6 minutes to Knightfall
A: Yes and no
While you can still get the achievement in under six minutes, since the achievement is still buggy… there are those that still do not have yet after the server takes down the three knights in under six minutes. there are also those that by some lucky break get the achievement even if six minutes have passed.
it’s hard to tell if you’re going to get it or not, it’s not a guarantee.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
It might be helpful for us to pool our information for those who HAVE managed to get the achievement, to try and narrow down this bug and help those who are still trying for the achievement.
So if you HAVE gotten the achievement since the Friday patch, please state here:
1. When did you get the achievement? (after killing your Knight even when the other two were still alive, after the 6 minute time limit had passed etc.)
2. Which Knight did you kill when the achievement was awarded?
3. Did you remain in the same map or overflow between attempts (if making multiple attempts at 6 minutes)?
4. If Yes to question 3, did you change characters between attempts?
5. Did you get the achievement on a fresh character who’s never fought the Knights before, or on one that’s made multiple attempts at it?
6. Did you notice anything else unusual about your map’s attempt? (e.g. Green Knight’s health was dropping unusually quickly; might mean a possible scaling bug.)
I know people get it randomly IF the knight their on died within 6 minutes, but that is all I know =/