What's The Point Of EOTM?
You gain wxp and loot bags from enemies just like in normal WvW. Once the second season starts you will be able finish your meta achievement in EotM, which is huge improvement as you won’t be sitting in queues and taking spots of those who wanna do the hardcore PPT server pride WvWing. Other than that it is a great testing ground for Anet as they can do and try out creative new mechanics without interfering normal WvW and if players like them, eventually bring them over to those maps aswell.
The point is for hardcore WvW junkies to have something to do while queued for the main event. Some players will also prefer the dynamics over regular WvW.
Personally, the novelty wore off after a couple of hours. I spent pretty much all my time trying not to fall off the map, or running back from spawn points. Neither of those things are particularly fun, and neither are way I feel drawn to WvW. It was still enjoyable because it was new and we were running in a guild group, but my guess is that this map will be mostly vacant soon, and it won’t even take two weeks.
“Running around aimlessly killing stuff”
plus Oh, look, Scarlet stuff.
Why play EOTM over the real WvW?
I believe the intended purpose is to allow players to jump straight into WvW without having to queue. It may not count toward world victory, but it caters to their play style.
I think it is a nice idea, since now you don’t have to stand in LA the whole time (if you are not interested in pve) while you are waiting for a real wvw map to come up.
I think the most important part is the “Gain WXP and work on achievements” bit.
If at some point the bigger zergs go back to the regular WvW maps, then EOTM could be a good map for people who want smaller scale fights.
Can you get anything special? Why play EOTM over the real WvW?
I think the question is much the opposite: Why play “normal” WvW instead of EOTM? EOTM is prettier, better designed, more functional…. Does “normal” WvW have anything special?
Why play EOTM over the real WvW?
You are not intended to choose EotM over the four main WvW maps. That wouldn’t make any sense. EotM is an overflow map that is only there to occupy people waiting to get into one of the other four maps. AFAIK, the rewards are the same as if you were playing in any of the other WvW maps.
And, honestly, I’m glad. While the map design is exciting, the travel times to get anywhere are ridiculously bad. I don’t see myself spending much, if any, time on this map once I have the achievements, just for that reason.
1) GvG arena – soon or later there will be some place in the EOTM as a unofficial GvG arena. because of bigger variety of guilds than in normal matchup. Now wvw guild from Vabbi can finally have gvg against sfr guild and dont need to transfer.
2)EotM will be popular because of overflows so there will never be a queue, than because of much bugger numbers, a least on lower tier servers
Can you get anything special? Why play EOTM over the real WvW?
I think the question is much the opposite: Why play “normal” WvW instead of EOTM? EOTM is prettier, better designed, more functional…. Does “normal” WvW have anything special?
Well, no flock of pve achievement hunters blowing up bridges for starters.
But other then that, i really like EotM. I dont know if its the fact that after 1.5year of the same 2 maps i got completely sick of them, even if they got a bit of an update. Or because the playstyle in EotM is far more focussed on just playing for fun, with crazy (and unbalanced) boons, transformations, terrain, etc. That are just a lot of fun.
Why play EOTM over the real WvW?
Judging from the feedback I saw from most of the EOTM instances I was in, I would say a lot of the people will choose EOTM simply because it’s more fun. The map design creates a more dynamic WvW flow, and allows for more smaller scale fights that span across the map.
Standard WvW will still be played of course, but it has all but turned into a “let’s see who has the bigger blob”, or “let’s go cap empty bases until blob arrives”. It has been overplayed, and for a lot of the WvW players, EOTM at the moment is simply more interesting and fresh.
Also remember in a standard WvW match, some servers simply aren’t matching up well against the servers that could bring the larger zerg. So EOTM gives them a chance to join other like-colored servers and actually have some fun. When organized large guilds leave a server, they affect WvW. But in EOTM, it’s less of an issue.
There are EOTM instances where the larger guild blob overruns pugs, but you could simply exit and re-enter to get into a different instance to avoid such issues. You can’t do that in WvW. Anyways, both will be played still, just that EOTM provides a place for everybody to have fun. Not to mention some will simply choose EOTM over WvW for the better map & more interesting map design.
Have you been ignoring all the posts and patchnotes about EOTM? It’s a lobby for people in queue. That’s it. Don’t try to turn it into something bigger than what is was intended to be.