time. PvPvE was the perfect combo. Something similar would be a perfect way to entice PvE’rs to PvP – matches didn’t last long and even the losers would get something. (which lead to leeching and AFK’ing, but it’s another ballgame.)
Someone like me has the potential to PvP, but I can’t get into WvW at all. For this kind of update where all you need to do in a PvP zone is run a bit and get one item, I don’t think it’s feasible to expect people wanting to strategize, team up or think of strategies. If there would be a whole living world update where we would fight Scarlet’s minions in a WvW setting and the outcome actually mattered, I’m sure people would spend more time to think things out. As things are now, only incentive for many is to get that golem part and get out.
Again, you have to realize that this update really wasn’t about PvE people. It was about the WvW people. If the PvEers don’t like it, that’s fine, they just need to grab their golem part and leave.
I remember a dev saying recently that they can’t satisfy all of the players in any given update. That’s why they try to rotate the focus of each update to a different play-style. For example, I hate the SAB releases since I’m awful at jumping. But guess what? I don’t have to do it. Sure I won’t get the APs or the fancy looking skins, but I’m glad that there are so many that enjoy it and get to appreciate the content. I know that not every release is about what I like to do in game. I think that everyone that plays this game needs to realize that some of the content is made for your playerbase, and some of it isn’t. You aren’t forced to do any of it. Sure you may miss out on some rewards because you chose not to, but you aren’t going to be stuck forever in Queensdale unless you go WvW.
TLDR; If you don’t like this patch, just sit back and be happy others are getting enjoyment out of it. They certainly have had to do the same in the past for you.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Edge of the mist is so fun, you can even go swimming under the islands!
here’s a screenshot for you to share in the views
Some call it swimming, others call it falling!
(absolutely love this new map btw, good times)
i love it too ….
i hope their next step is to remove home borderlands and make eternals map huge as eotm is with a wonderful and huge stonemist* in the middle and with many towers for each side .
with deadly crocodiles in a river around it :p
(edited by Reborn.2934)
Great map! I love the design. Kudos to Anet
I absolutely love this map. I’m usually a PvE-er but I like a bit of WvW from time to time too. This map seemed to combine the best possible elements of each, for me. I spent several hours grinning from ear to ear and squeaking as I streaked about as a ball of light, played hide-and-seek with enemies running round on my own, used my air skills to push people off the edge at exactly the right moment (sorry, that was me), and falling, falling, falling – I think we should have a thread for best falling pics Let’s call it ‘air-swimming’ shall we
It was mad and amazing and hilarious, and it’s visually beautiful. MORE MAPS LIKE THIS PLEASE
Gg Anet! It’s really fun! When I heard in our servers Ts3 that people were on the forums knocking it, while 90% of us on SOR are loving it, I had to stop by and give you our love.
+1 and a bag of cookies